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CT Michelle
01-22-08, 18:07
When you post just make it clear what you just said. Im sure you would get more then enough men to play with at cts. This is a common request.


My wife and I have discussed visiting CTS and letting her play in the theatre however she is only interested in black men. Is it proper etiquette to insist that only black men play with her? We have no problems with others watching her but do not want to create a scene if we don't allow white guys to participate. If we came to play, do you think our preference would cause problems or would our wishes be respected?

CT Michelle
01-22-08, 18:14
I would agree with Tom Kat and wanted to thank him at the same time. In the past i have enjoyed the swingers scene and the same thing happens, often times the couples do not agree on what do to or when to do it or even who to do with. So by saying they are comming by its just talk not a commitment. You cant blame pete for that, he only offeres the place.


As an occasional visitor to CTs I can tell you that Michelle is exactly right. Pete is only passing along the information that he is given. I have gone when a couple announces they are coming. Sometimes they show as promised and some times they don't. If anyone has the inclination to place blame for no shows point it to the people who say they are coming and then don't show without letting Pete know. I personally think that is just bad manners on their part.

Amp Middleman
01-23-08, 09:53
I'm giving up on going to cts due to the fact of no talent of eye candy what so ever. on a scale of looks the girls that show up not working is at least a
.5 Yes that is a point five. Really i do not even pay attention to the girls that are working. Just the groups that show up to play. Mabey the talent that is workin there might get better also in the next few months.

P T Marauder
01-23-08, 14:22
Pete is going to have to start a scholarship fund.

My understanding is she went for an extrended degree.

CT Michelle
01-23-08, 14:34
I think that is sad, even though you may not like what shows up in the theater after all you get what you pay for. Im not really sure what you think $10.00 will get you now a days but i know for a fact it only gets me a few gallons of gas in my car.

But i was thinking when you said that you dont even pay attention to the girls working at cts but maybe "we" will get better looking in the next few months? Im not sure i understand your statement, after all i can understand if you are to cheap to take a dance but to say that you dont even look but maybe we will get better looking, does not make sence to me. I have learned in life that something can be learned from just taking the time to talk to someone. I understand you dont come to CTs to talk but then again if you are some place and ingnore half of the population there you might be missing out on something nice.

Just my thoughts,


I'm giving up on going to cts due to the fact of no talent of eye candy what so ever. on a scale of looks the girls that show up not working is at least a
.5 Yes that is a point five. Really i do not even pay attention to the girls that are working. Just the groups that show up to play. Mabey the talent that is workin there might get better also in the next few months.

CT Michelle
01-23-08, 14:35
My understanding is Petes scholarship fund is what gets them the extened degree to begin with.


Pete is going to have to start a scholarship fund.

01-23-08, 23:18
I have driven out to CT's based on the posting in the group from the owner of the group. It seems that the couples never show. or dont play. I am not sure but i believe he is just trying to guy to pay for his girls. Thats ok, but i dont care for the bait and switch

Pete does not post just to get people to the theater. I have been there many, many times and most of the time when a lady, couple, etc post, or Pete passes on the message, those people are there... sometimes a little later than posted, but they are there.

On some (few) occasions, folks that post in the group do not show for some reason. Often, they became sick, work committments kept them from showing, family issues, etc. Normally, they try to post that they are cancelling, or often they post an apology if they didn't make it.

The posts are for real. But, besides the posts, weekends are usually good for the regular or even the unexpected couples or women to show... its just that these typically happen later in the evening...

If you show up at 6:00pm, or 7:00 pm, there may not be anyone playing... but if you wait until later in the evenings... well, sometimes all hell breaks loose and there could be 5 or 6 couples/ladies in the theater looking for help from the volunteers.

CTs has has far fewer "no shows" than any other place in the area. This is because Pete has a place of respect and trust and those that play feel very comfortable there.

CT Michelle
01-25-08, 12:57
I will be working at cts tonight and saturday night, For anyone new just ask for me and i will show you around the place for anyone not new and just wants to talk stop on by


CT Michelle
01-26-08, 14:33
2 couples showed up last night, one that comes often but they dont play with others they just sit in the back and play alone. The other couple played some and then left after a few hours.


Great Out Doors
01-27-08, 10:30
Hey Michelle,

Are any of these ladies going away for extended degrees coming back with the milk still flowing? There's fellas that would be interested in that.

-The Great Outdoors

CT Michelle
01-28-08, 00:35
Usally when we are talking about extended degrees we are talking about jail time not mommy time. Although most of our girls are young and do have kids, i do not know of any right now that do have that available. Most girls in this business dont nurse they are usally in a hurry to get back to making money and often doing drugs.


Hey Michelle,

Are any of these ladies going away for extended degrees coming back with the milk still flowing? There's fellas that would be interested in that.

-The Great Outdoors

01-28-08, 06:35

Whatever happened to those other pics you were going to post up?

01-28-08, 11:00
Any of you guys with connections in the radio industry in Chicago - Please get Michelle an advice show in the midnight slot. It would be a hilarious show!

CT Michelle
01-28-08, 13:34
Its hard to be nice and truthfull at the same time. And midwest you must know me cause i do have a face for radio.


Any of you guys with connections in the radio industry in Chicago - Please get Michelle an advice show in the midnight slot. It would be a hilarious show!

01-28-08, 15:50
My wife and I have discussed visiting CTS and letting her play in the theatre however she is only interested in black men. Is it proper etiquette to insist that only black men play with her?Thank you Michelle and PT for your replies. From everything I've heard CTS is exactly the environment we're looking for and if we can request black-only participants, we will definitely visit. We driving down from the Toronto area, so once the wintery weather is behind us and we can guarantee our attendance, we'll post our intentions and come down to party in the theatre.

01-28-08, 18:42
Its hard to be nice and truthfull at the same time. And midwest you must know me cause i do have a face for radio.


But you've got tits for MY face! ;-)

01-29-08, 17:28
[QUOTE=CT Michelle]And midwest you must know me cause i do have a face for radio.

Don't be so hard on yourself!


PS - there's a face that goes with that cleavage?

01-29-08, 20:16
Michelle has one of the sweetest faces I've ever cum on.

In fact, I'd say she has a face that's launched a thousand FACIALS.....

and that's not even mentioning the cleavage, but I'd drop a load in a heartbeat there as well :D

CT Michelle
01-29-08, 23:37
Yes there is, thank you to my fans


[QUOTE=CT Michelle]And midwest you must know me cause i do have a face for radio.

Don't be so hard on yourself!


PS - there's a face that goes with that cleavage?

CT Michelle
02-03-08, 05:27
For those men that take dances at Ct's i thought you should know that the new rule is the songs can not be more then 2 minutes. So all of our music cuts out after 2 minutes.

CT Michelle

Steven Lynn
02-03-08, 14:25
I'd love to see your face, Michelle.

It might motivate me to drive out to CTS.

02-03-08, 20:48
For those men that take dances at Ct's i thought you should know that the new rule is the songs can not be more then 2 minutes. So all of our music cuts out after 2 minutes.

CT MichelleNo offense to you or the girls, Michelle- but Pete in his greed is going to find a deficit of formerly loyal customers. I For one will be boycotting CT.

02-03-08, 21:03
I have never been. And after reading michelles last post, I never will. I am mortified that someone would shorten a song to two minutes just to make a buck.

No offense to you or the girls, Michelle- but Pete in his greed is going to find a deficit of formerly loyal customers. I For one will be boycotting CT.

02-03-08, 21:05
Hmmm, I thought Pete does not do what he does for the money, but rather because he loves to bring horn-dogs together.. ha ha..

Michele - I will have to disagree with your earlier post on subject of "No shows" not sure what you mean by the area, but no shows at Ct's have been fairly high in the 25 to 30 times I have attended the club in the last year.

I will go to CT's from time to time, however it should be noted, that I have been to Melrose ABS half a dozen times in the last couple of months and I'm 6 for 6 for people showing up as posted... my hit rate at CT's at BEST is 25% if it is not a regular poster.... you tell me what that means.... anyway, as with any spending of $, we the consumer have options and should exercise our spending according to the value we feel we get... or don't get...


No offense to you or the girls, Michelle- but Pete in his greed is going to find a deficit of formerly loyal customers. I For one will be boycotting CT.

02-03-08, 22:55
For those men that take dances at Ct's i thought you should know that the new rule is the songs can not be more then 2 minutes. So all of our music cuts out after 2 minutes.

CT Michelle

So for my $53+, I get 6 minutes to get 'er done???? Is this for the girls or is this Pete's idea? I'm getting old, I don't know if I can finish in 6 minutes.....

Chi Guy
02-03-08, 23:23
For those men that take dances at Ct's i thought you should know that the new rule is the songs can not be more then 2 minutes. So all of our music cuts out after 2 minutes.

CT Michelle

IMHO, I think this is a bad decision that will hurt Pete's business. Other places do the same thing, and for that reason, I have stayed away from them. I'll now be staying away from CT's. If this decision is reconsidered, I'll reconsider mine as well.

02-03-08, 23:24
For those men that take dances at Ct's i thought you should know that the new rule is the songs can not be more then 2 minutes. So all of our music cuts out after 2 minutes.

CT Michelle

That does it for me too... for the money for the songs, plus the tip, I can get a half hour to an hour of great company without the stress of trying to finish quickly.

CT Michelle
02-03-08, 23:52
If you Pm me with a email address i can send you a pic. I may be working alot this week so i will be easy to find.


I'd love to see your face, Michelle.

It might motivate me to drive out to CTS.

CT Michelle
02-04-08, 00:25
Ok i talked to pete about this and he said it is at most 3 minutes not 2. I also heard why it happened, A girl was charging for 2 songs and only playing one long song so she could keep more of the money.

On that note although i do agree that having the company and a nice bed to be in is a better deal then this, i think for those that still want to go to CTs you should talk to Pete call him, email him what ever you can to change things and make Ct's all it can be.


That does it for me too... for the money for the songs, plus the tip, I can get a half hour to an hour of great company without the stress of trying to finish quickly.

02-05-08, 03:41
I don't think 2 minutes dances shouldn't be a problem. For teenage virgins. Who've spent all their lives on a deserted island. Stuck on the backs like overturned turtles. With their hands tied so that they couldn't. Y'know. 2 minutes should be plenty of time for guys like this, in fact they'll probably wonder what to do with the extra minute and fifty seconds.

C'mon the uncut songs were one of the only reasons I'd consider (not actually get, just consider) a private dance at CTs. It's simple math. 53 for 3 songs, plus. 5 or $ for the special dances and we're talking maybe $ to a $. 5 for something that ended up being like a race to cross the 'finish' line in time. Honestly, for that kind of dough you can get more bang for buck elsewhere, and in more comfort too.

The last time I got a private dance at CTs was on a hot, standing room only, night in the theater. And I got tired of standing.

I'll still go to CTs for the Theater, but if the songs are going to be cut now, the only other reason I'd get private dance would be if it was with Michelle or Honey. They'd be worth $, but as far as risking $ on 2 minute dances with other dancers, fugedaboutit!

CT Michelle
02-05-08, 19:03
What if a $50 half hour USA Special?

CT Michelle

P T Marauder
02-07-08, 11:20
Hey, just a quick note for you guys that are hovering around Michelle trying to decide whether to take the plunge or not, in addition to having those soft, ginormous boobies she is about the nicest person you could hope to meet under any circumstances. She is a BBW, but if that instantly puts you off then you are missing out.

Tom Kat
02-07-08, 15:45
Hi Michele,
I believe that the dancers would be a whole lot busier if they offered 30 min for $50 and would probably make more money in the long run. Every time I have been there the dancers spend the vast majority of their time standing around or playing video games. What do you think?

What if a $50 half hour USA Special?

CT Michelle

CT Michelle
02-07-08, 16:06
Im not really thinking about a CT special at CTs, Pete has his own thing and he is happy with it the way it is. I have tried to talk to him about ideas i have, but i dont see any changes in the near future. But i did want to comment on the video games, usally i play too but it gets so boring there i always thought that if someone was interested in me i would know it. As far as standing around, i would like nothing more then to talk to people so anytime you wany to talk just let me know.


Hi Michele,
I believe that the dancers would be a whole lot busier if they offered 30 min for $50 and would probably make more money in the long run. Every time I have been there the dancers spend the vast majority of their time standing around or playing video games. What do you think?

Tom Kat
02-08-08, 09:12
Actually you and I have talked a few times. I think if you saw me you would recognize me. I know it must be very boring at times for the dancers at CTs. If you are like me video games are entertaining but get old after awhile. Have you ever thought about opening your own place. I think you would do well. What do you think guys????

Im not really thinking about a CT special at CTs, Pete has his own thing and he is happy with it the way it is. I have tried to talk to him about ideas i have, but i dont see any changes in the near future. But i did want to comment on the video games, usally i play too but it gets so boring there i always thought that if someone was interested in me i would know it. As far as standing around, i would like nothing more then to talk to people so anytime you wany to talk just let me know.


02-08-08, 10:25
I'd go. Would deffinately spend my mongering fundings there instead of a few places.

Actually you and I have talked a few times. I think if you saw me you would recognize me. I know it must be very boring at times for the dancers at CTs. If you are like me video games are entertaining but get old after awhile. Have you ever thought about opening your own place. I think you would do well. What do you think guys????

Nelson Muntz
02-08-08, 15:28
Actually you and I have talked a few times. I think if you saw me you would recognize me. I know it must be very boring at times for the dancers at CTs. If you are like me video games are entertaining but get old after awhile. Have you ever thought about opening your own place. I think you would do well. What do you think guys????

I echo the sentiments about CTS Michelle. Time and money well spent.

Mish is so cool and real, that the last visit I had with her, she actually did read to me from a book (not on my time either). That's what I call a real "librarian".

For the record. I'm not into "BBWs or ginormous boobs" but I'd put Michelle down as one of my all time favorites. In fact, I think I'm going to call her right now.

02-09-08, 19:09
Looks like I'll be travelling by the place on Sunday evenings for a while. Can anyone say if Laura (Wyldthang) is still a regular visitor to the theater on Sundays nights?

And, silly question I suppose but NW Indiana timezones are interesting, what timezone is CT's in, and does it observe Daylight Saving Time?

02-10-08, 15:29
I wasn't able to make it to CT's last nite and saw Pete's post about a young hot couple and 2 other couples being there. Can anyone tell a senior member what went on at CT's last night and verify Pete's messages?

CT Michelle
02-10-08, 19:47
Yes 3 couples showed up last night from what i could tell, i dont go in the theater 2 out of the three played. One couple playes a bit and the other couple played alot and possible the 3rd like to watch


I wasn't able to make it to CT's last nite and saw Pete's post about a young hot couple and 2 other couples being there. Can anyone tell a senior member what went on at CT's last night and verify Pete's messages?

02-11-08, 00:11
Yes 3 couples showed up last night from what i could tell, i dont go in the theater 2 out of the three played. One couple playes a bit and the other couple played alot and possible the 3rd like to watch


Did the so called HOT couple do anything?

CT Michelle
02-11-08, 02:03
Im sorry you are asking me to say if the couple was hot, I saying that a couple played. The fact that they played is hot


Yes 3 couples showed up last night from what i could tell, i dont go in the theater 2 out of the three played. One couple playes a bit and the other couple played alot and possible the 3rd like to watch



02-11-08, 04:13
Im sorry you are asking me to say if the couple was hot, I saying that a couple played. The fact that they played is hot

That's what Pete said in his message that the couple was hot. I guess everbody has their definition of what's hot.

02-11-08, 04:22
That's what Pete said in his message that the couple was hot. I guess everbody has their definition of what's hot.The term could mean "looks" or they were actively in the mood i.e. hot to trot. What good is the looks without action? Pete could mean both. I lean to at least the action part.

02-12-08, 07:59
That is one thing I don't like about Pete's methods. He isn't interested in peoples fetishes, just people coming in. So he will tell everyone that someone is hot when some might not go for that particular brand. Or he will get indignant when I ask what they look like or what they want. "Just come and find out"

CT Michelle
02-13-08, 04:15
I really wanted to comment on this to my understanding a fetish is acording to the dictionary

"an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression"

Now if i am correct you are asking Pete to give you details about specific
people and something that you are into? OK so for a moment lets assume that Pete doesnt own a business, im sure you do your job for free, and lets assume that you pay $100.00's of dollors to see the person in the theater in that case i could understand you wanting more details, Lets be real you not buying the car, you are not even renting it, for the small amount of only $10.00 you get to use it and abuse it. Pete thinks outside of the box thats what makes Cts the place that it is what ever you are interested in you will not be judged. Petes only thing is to provide the place and he will give as much info as he has on the site, pictures if he has them and email address to talk to the people in advance.

You want details hire an escort you can get just what you want when you want it,


That is one thing I don't like about Pete's methods. He isn't interested in peoples fetishes, just people coming in. So he will tell everyone that someone is hot when some might not go for that particular brand. Or he will get indignant when I ask what they look like or what they want. "Just come and find out"

02-16-08, 15:17
And, silly question I suppose but NW Indiana timezones are interesting, what timezone is CT's in, and does it observe Daylight Saving Time?All of NW Indiana is on Central Time (same as Chicago), and Indiana observes Daylight Saving Time now, as does every state but Arizona, so there shouldn't be any confusion.

Zigman 01
02-19-08, 00:43
Where is CTS theater?

02-19-08, 02:39
Where is CTS theater?4620 Industrial Hwy
Rt 12 by Gary Airport near buffington Boats
Gary, Indiana, USA
(219) 944-3773
About 2 miles east of Cline Ave at the corner of Clark before the under pass

CT Michelle
02-19-08, 05:02
For those that got my personal email i will be offering the same again this next weekend

CT Michelle

P T Marauder
02-19-08, 11:49

Where is CTS theater?

02-21-08, 00:35
For those that got my personal email i will be offering the same again this next weekend.

CT MichelleOut of curiosity, what might one have to do to get one of these personal emails?


02-22-08, 03:22
Back in area and decided to visit ct tonight.

Well I will be back.

CT Michelle
02-22-08, 15:32
For those that got my email i will be offering the same again this weekend. But this is only for this weekend and you must make a time that i will see you

Ct Michelle

02-23-08, 07:33
Just wanted to say hi!

Long time lurker, but since I am familiar with the topics, especially the areas that are talked about, I figured I might as well become a part of the conversations. I pass by the Theatre everyday on my way home from work. Always curious, but never went in. One day that will change. But until then, I'll keep to the sidelines!

Take care all!

02-23-08, 08:19
Wasn't able to make it last nite. Can anyone tell me what fun transpired in the theater?

CT Michelle
02-23-08, 22:30
The couple showed up and have started to play in the theater tonight, As far as last night im not sure how many couples showed up but i do know at least 2 of the couples did play


02-25-08, 03:55
Passed by there tonight around 10:30pm and there were about 4 cars outside, not including the car that's always parked out there by the pole. Just fyi.

02-26-08, 04:43
Passed again in this blizzard. 3 cars plus 1 around 1am. Does this info help anyone or should I stop?


CT Michelle
02-26-08, 12:02
Well i guess it depends on what you are looking for, My car was one of the cars there last night in front along with 2 other girls working. There was a couple playing in the theater for a bit, so you never know what you are going to stumble across.


Passed again in this blizzard. 3 cars plus 1 around 1am. Does this info help anyone or should I stop?


02-27-08, 05:06
I didn't mean I passed as in I was going in, I literally meant, drove by. It's on the way home! CT Michelle, I HAVE to stop by and at least say Hi! It's just that I don't want to cause any misgivings on any reports I'm leaving on this forum, that's all. You know, "Oh brother, a stalker! " things like that. My intention is to kind of act like a scout. I also pass a certain spa in E. C. If anyone wants info on that, like was it open, for instance, etc. CT Michelle, hope to see you soon! Absolutely LOVE your pic!

02-28-08, 22:58
Stopped by to see the librarian today. Two bbw and Honey. Picked honey and enjoyed here oral dictation by my favorite author.


03-01-08, 06:34
Lots of cars out there tonight around 1:30am. CT Michelle, any news on the activity?

03-01-08, 18:11
Lots of cars out there tonight around 1:30am. CT Michelle, any news on the activity?Your reports are frightening.

CT Michelle
03-01-08, 20:49
Tonight we had 2 couples here and one girl that wanted to be sub. One of the couples didnt play at all, But here is a first, one couple was looking for a girl to play with and didnt have any takers so i took one for the team and got on the table in the theater so she could eat my pussy out for about 30 minutes, (sometimes i have such a tough job) Then about 30 mintues later i went in the theater to eat her out. So next time you are passin by stop on in and see whats going on, you never know what fun there is going on.


Lots of cars out there tonight around 1:30am. CT Michelle, any news on the activity?

03-02-08, 04:27
Wow! Thanks!

03-02-08, 14:55
Tonight we had 2 couples here and one girl that wanted to be sub. One of the couples didnt play at all, But here is a first, one couple was looking for a girl to play with and didnt have any takers so i took one for the team and got on the table in the theater so she could eat my pussy out for about 30 minutes, (sometimes i have such a tough job) Then about 30 mintues later i went in the theater to eat her out. So next time you are passin by stop on in and see whats going on, you never know what fun there is going on.

Which white girls are working today?

CT Michelle
03-02-08, 18:32
Usally Heather, Presious and sometimes missy work, but honestly its who ever shows up usally


Which white girls are working today?

03-03-08, 03:22
Parking lot had lots of cars tonight around 10:30 pm.

Deep Subman
03-03-08, 23:49
Nards, great comprehensive report on the cars.

03-04-08, 00:36
Thanks Deep Subman!

If there's any other place down u.s. 20 you want a scout on, let me know!

03-04-08, 01:15
Parking lot had lots of cars tonight around 10:30 pm.
And what else happened?

03-04-08, 01:35
Nards, great comprehensive report on the cars.Honestly, at first i was annoyed but now i am frightened

At this point i am praying nards is a narc and not some traffic reporting psycho.

CT Michelle
03-04-08, 01:51
Our friend Nards just checks the parking lot, he has yet to visit, it something he does as he passes by


And what else happened?

03-04-08, 04:53
Our friend Nards just checks the parking lot, he has yet to visit, it something he does as he passes by

CTMichelleThanks, CTMichelle! Jimjamesx, hopefully soon I'll stop in. Take care, all!

03-06-08, 23:35
Passed by today around 2:40PM. 2 cars outside, that was about it.

Deep Subman
03-07-08, 08:55
Hey Nards, what did the cars look like? Do you know if the cars provide FS? Thanks for the report but this forum is for woman not cars.

03-07-08, 12:16
although amount of cars in parking lot = fun time inside

I did a "nards" last night on my way to Casino. Just two cars in lot. Figured nothing going on in Theatre and did not stop

El Monger
03-07-08, 13:20
Honestly, at first i was annoyed but now i am frightened

At this point i am praying nards is a narc and not some traffic reporting psycho.
Yeah on another site he is posting year and and makes with plate info......

03-07-08, 14:29
although amount of cars in parking lot = fun time inside

I did a "nards" last night on my way to Casino. Just two cars in lot. Figured nothing going on in Theatre and did not stopA couple weeks ago I went past on a Sunday night and only saw I think two cars in the lot (maybe three), and almost didn't stop. But I went in, asked if there were any couples in the theater, and was told yes. Laura was there (as usual on a Sunday night). And that was enough!

Oh yeah, and one black dancer.

So number of cars isn't totally reliable. Go in and ask at least.

03-07-08, 18:26
Thanks for the invitation to do additional scouting.

There is a location I'd like checked out. There has been alot of recent activity by the car dealership down route 20 by Miller Beach. Please check it out and let us know how many cars you see in the dealer's lot.


CT Michelle
03-07-08, 19:46
I guess i should say that alot of the girls dont drive, (for good reasons) so cars in the parking lot doesnt always mean anything. But sometimes it is a good show going on if there is alot of cars so you never know,

CT Michelle

03-07-08, 22:33
That's cool. I was just trying to give some info on the area, that's all. Didn't realize it became somewhat of an annoyance to some. Oh well. I'm also not a narc, or a traffic reporting psycho, and I also know what this forum is for and what it isn't. No need to reiterate any more. But whatever.

03-08-08, 10:49
I think they are just teasing you a little.

Don't take it personal.

CT Michelle
03-08-08, 14:33
I think all that people are saying is that they would rather hear the "good" stuff. LIke who is doing what to whom. Besides what goes on in the parking lot should stay in the parking lot, been there done that. (just kidding) Take the time to stop in and say hi sometime soon, im on my way there right now.

CT Michelle

That's cool. I was just trying to give some info on the area, that's all. Didn't realize it became somewhat of an annoyance to some. Oh well. I'm also not a narc, or a traffic reporting psycho, and I also know what this forum is for and what it isn't. No need to reiterate any more. But whatever.

03-08-08, 21:45
That's cool. I was just trying to give some info on the area, that's all. Didn't realize it became somewhat of an annoyance to some. Oh well. I'm also not a narc, or a traffic reporting psycho, and I also know what this forum is for and what it isn't. No need to reiterate any more. But whatever.

Just cover it when you do it Nards... I hear exhaust soot isn't healthy.

CT Michelle
03-08-08, 22:07
Ok for anyone that needs something/someone to do, At present time 3 couples here

CT Michelle

Sam Doherty
03-08-08, 22:08
Where exactly is this place located so I can visit?

And are white guys welcome?

03-08-08, 23:28
Is this a 21 and up club, or can a 19 year old come in?

03-08-08, 23:54
I think they are just teasing you a little.

Don't take it personal.Thanks, Shovelhead! I figured that. You can tell by the, um, "attempts" at humor. No harm done!

CT Michelle, hope to see you soon. Good weekend, all.

03-09-08, 18:58
Is this a 21 and up club, or can a 19 year old come in?
From what I remember it is 21 and up. Have I gotten in before I was 21, yes. shhhh

Where exactly is this place located so I can visit?

And are white guys welcome?Pretty much everyone is welcum.

CT Michelle
03-09-08, 19:03
I cant give the address so if you pm me i will give it to you, but i can say this, although we are in Gary we are so close to being out of Gary we really are not in Gary. I would say we have more white guys then anything else in the club. And usally more white girls then anything else. Also its rare to see a black couple in the theater.


Where exactly is this place located so I can visit?

And are white guys welcome?

CT Michelle
03-09-08, 19:04
We dont serve beer so you are more then welcome here

CT Michelle

Is this a 21 and up club, or can a 19 year old come in?

CT Michelle
03-10-08, 20:50
Ok for those asking STAR the dancer is back, i dont have much more info then that, she is wrking nights now


03-11-08, 13:22
AWESOME!! Star is one very sexy ebony lady, headed back there as soon as I can!

Ok for those asking STAR the dancer is back, i dont have much more info then that, she is wrking nights now


03-12-08, 00:44
I am interested in coming over tomorrow (March 12) who is working, how much should I bring $ wise, is there a sight for the theater.

CT Michelle
03-13-08, 13:43
I just saw the post, did you stop by? Weekdays are hit or miss in the theater though.
As far as money well that depends on what you are looking for


I am interested in coming over tomorrow (March 12) who is working, how much should I bring $ wise, is there a sight for the theater.

03-16-08, 10:56
There was a cute little spinner white, brown hair and eyes late 30's to early 40's nice small tits, waist, and ass came to the theater with her man. They were there about 9:00 but left early because there were too many guys. But then they came back around 11:00 to find fewer guys in theater so she was not scared. One of the guys talked to the couple to get the lady comfortable and after that she serviced just about everyone in the room. The snatch was really tight and wet. Hope they come back again. Their names were Brad and Laura. Can I get a witness?

Amp Middleman
03-16-08, 11:33
Does any one have a confirmation on the new "brit. spears" look alike working ther that pete kept trying to pimp obout there about three or so weeks ago? I've been going t least 4 times a month haven't seen no none real eye candy there worth batting an eye at.

Gary Man
03-16-08, 13:46
There was a cute little spinner white, brown hair and eyes late 30's to early 40's nice small tits, waist, and ass came to the theater with her man. They were there about 9:00 but left early because there were too many guys. But then they came back around 11:00 to find fewer guys in theater so she was not scared. One of the guys talked to the couple to get the lady comfortable and after that she serviced just about everyone in the room. The snatch was really tight and wet. Hope they come back again. Their names were Brad and Laura. Can I get a witness?When I got there, about 12:30a, the couple was taking a break and got a few lapdances. She had on a long coat and nutin underneath.

They went back into the theater, where she bent over the table. Played for about 30min, about 4 guys did her doggie, but she had had enough, was worn out. LOL A few guys didn't get their turn.

I was hoping for a BJ, but she only did that to her guy while I was there. She had a nice ass. They said they'd return. And Pete said they where there before. First time I seen them.

AMP Middleman:

The "new" dancer was / is a no show.

Amp Middleman
03-16-08, 18:21
Thanks bro.
and to Jim that couple that you met there I would say is a pretty nice and playful couple that was there. Seen then a couple times in the past.

03-16-08, 21:17
When I got there, about 12:30a, the couple was taking a break and got a few lapdances. She had on a long coat and nutin underneath.

They went back into the theater, where she bent over the table. Played for about 30min, about 4 guys did her doggie, but she had had enough, was worn out. LOL A few guys didn't get their turn.

I was hoping for a BJ, but she only did that to her guy while I was there. She had a nice ass. They said they'd return. And Pete said they where there before. First time I seen them.

AMP Middleman:

The "new" dancer was / is a no show.
I was the short, black guy that did her doggy.

03-17-08, 20:45
I'm going to be in the area this Thursday, and was thinking of stopping in...any idea if there will be anything going on in the theater Michelle?

CT Michelle
03-18-08, 23:26
Thursdays are usally slow we can only hope that because it before a holiday there may be some fun


I'm going to be in the area this Thursday, and was thinking of stopping in...any idea if there will be anything going on in the theater Michelle?

03-20-08, 14:05
Hope you're right..if I make it down, it won't be till late, like 11:30 or so. Any idea who's going to be working tonight?

Thursdays are usally slow we can only hope that because it before a holiday there may be some fun


CT Michelle
03-24-08, 10:40
Ok you guys are boring no up dates so i guess i have to fill everyone in, Fridays have been awsome with couple after couple comming in. Yes one couple doenst play with others but i do hear its a nice show. All the other couples do play though. Kathy the "BJ" queen returned to cts. I talked to her and she said Ct's will always be her home.

Girl update, daytime girls are as of today Honey, Heather, Angel and Dessiray(sometimes) Night time girls are Presious,and sometimes the following Star, Missy, Cuddles and my self. I may have forgoten a few i can always update later.


03-24-08, 16:34
Typically how late is she there on Sundays?

Sam Doherty
03-26-08, 02:03
Hey Michelle- I'm guessing those pics never came through but I'm wondering if you know who will be there tomorrow (day and night) and Thursday/Friday during the day. I plan on making a trip.

I prefer smaller, younger white girls. Maybe you could help with my type. Thanks

Ok you guys are boring no up dates so i guess i have to fill everyone in, Fridays have been awsome with couple after couple comming in. Yes one couple doenst play with others but i do hear its a nice show. All the other couples do play though. Kathy the "BJ" queen returned to cts. I talked to her and she said Ct's will always be her home.

Girl update, daytime girls are as of today Honey, Heather, Angel and Dessiray(sometimes) Night time girls are Presious,and sometimes the following Star, Missy, Cuddles and my self. I may have forgoten a few i can always update later.


Flint Striker
03-27-08, 13:01
I just tried to PM you to get some info on the theater. My message wouldn't go through because your mailbox is full. Please PM me when you can. I have RTFF and have a couple questions for you.



03-27-08, 20:06

Does Jen still work there, younger girl black straight hair a little bigger?

CT Michelle
03-27-08, 20:42
Usally she is there later on sundays


Typically how late is she there on Sundays?

CT Michelle
03-27-08, 20:44
Im sorry i was out of town and just got to my mail, Friday would be best to see honey.

CT Michelle

Hey Michelle- I'm guessing those pics never came through but I'm wondering if you know who will be there tomorrow (day and night) and Thursday/Friday during the day. I plan on making a trip.

I prefer smaller, younger white girls. Maybe you could help with my type. Thanks

CT Michelle
03-30-08, 22:34
No Jen is no longer at cts

CT Michelle,

Does Jen still work there, younger girl black straight hair a little bigger?[/QUOTE]

03-31-08, 00:32
What happened to our friend nards? How will I ever know how many cars are in cts lot?

03-31-08, 03:51
What happened to our friend nards? How will I ever know how many cars are in cts lot?Go look! Ha ha!

CT Michelle
04-04-08, 15:03
Good for you, Its friday night i can only hope fun will be had by everyone.

CT Michelle

04-04-08, 15:36
I am a bit far away from "da region" so I wonder what the lineup is and when the best time might be to come for theater action Fridays. Are there any of the little white chicks working I have heard about on this list (honey? is that it?). The last time I drove buy there were tons of cars and trucks in the lot.

Good for you, Its friday night i can only hope fun will be had by everyone.

CT Michelle

CT Michelle
04-04-08, 21:30
in would wait till next friday looks like this week is a bust. As far as little white chicks yes honey is that but she is a day girl so you wont find her here at night. As far as night girls you need to ask for prescious. Tons of cars/trucks usallly mean theater action.

CT Michelle

I am a bit far away from "da region" so I wonder what the lineup is and when the best time might be to come for theater action Fridays. Are there any of the little white chicks working I have heard about on this list (honey? is that it?). The last time I drove buy there were tons of cars and trucks in the lot.

04-05-08, 07:04
I am a bit far away from "da region" so I wonder what the lineup is and when the best time might be to come for theater action Fridays. Are there any of the little white chicks working I have heard about on this list (honey? is that it?). The last time I drove buy there were tons of cars and trucks in the lot.Badgers,

I'd comment about the amount of cars due to my "car fetish", but I would probably just annoy some people. Wink! CT Michelle, you're a doll! Hope everyone has a good and eventful weekend!

CT Michelle
04-10-08, 23:10
Ok guys nothing going on in this room lately so i was thinking, i would like some feedback about your favorite CT girl and why? This gives everyone a chance to find out about your girl and why she is the one you request.

Also for those asking about new girls we just got a new black girl that will be working days very young very cute and very thin.

CT MIchelle

04-10-08, 23:53
Do u have any pics of honey? If so plz post.

04-11-08, 20:07
This is in no specific order, hunny is one of my faves. Because she has a great attitude and makes you feel very comfortable, like youve known her for a long time. Another is star, I like her because shes short and has excellant top side if you know what I'm getting at.

04-12-08, 00:00
CT Michelle, or anyone else for that matter, I have yet to visit CT and was wondering if tonight was a good night for my first time. If so, how late is it open?

04-12-08, 00:21
How is the place this evening?

CT Michelle
04-12-08, 21:36
Depending on what you are looking for tonight would be fine, not much going on that i can see though. WE are open till 2 am but i dont know if i will be here that late


CT Michelle, or anyone else for that matter, I have yet to visit CT and was wondering if tonight was a good night for my first time. If so, how late is it open?

04-13-08, 00:29
Ok you guys are boring no up dates so i guess i have to fill everyone in, Fridays have been awsome with couple after couple comming in. Yes one couple doenst play with others but i do hear its a nice show. All the other couples do play though. Kathy the "BJ" queen returned to cts. I talked to her and she said Ct's will always be her home.

Girl update, daytime girls are as of today Honey, Heather, Angel and Dessiray(sometimes) Night time girls are Presious,and sometimes the following Star, Missy, Cuddles and my self. I may have forgoten a few i can always update later.


"Star" being the Star who worked there for years?
I thought she left.
If she'sback - I will be too!

Chi Guy
04-13-08, 09:37
Do u have any pics of honey? If so plz post.
Here's a post from four years ago to give you some idea.


CT Michelle
04-13-08, 20:48
I just worked with Star last night, she works nights


"Star" being the Star who worked there for years?
I thought she left.
If she'sback - I will be too!

CT Michelle
04-16-08, 12:04
Ok my friends out there, Im thinking about adding a service to what i already do at CT's. I talked to Pete and i want to get some ideas/advice here. IM thinking about offereing real massages and also shaving services, that i can do there. Let me know what you think


04-16-08, 15:42
Well you might draw unwanted attention if massuse is not certified, just like the amps. Not to mention barbers for shaving. Just my two cents. Good luck

04-16-08, 16:42
Hhow about some fisting services? wink, wink, nudge, nudge:)

04-16-08, 21:13
I was a big fan of jen.. what happened to her?

04-17-08, 10:26
Suggest international flavour of masseuses - Asian, latina, black, Euro. Chinese MP's in Chinatown are now charging .5 for an hour + tips Table shower would enhance the experience. You would be in direct competition with Peking Spa in EC, but, so what.

I would make the trip from Illinois

CT Michelle
04-18-08, 03:20
Well you want to take all the fun out of things here, I dont think if I do it toppless anyone would care if i was certified. I will say that i have been a counserlor without a degree in that, I have given everything from personal finance to sex education advise. And i have been known to do a few pevlic exams without being a dr.

Ct Michelle

Well you might draw unwanted attention if massuse is not certified, just like the amps. Not to mention barbers for shaving. Just my two cents. Good luck

CT Michelle
04-18-08, 03:22
Yes this is my hobby and i do not charge for this service, i only ask that i may take a pic of my hand/arm inserted.


Hhow about some fisting services? wink, wink, nudge, nudge:)

CT Michelle
04-18-08, 03:23
Jen has moved on to another chapter in her life, she is doing well and not intersted in this business right now,

Ct Michelle

I was a big fan of jen.. what happened to her?

04-18-08, 08:58
Great answer and great sense of humor. Keep up the good work. Boatload

Yes this is my hobby and i do not charge for this service, i only ask that i may take a pic of my hand/arm inserted.


04-18-08, 15:39
Yes this is my hobby and i do not charge for this service, i only ask that i may take a pic of my hand/arm inserted.


ROFL... that was a great response.....

04-18-08, 18:26
Well you want to take all the fun out of things here, I dont think if I do it toppless anyone would care if i was certified. I will say that i have been a counserlor without a degree in that, I have given everything from personal finance to sex education advise. And i have been known to do a few pevlic exams without being a dr.

Ct MichelleI am sure no customer would ever ask or care about the massage certificate. I do not know a provider I would trust with a razor to my throat though. LOL Now as far as pelvic exams from fist to arm, I tend to believe you are certified. But in a different way. LOL love out.

Mw Jrp
04-19-08, 10:19
After a satifying date with Kelly, I stopped over at CT's. One couple that does not play was there performing. Then about 9:30-10pm another couple showed up. Very nice full figure lady. Her man warmed her up in the theatre, then the BBBJ line formed. First dude took a lot of time, not sure her ever popped, Next guy got started, but another dude was trying to take pics and the man freaked, gathered his lady up and left. I was about 4th in line and would have finished quick, but camera-man scrweded it up for all. Need to be more respectful of everyones likes and dislikes. Too bad. Worked up again, but past bedtime, so called it a night. Didn't see anything along Rt20 to satisfy the new stirrings. MW

Gary Man
04-19-08, 13:29
...Then about 9:30-10pm another couple showed up. Very nice full figure lady. ...another dude was trying to take pics and the man freaked, gathered his lady up and left. camera-man scrweded it up for all. Need to be more respectful of everyones likes and dislikes.The Lady was PurePleasure, a regular to CT's. Because of camera-man's antics, they're threatening not to return to CT's.

Mw Jrp
04-23-08, 13:10
The Lady was PurePleasure, a regular to CT's. Because of camera-man's antics, they're threatening not to return to CT's.

Well I get to your area once or twice a year. IMHO, all the regulars need to "police" the mongering crowd so the entertaining ladies and their companions are never offended; like the loud couple in the corner that night. No one infringed on their space. Good hunting. MW

CT Michelle
04-26-08, 16:43
OK tonight there is going to be a gang bang at cts, looks like around 7ish for anyone looking for some fun. And if that doest work for you, there is always dancers waiting to have fun.


04-28-08, 15:04
No Jen is no longer at cts

CT Michelle,

Does Jen still work there, younger girl black straight hair a little bigger?[/QUOTE]Are there any other Black girls there?

I like them chocolate OR vanilla as long as they are petite (or thinner if tall).

CT Michelle
05-02-08, 01:56
Usally there is at least 2 black girls working on every time of the day.

Ct Michelle

Are there any other Black girls there?

I like them chocolate OR vanilla as long as they are petite (or thinner if tall).[/QUOTE]

Gary Man
05-08-08, 12:07
FYI: Ct's group has been deleted.

If I know Pete, he'll have a new one up this evening.

P T Marauder
05-09-08, 08:37
That happens with disturbing regularity.

FYI: Ct's group has been deleted.
If I know Pete, he'll have a new one up this evening.

05-09-08, 11:43
What do you mean by the group?

Like the people who work at CTS?

05-09-08, 14:45
FYI: Ct's group has been deleted.

If I know Pete, he'll have a new one up this evening.Why don't you guys just post here?

I really want to know.

Is there some "problem" with the USASG?

Why is it that you you would use a site that is continiously being taken down by the hosting company?



Saint Million
05-09-08, 19:10
Could someone please tell me where CTS is located?


05-09-08, 19:51
What do you mean by the group?

Like the people who work at CTS?They are talking about a web site.

05-09-08, 19:54
Why don't you guys just post here?

I really want to know.

Is there some "problem" with the USASG?

Why is it that you you would use a site that is continiously being taken down by the hosting company?


JacksonHe uses a web site that uses a password to limit viewers. Here it is open. I would prefer he use this.

Gary Man
05-10-08, 04:19
it got hacked, or was taken down, Pete's not sure. I'm a little confused myself:
He was online, then all of a sudden everything was lost, his account, even his "name."

05-10-08, 06:00
Could someone please tell me where CTS is located?

ThanksDo not be lazy read the forum. Go back and you will find answers to most of your questions. This one is on me. If you look you'll find a map!

4620 Industrial Hwy
Rt 12 by Gary Airport near buffington Boats
Gary, Indiana, USA
(219) 944-3773
About 2 miles east of Cline Ave at the corner of Clark before the under pass

Travel Guy
05-12-08, 16:39
Until Pete gets his site up, lets keep everyone up to date on this site.

CT Michelle
05-14-08, 07:49
I have Petes new site for those interested, i dont know if Jackson will let me me post it here


Why don't you guys just post here?

I really want to know.

Is there some "problem" with the USASG?

Why is it that you you would use a site that is continiously being taken down by the hosting company?



Gary Man
05-14-08, 21:11
I have Petes new site for those interested, i dont know if Jackson will let me me post it here

CTMichelleNot Allowed. Not even in PM. Never has been allowed.

I provided only the groups name, not a link, in my post of 5/10/08. That part was deleted.

One will have to visit CT's to get that info.


Hi Guys,

PM is okay. My objection is with POSTING the url.



Travel Guy
05-15-08, 09:11
Jackson is it ok if they send us the site name thru a PM?

Gary Man
05-15-08, 10:47
I just sent travel guy a PM of CT's new name.

When I previewed it, the URL is incomplete, only the new name appears:

[url]http://*************************(New Name)[url]

Hence my post that it's not allowed to send the URL by PM.



Just put a space somewhere in the name and it won't be starred out.



P T Marauder
05-15-08, 16:15
Can someone who is in Pete's CT's group make the suggestion to move the conversations over here. The Youhoo (sic) group keeps getting deleted, while this location is pretty stable. Then he wouldn't have to fool with moderating it and so forth.

One catch might be that CT's promotes some activities that conflict with the guidelines here. That might be a problem.

P T Marauder
05-15-08, 16:19
Jackson, I think part of the issue might be that there is a considerable amount of non-hetero activity that goes on there, both in the group and at the location.

I'm not much invested in what other people do for their jollies, but I have had a couple of "yuck, gotta go" occasions there where what was happening was just way out of my comfort zone.

Why don't you guys just post here?

I really want to know.

Is there some "problem" with the USASG?

Why is it that you you would use a site that is continiously being taken down by the hosting company?



05-15-08, 20:43
Can someone who is in Pete's CT's group make the suggestion to move the conversations over here. The Youhoo (sic) group keeps getting deleted, while this location is pretty stable. Then he wouldn't have to fool with moderating it and so forth.

One catch might be that CT's promotes some activities that conflict with the guidelines here. That might be a problem.

The other problem with moving it here is that there is a lot of "junk" on that message board.. I would hate to see this useful forum become a billboard for non related banter.

CT Michelle
05-15-08, 23:04
First let me say It wouldnt work for Pete to use this forum It sometimes is not good information also this the is petes hobby he enjoys running the group. When i have good reports from the group i always try to pass it along to the men of US. Second off let me say i got alot of PM i will try to get to
all of them. Third off i did start my own buisness and have alot to talk about with any Sr member that wants to talk


Can someone who is in Pete's CT's group make the suggestion to move the conversations over here. The Youhoo (sic) group keeps getting deleted, while this location is pretty stable. Then he wouldn't have to fool with moderating it and so forth.

One catch might be that CT's promotes some activities that conflict with the guidelines here. That might be a problem.

05-15-08, 23:59
Pete has been posting about a new hot dancer named Carmen that works during the daytime. I was wondering if anybody has seen her and could provide a complete description of her.

05-16-08, 01:34
Can someone who is in Pete's CT's group make the suggestion to move the conversations over here. The Youhoo (sic) group keeps getting deleted, while this location is pretty stable. Then he wouldn't have to fool with moderating it and so forth.

One catch might be that CT's promotes some activities that conflict with the guidelines here. That might be a problem.That's exactly it. This site has a very clearly stated heterosexist bias, whereas CT's is an "anything goes between consenting adults" kind of place. That's more than just one catch, it's a direct contradiction. Unless either Jackson or Pete are willing to change their policies, Pete needs to use another site.

CT Michelle
05-16-08, 09:41
A girls view, She is around 30 something, blonde, not a bad body around 5'5"/
and of couse new girls are always fun


Pete has been posting about a new hot dancer named Carmen that works during the daytime. I was wondering if anybody has seen her and could provide a complete description of her.

CT Michelle
05-16-08, 09:42
Ok my PMs are fulll, if you want the address just send me a email address it makes it faster.


05-16-08, 09:47
I do not know your e-mail address.

Gary Man
05-17-08, 05:10
Boy did I get lucky last night!

Pete posted, about 1a, of a new Hot Couple in the theater. I got there as fast as I could. Upon arrival I found a hot wife on the table, with the husband playing with her. She had a nice pussy and a nice pair of big tits. No one else was present! The wife was hungry for cock and asked if she could suck mine. Who am I to refuse such a request from a lady? : D

We started on the table, but soon moved to the couch. The wife orally took care of her husband and I. Looked like she was enjoying herself. The husband just wanted to watch his wife give me a BJ and then sat across from us. Again who am I to refuse such a request.

The husband asked his wife if she was ready to fuck. She replied yes. He directed us to the table, where I fucked his wife.

After I finished, another guy showed up and began to play with the wife.

A little later a black couple appeared. The black wife went to the back row and watched the action while playing with herself. The black husband played a little with the white wife.

The white wife then went to the back row and went down on the black wife.

The white wife returned to the table. Her husband played with her pussy some more and I got a little head.

She was waiting for more guys to show up, but sadly no more appeared. It was very late.

I've never seen this white couple at CT's before. I hope they return. I had a blast with them. They were very friendly and much fun.

Last weekend, I went to Melrose. Mostly swinging dicks, and not enough pussy. I got no action. This weekend I find myself one on one with a nice couple. I guess that evens it out.

Larks Tongue
05-17-08, 17:44
Boy did I get lucky last night!

Pete posted, about 1a, of a new Hot Couple in the theater. I got there as fast as I could. Upon arrival I found a hot wife on the table, with the husband playing with her. She had a nice pussy and a nice pair of big tits. No one else was present! The wife was hungry for cock and asked if she could suck mine. Who am I to refuse such a request from a lady? : D

We started on the table, but soon moved to the couch. The wife orally took care of her husband and I. Looked like she was enjoying herself. The husband just wanted to watch his wife give me a BJ and then sat across from us. Again who am I to refuse such a request.

The husband asked his wife if she was ready to fuck. She replied yes. He directed us to the table, where I fucked his wife.

After I finished, another guy showed up and began to play with the wife.

A little later a black couple appeared. The black wife went to the back row and watched the action while playing with herself. The black husband played a little with the white wife.

The white wife then went to the back row and went down on the black wife.

The white wife returned to the table. Her husband played with her pussy some more and I got a little head.

She was waiting for more guys to show up, but sadly no more appeared. It was very late.

I've never seen this white couple at CT's before. I hope they return. I had a blast with them. They were very friendly and much fun.

Last weekend, I went to Melrose. Mostly swinging dicks, and not enough pussy. I got no action. This weekend I find myself one on one with a nice couple. I guess that evens it out.

Sounds like somebody owes Pete a big thank you.

Congrats on your fun and I hope that this opens up more opportunities for everyone.

CT Michelle
05-18-08, 22:21
Send me a PM with your email address.


I do not know your e-mail address.

05-18-08, 23:45
I got a message from the CT group saying Pete got 2 new dancer's 19 & 20 yo. Are these dancers black or white? I need some young vanila wafers:)

05-19-08, 08:31
Never been here before but will stop in soon. Just wondering is there dancers there all the time or just nites or weekends and do they take it all off or just dance. Also sound like there is movies playing also.

Thanks for the help and hope I'm not asking to many questions.

05-19-08, 11:36
Send me a PM with your email address.

CtMichelleMichelle you got me hooked -up.

Thanks again.

CT Michelle
05-19-08, 16:16
I belive one is white and one is black,i have only seen one of the girls


I got a message from the CT group saying Pete got 2 new dancer's 19 & 20 yo. Are these dancers black or white? I need some young vanila wafers:)

CT Michelle
05-19-08, 16:22
Girls are always there when cts is open. We offer private dances only and its up to the girls how much they take off and what they do during the dance. Bring money, We have a theater that is always open and showing a movie.


Never been here before but will stop in soon. Just wondering is there dancers there all the time or just nites or weekends and do they take it all off or just dance. Also sound like there is movies playing also.

Thanks for the help and hope I'm not asking to many questions.

Brown Bag
05-19-08, 22:37
I visited CTS last week after several months of being away. Four girls were working. Two of whom I'd never seen before. Honey and Heather (who's blonde nowadays) were there. The two new girls were Carmen and Lyla.

Carmen is a light-skinned black girl with a voluptuous (but definitely not fat) body. Lyla was sitting the whole time, but she appeared a little thicker and a LOT more shy. However, she's got a really cute face that made the shyness a bit of a turn-on for me.

I hadn't been there in a while (since Honey was 7-mos pregnant), I didn't want to test the waters with an "unknown commodity". I picked Honey, who took phenomenally good care of me. First time I ever got BBBJTC from her without having to request that final detail. I definitely left happy, but I'm still very curious about the new girls.

CT Michelle
05-21-08, 00:36
Ok i have had several girls ask me to help them out, So i am setting up work for them. If you PM let me know what you are looking for and i will see if can help you out.


Ralph Alton
05-21-08, 08:06
Is Star still working? Haven't seen her or heard anything about her for a while.

CT Michelle
05-21-08, 09:12
Yes i see her almost every day when i work, She is on nights now


Is Star still working? Haven't seen her or heard anything about her for a while.

05-25-08, 22:50
Hey babe, what's been going on at the club this weekend. Haven't seen any postings lately.

CT Michelle
05-26-08, 00:51
It has been so hit or miss, the group got canceled so alot of people are still getting up to speed on posting, this weekend was slow due to the holiday, but usally i see fridays and saturdays have been good


Hey babe, what's been going on at the club this weekend. Haven't seen any postings lately.

CT Michelle
05-27-08, 10:01
For anyone interested i will be hosting in the far north tonight, only sr member need to request infromation.


Sam Doherty
05-28-08, 23:28
Anything going on tonight? Can anyone tell me what girls are there?

Good thing that Pete kept refusing to let me add him to my list. Now the group is gone and I don't remember his yahoo name. Bad business move if you ask me.

CT Michelle
05-29-08, 13:36
Now you do you really belive that Pete would change his site? NOt, If you knew anything about Yahoo they do this all the time the have a more open policy then AOL but what they do is shut the groups down after a certain time, It has happened to other theaters too. Im not sure if you are talking about wensday or thursday night, I didnt see anything going on till friday night. As far as girls there is no set girls anymore, pretty much who shows up works


Anything going on tonight? Can anyone tell me what girls are there?

Good thing that Pete kept refusing to let me add him to my list. Now the group is gone and I don't remember his yahoo name. Bad business move if you ask me.

05-31-08, 16:19
Was at CTs last night. Little action in the theater but mostly a tease. Had more fun on other days. Did hang out with everyones fav CT girl though.

Gary Man
06-03-08, 22:33
I seems CT is the target of some unknown individual, or individuals. CT's group got deleted again. In the past three weeks, CT's Group has been deleted about 3 times. I suspect person or persons banned from CT have continued to complain to Yahoo in order to get CT's groups removed.

These selfish individuals mean to put CT out of business, and in the process hurt this community by eliminating a venue.

A new group has been created. If you knew the groups previous address, just add a 1 to the end of it.

06-04-08, 07:47
A couple of questions. First off, why doens't pete use ******* or get his own website. Wouldn't be too hard. Also when is the best time to go to the theatre. Also could we get some decent porn playing in there. The movies suck if no women are there. Also do the guys have a night. Just wondering.

Amp Middleman
06-04-08, 18:15
A couple of questions. First off, why doens't pete use ******* or get his own website. Wouldn't be too hard. Also when is the best time to go to the theatre. Also could we get some decent porn playing in there. The movies suck if no women are there. Also do the guys have a night. Just wondering.
Ha ha. Decent porn yea if u like your porn about 30 year old v.h.s. tapes. But hey each is own. Wad up Michelle

06-05-08, 00:38
Ha ha. Decent porn yea if u like your porn about 30 year old v.h.s. tapes. But hey each is own. Wad up MichelleHey! I grew up on 30 year old porn. Literally! Ha ha!

Deep Subman
06-05-08, 10:01
Went to CTS around 1pm Monday because there was going to be a gang-bang with this woman from Ohio. Went into the theatre and her and her husband where there. Her husband put her on the table and performed oral sex on her while some guys surrounded the table and watched. Then they got down off the table (I thought we were going to line up to bang her) I was sitting on the couch and she came over and sat next to me and asked if I wanted some company. We touched each other for some time and she asked if I wanted a bj. Of course I did, she asked if I brought a condom and I said would you like banana or cherry flavor? She said banana and I proceeded to receive a nice cbj. I asked if there was going to be a gang bang and she said she doesnt do that. So just an FYI, when gang bangs are advertised, they dont always happen, but I still left with a smile on my face.

CT Michelle
06-05-08, 10:21
Pete is having a web site built as we speak, Like all of you he has become just as frustrated.

As far as the best day, its seems like weekends have been pretty good later Friday nights or Saturdays although again it is hit or miss.

Porn? you have anything better? Pete doesnt usally pick out what is playing and he has no problem changing the movie so pick some thing else out from the shop.


A couple of questions. First off, why doens't pete use ******* or get his own website. Wouldn't be too hard. Also when is the best time to go to the theatre. Also could we get some decent porn playing in there. The movies suck if no women are there. Also do the guys have a night. Just wondering.

Gary Man
06-05-08, 16:37
Deep Subman:

Consider yourself lucky as she is selective. Per her posts: "she does not play with all but if she has an attraction with you there will be some quality one-on-one time which includes plenty sucking and fucking. She gets reallt turned on when she is sitting on one cock while she is going down on another hard one. " I don't recall seeing her do that at CT, but there are pics of her doing just that. I've seen them many times at CT, yet she's never picked me.

She'll go from one c*ck to the next, that's their version of a GB.

They're regulars at CT, maybe appearing every 45 days.

AMP Middleman:

Not VHS, Pete has 2 DVD players.

I don't go to CT for the porn, nor the ambiance, but for the couples or single women that play there.

06-06-08, 16:54
Hey guys,

I've heard a lot of good things about the theater and i'm hopefully gonna head out there tonight. Does anyone know if anything is going on tonight?

06-08-08, 19:34
Anybody know what the URL to the new group is?

CT Michelle
06-09-08, 21:42
For anyone interested please PM me with a email address, its to hard to PM it back from here. Also you should know pete is working on a web site so this doesnt happen again,

CT Michelle

Anybody know what the URL to the new group is?

Deep Subman
06-11-08, 13:26
Put a 1 after CTSPLAYCLUB for the new site. ex: ctsplayclub1

Ralph Alton
06-12-08, 07:47
Has anyone used two librarians for readings? Have thought about doing it, but wondered if it was available and also how much the costs above a single reader?

CT Michelle
06-12-08, 19:59
I have done 2 girl shows at ct's the price for the dance is doubled and depending on what book is read depends on the rest,


Has anyone used two librarians for readings? Have thought about doing it, but wondered if it was available and also how much the costs above a single reader?

06-14-08, 11:19
Has anyone used two librarians for readings? Have thought about doing it, but wondered if it was available and also how much the costs above a single reader?

seems like a waste of money if all you get is 3 songs

06-14-08, 21:25
seems like a waste of money if all you get is 3 songs

I have to agree. Why not pick a 'fluffer' and then get a second session with a 'finisher' if necessary?

06-14-08, 22:37
I have to agree. Why not pick a 'fluffer' and then get a second session with a 'finisher' if necessary? Two at once for double the price only good for dancer. One at a time best bet. You have one mouth, one main vein and two hands. One at a time is enough. I can see why the dancers like it because it is half the work for same pay.

CT Michelle
06-15-08, 22:35
I can say i tend to agree with one excpetion, If you want to see 2 girls kiss and play with each other and you, this is one of the options to you. There is something nice about having 2 girls on you at the same time.

CT Michelle

Two at once for double the price only good for dancer. One at a time best bet. You have one mouth, one main vein and two hands. One at a time is enough. I can see why the dancers like it because it is half the work for same pay.

06-15-08, 23:24
I can say i tend to agree with one excpetion, If you want to see 2 girls kiss and play with each other and you, this is one of the options to you. There is something nice about having 2 girls on you at the same time.

CT MichelleI would rather have two nuts over one for twice the price. I am a perv, not foolish. As far as watching to girls, I got a computer. Who really goes to watch ? As far as two on one I have but one vein and with time constraints ( songs) I want to finish my cup of coffee. Got to drink fast not reach for doughnuts. Like I said it is to a dancer's benefit. For the money , have one cup wait have the other. Monger benefit = 2 nuts same price. Also, if after the first your coffee out , you can leave with extra money for your next cup. To be absolutely truthful, any experienced monger who knows the area and was willing to spend that much money would go to Peking Spa 5 miles away for an hour of pampering verse 15 min.. I am not knocking ct cause I do visit. Like any place , everything on menu is not a bargain. IMHO :)

06-16-08, 14:23
There is nothing that sticks in my mind more than the memory of two pretty women one sucking me off and the other teabagging me at the same time. I gotta say that moment was priceless.

06-17-08, 01:27
There is nothing that sticks in my mind more than the memory of two pretty women one sucking me off and the other teabagging me at the same time. I gotta say that moment was priceless.If you have a lot of time and a room. Two and three are fantastic. I have done both and will repeat. To much going on for 15 min. If you are paying. The bigger the party, the more time you need. My monger mecca is TJ where I am all about the bigger party. I am in no way knocking the act at all. I am simply saying for the price, time and conditions it is not worth it ie double price, 15 min and no bed.

CT Michelle
06-23-08, 00:35
First off let me say this chat board has been so boring. Something must be going on, I know Petes site has changed so many times that no one can keep up, although he is having a site built so this wont happen again.

Girls? well now Prescious is on days, well sometimes for those asking. Looks like some changes going on with girls all moving around. But still some of the same old girls there.

I thought i would coment on the 2 or more girls talk, I agree having 2 girls is a experiance that must be had. Must it be had at CT's? no not at all. But for some thats all they have so then its worth the try.

CT Michelle

06-23-08, 21:27
Girls? well now Prescious is on days, well sometimes for those asking. Looks like some changes going on with girls all moving around. But still some of the same old girls there.

CT Michelle

Michelle... is Lit Momma still working there ?

Champ Chump
06-24-08, 09:46
Had some time to spare before going to work and decided to stop by CT's for a quickee. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by Lyla (I think that's her name) 5'8", caramel complexion, &, 160lbs. She asked if wanted a date and before I could answer she says she has a room and for $$ her and her friend Heather would both play with me. Jackpot, my lucky day! Off to the room we go, with all of the excitement, things went a bit quicker than I expected. With Lyla grinding the hell outta me and Heather tits working me over up top I lost it and how. There was this one light skinned black chick with an ass to die for back at CT's, I think her name is either Carmen or Brooke maybe. I was in and out so quick until I couldn't remember, but she is definitely worth coming back for. Stay safe...

CC out

CT Michelle
06-24-08, 18:30
No she is not been there for months now, although im not sure if she will stay gone much longer. We do have another girl you might also like works nights, she goes by the name Joy

CT Michelle

Michelle... is Lit Momma still working there ?

Gary Man
06-27-08, 14:23
For those of you who remember Tom & Andrea, they're back!

Posted today:

GUYS OF ALL RACES ARE WELCUM TO JOIN THEM AND MAKE THEIR VISIT BACK TO CT"s UNFORGETTABLE, BE NICE , CLEAN. NOT PUSHY AND PREPARED TO HAVE HARD COCK!!! "I've played with them before, they are a fun couple. I'd be very surprised if they stay til 3a though. They may pick a lucky few to leave with them. All depends on how horny Andrea is.

Brown Bag
06-27-08, 23:16
I got my first reading from Precious earlier today. I know she had been working the night shift for a while, but I only go to CTS during the day shift. I'm amazed there isn't more written about her on this board, as I was absolutely knocked out by her body, complete with a great face on top. Definitely not fat, even if you aren't thinking in relative CTS terms. She doesn't have the biggest chest there, but they're natural and quite nice. Since neither Honey nor Heather were there (have they changed shifts? ), choosing Precious was a no-brainer for me.

Once on stage, Precious quoted me 0. 50 for CBJ, and $ for FS. I asked if BBBJ was on the menu, and she quoted me $. No thanks. I went with FS, and away we went. Started off with CBJ to get me in the mood. Well, when you combine nerves, first time with a new girl, and that dreaded new time limit on the jukebox songs. Getting all the way in the mood just wasn't happening for me. I will say her French skills are excellent, and I'd love to get it untranslated if that price were to ever come down. When the last song began, I decided to just work with what I had and move onto mish. What a wonderful sight that was. It's been a while since I've spilled my cup without getting all the way up, but seeing Precious like that was just too much for me. I felt like a total newbie on my way out of there. But I'll be back.

Question to Precious vets: were those typical rates I got? My first reading from Honey was vastly different from my third in terms of menu selection. I'm hoping Precious is the same way.

Brown Bag
06-27-08, 23:25
Oh yeah, forgot to mention this. Today's (Friday) day shift was Angel, Precious, Carmen, Desiree, and Lyla. That's probably the most I've ever seen there at one time, at least during days.

I really must check out Carmen one of these days. Both times I've seen her, she's always got a happy smile on her cute face. I'm having a harder time getting a read on Lyla. Today, she was laid back on the couch, looking half asleep. Later, she just sorta lingered quietly, far behind the counter. She looks a little bit on the too chubby side for me. Then again, Heather is one of favorites there.

What's up with Honey and Heather? Are they still on days, and they were just off today? Or have they moved to nights? I'm hoping they're still days, since I'm not too keen on making that drive later in the day.

Gary Man
06-28-08, 03:46
Tom & Andrea were a no show. :(

Brown Bag:

Heather was there last night. Almost did not recognize her, as she is now a Peroxide Blonde.

Champ Chump
06-29-08, 06:49
OK, I had the names wrong for my last report, it was Lyla and Desiree. Desiree was the caramel complexion one....

Tattered Man
06-29-08, 13:13
As per her post:

Doing my usually Post I will be there Sunday Nite June 29th from 7 P. M til the last man walks thru the door for fun. As always all are welcome BC are ENCOURAGED. Cum play and lets all have fun. I love seeing my regulars but last week we had alot of new faces and I love seeing that a well.come on out and have fun. Hugs laura

06-29-08, 18:06
OK, I had the names wrong for my last report, it was Lyla and Desiree. Desiree was the caramel complexion one....She is cool and down for damn near anything. That girl is fun. LOL

Uncle Al
06-30-08, 18:49
Where is this cts theater I'll be in indiana. You can pm if you want with the details thanks.

CT Michelle
06-30-08, 20:48
Heather has just finished school and is working part time in nursing, and part time at Ct's. But she is working nights for now. As far as honey she still works days but she works when she wants to not when you think she should.

Precious? She used to be chuncky she has lost alot of weight and i agree she looks great and as far as i know what you were quoted is what she always charges she used to be on nights and now is working days.


I got my first reading from Precious earlier today. I know she had been working the night shift for a while, but I only go to CTS during the day shift. I'm amazed there isn't more written about her on this board, as I was absolutely knocked out by her body, complete with a great face on top. Definitely not fat, even if you aren't thinking in relative CTS terms. She doesn't have the biggest chest there, but they're natural and quite nice. Since neither Honey nor Heather were there (have they changed shifts? ), choosing Precious was a no-brainer for me.

Once on stage, Precious quoted me 0. 50 for CBJ, and $ for FS. I asked if BBBJ was on the menu, and she quoted me $. No thanks. I went with FS, and away we went. Started off with CBJ to get me in the mood. Well, when you combine nerves, first time with a new girl, and that dreaded new time limit on the jukebox songs. Getting all the way in the mood just wasn't happening for me. I will say her French skills are excellent, and I'd love to get it untranslated if that price were to ever come down. When the last song began, I decided to just work with what I had and move onto mish. What a wonderful sight that was. It's been a while since I've spilled my cup without getting all the way up, but seeing Precious like that was just too much for me. I felt like a total newbie on my way out of there. But I'll be back.

Question to Precious vets: were those typical rates I got? My first reading from Honey was vastly different from my third in terms of menu selection. I'm hoping Precious is the same way.

Brown Bag
07-01-08, 17:42
Thank you for the updates, Michelle. I'm glad to hear that Heather is still on track with her nursing plans. Last time I spoke with her, she talked about wanting to get a nursing job in Chicago. I think I'd probably flip out if she ended up working at the same hospital I'm at. Would certainly make work a little more interesting.

Man, I wish some of my nursing coworkers would consider part-time work at CTS.

P T Marauder
07-03-08, 15:37
I wonder if Heather has a nurse outfit yet. :-)

07-10-08, 16:45
Stop by last Sunday. Pretty qiet, 2 girls working. One blonde, one ebony. Got a quick cbj from the blonde. I don't remember her name thoughj.

CT Michelle
07-10-08, 23:05
I talked to Heather, she doesnt have the white outfit but she does have many nurse outfits.

CT Michelle

I wonder if Heather has a nurse outfit yet. :-)

CT Michelle
07-10-08, 23:07
Usally sundays are good for many things, you should have stuck around till after 400.

CT Michelle

Stop by last Sunday. Pretty qiet, 2 girls working. One blonde, one ebony. Got a quick cbj from the blonde. I don't remember her name thoughj.

07-12-08, 14:27
Usally sundays are good for many things, you should have stuck around till after 400.

CT MichelleHow about this Sunday?

CT Michelle
07-13-08, 15:17
Yes i just looked at the post and it looks like she will be there from 7-2am for a gang bang.


How about this Sunday?

07-14-08, 17:40
Visited Friday afternoon. Cuddles (black) and Candy (white) were there. Honey was there but left before 4pm. Carmen and Lyla (new girls) quit. I only went to check out the new talent but unfortunately they quit. Hope I saved a couple folks the trip.

CT Michelle
07-15-08, 12:32
A few of you have asked about lil mama, she has been gone for months now, But last night she started back at the club. My understanding is she is working nights again.

CT Michelle

07-18-08, 23:30
Looks like Pete (or one of his mouthpieces) is up to his old tricks.

Two new women on the message board.. one especially way too hot for CTS -- both look like images from the web. Both are promising to be at CTS for hard fucking, one wants to be a sub for a whole week...

Yeah Right !!!! both also show memberships that were altered last on the same date. And only a real dummy would read their posts and not see that they were written by the same person.

Things must be r-e-a-l-l-y slow at CTS. anyone remember the last "Pete's slvt" about a year ago... yeah, she was the one from england that was going to visit for a week. NOT..

LOL got to love the creativity though

Champ Chump
07-20-08, 07:03
Had a duo with Carmen and Lyla at a local notel friday night. Oh my goodness does Carmen have an ass to die for, it was my first time dating her. quite the entertainment package for $$. I have digits for seniors only.....

07-20-08, 10:51
Are there any thin white girls working there? I think the last time I was there Angel was the smallest, and she is not small

CT Michelle
07-20-08, 13:53
Daytime has Honey and Presious, night time has a new girl her name is Candy


Are there any thin white girls working there? I think the last time I was there Angel was the smallest, and she is not small

07-22-08, 12:41
I havent been on this board since the Club Topps days, but is the Honey mentioned here the same Honey that has been working on and off for years? 40's, great rack, sweetheart. unreal service????

CT Michelle
07-22-08, 20:00
The one the only, she has had her share of drama over the years, so she has been there and gone had a baby and now shes back, She still looks great. She works days but you can not always count on what days,

CT Michelle

I havent been on this board since the Club Topps days, but is the Honey mentioned here the same Honey that has been working on and off for years? 40's, great rack, sweetheart. unreal service????

Local Hick
07-25-08, 15:23

Any of the librarian willing to have you post their pics so we can see the lineup?

CT Michelle
07-25-08, 15:24
I have pics of most of the girls and most dont want me to post, but i will have pics this week either way

CT Michelle


Any of the librarian willing to have you post their pics so we can see the lineup?

07-25-08, 17:24
Whats the best way to get there?

Sorry, I'm new to the area.

07-25-08, 21:22
Whats the best way to get there?

Sorry, I'm new to the area.It would depend on where you are coming from. Use map search for map and read back post for address.

07-25-08, 21:27
Whats the best way to get there?

Sorry, I'm new to the area.4620 Industrial Hwy
Rt 12 by Gary Airport near buffington Boats
Gary, Indiana, USA
(219) 944-3773 the map search is on you

CT Michelle
07-27-08, 14:14
Ok im going to try and show some pics.

07-28-08, 15:12
I have one quick question, that i didn't notice answered on the search I did. About a year ago, the hours of CTS were stated as 10-2am with 24 hours coming soon. Has that changed? Is the place open 24 hours?

07-28-08, 21:40
Had the opportunity to have a very enthusiatic reading from Precious, normal prices.

Tim P14
07-28-08, 22:30
Can you add anything useful?

Tim P14
07-28-08, 22:32
Any luck with the pictures?

Looking forward to them!

CT Michelle
07-29-08, 10:09
For the most part the hours are the same, although Pete does stay later if couples show up late

CT Michelle

I have one quick question, that i didn't notice answered on the search I did. About a year ago, the hours of CTS were stated as 10-2am with 24 hours coming soon. Has that changed? Is the place open 24 hours?

07-29-08, 14:47
Ok im going to try and show some pics.I hope you have some pics of Star.

07-30-08, 12:50
I would be willing to take pics of them to post as well. The problem is that you never know when anybody is going to be there. I can't tell you how many times I've been there only to have weak selection. There's absolutely no consistency. With gas prices as high as they are, it wouldn't surprise me if members were frequenting less due to unavailability of reliable talent.

It seems to me that if pics were available, that would entice people to visit. Maybe that would alleviate some of the turnover of girls who end up leaving because business is not as good as they imagined/anticipated/hoped.

The pics don't have to be risque. They can be in regular clothing, regular poses. My sense is that most would-be-visitors only need a basic idea of who is available and what they are getting into. People insisting on anything surpassing that are more likely just pic collectors with no intention of visiting.

I know for a fact that the new girl, Candi, is fairly easy on the eyes as far as CT's goes. I think she could do excellent business if she promoted herself a little.

Anyway, that's my two cents. I hope the girls will think more strategically with some business-sense. And the same goes for Pete. If he isn't requiring set schedules for talent or anything else, at least show us what ya go. Otherwise, buyer beware!

I have pics of most of the girls and most dont want me to post, but i will have pics this week either way

CT Michelle

08-01-08, 22:31
Ok im going to try and show some pics.

everyone wants pics... just go there and look.

Many of the gals don't want their pics posted all over the internet. They have private lives too. Many of you think they are just a piece of meat for us.

If you are really curious, get off your asses and go there. It only costs a few bucks to get in, and you get a bottle of water. If you don't see what you like.. leave. And if you are using gas prices as an excuse not to go there, get over it. Even if you don't find what you want at CTS, there is enough other activity in the area that you can always get something out of the drive. Read the board.. CTS, Massage, Strip Clubs, Streetwalkers, Craigslist reviews. Its all here... RTFF

What do you want.. everything handed to you ??

And before you all tell me you have a long drive.. my drive is 1 1/2 hours... and I make it regularly... if you want to play, you gotta pay. If you took some gal on a date, it would cost you gas, dinner, entertainment, drinks, etc.. and you aren't even assured of getting off.

(off my soapbox now)

08-02-08, 16:37
everyone wants pics. Just go there and look.

Many of the gals don't want their pics posted all over the internet. They have private lives too. Many of you think they are just a piece of meat for us.

If you are really curious, get off your asses and go there. It only costs a few bucks to get in, and you get a bottle of water. If you don't see what you like. Leave. And if you are using gas prices as an excuse not to go there, get over it. Even if you don't find what you want at CTS, there is enough other activity in the area that you can always get something out of the drive. Read the board. CTS, Massage, Strip Clubs, Streetwalkers, Craigslist reviews. Its all here. RTFF

What do you want. Everything handed to you?

And before you all tell me you have a long drive. My drive is 1 1/2 hours. And I make it regularly. If you want to play, you gotta pay. If you took some gal on a date, it would cost you gas, dinner, entertainment, drinks, etc. And you aren't even assured of getting off.

(off my soapbox now)I respect your opinion. But if the girls are cool with their pics being posted then I'm all for it.

08-02-08, 18:52
Any luck with the pictures?

Looking forward to them!

Pics of these three ladies were posted back in January. Go back to posts #724 and #731 in this thread.