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12-28-04, 17:22
KidNova writes =

She was agitated though, I swear I was being nothing but nice to her and she said "I do this everyday and all you gave me is .20" I replied, "Sorry babe, you agreed to it, I don't mean to hurt your feelings or be a jerk." She said "well, you are" and got out.

She was hoping for a 'Tip' , KidNova .... and you let her down

Unless the girl was Truly Dread·ful , *Always* give them a Tip of at least .1

One time this past year , I had a truly Bad Date with this WSW chick named Bobbie , who I picked up on a side street just east of Elmwood

She had a large lump / bruise on her lower face that she said was a broken Jaw she got from being assaulted the night before

I chalked up her poor Attitude to the Pain she was in ; so even though it wasn't the Best Experience of my week , I gave her a Tip any·way

She *insisted* on giving me her Digits [ which I threw out the window before she was out of sight ]

But the Beauty Part was =

When she was getting dressed after our Date , she dropped a large Box Cutter
on the floor of my car

I noticed it ; and being the Honest Gentle·man that I am , I ordinarily would have
pointed it out to her

But this time , I didn't say a Word ; and so I kept that Blade as a Souvenir , and as a partial 'pay·back' for all the times that Yours Truly has been ripped off by Hookers

12-29-04, 09:39
Hey PZ,

I don't know if this chickadee knew what a "tip" was at this point. I mentioned she was all wired and stuff. When I was leaving her off where I found her, she kept saying "I want to go to a funeral, take me to the funeral." (Keep in mind it was 2AM). Maybe your right, but this girl was pretty gone-zo.

Good Luck


12-30-04, 16:37
KidNova :

You could have asked her , " What Funeral ?? "

That might have been good for a few Laughs

Or may·be Not , especially if she pulled a Pistol from her pocket and said =

" Yours !! "