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03-24-13, 00:00
This is the place for postings on argumentative bullshit.

Please keep the {real} threads committed to the enjoyment of the hobby, and the adoration of women.

05-17-13, 14:43
I had a window of free time and decided to visit Asian Fantasy this week. Cute girl, hair down to waist. Must have been a slow week as she offered me 100 BB service. I wanted a date so I took her up on it, until I noticed a slight stench and just couldn't get hard. She tried hard but just wasn't happening. Never got an ending except for walking out the door. Would not repeat not even for free.

05-19-13, 16:21
I had a window of free time and decided to visit Asian Fantasy this week. Cute girl, hair down to waist. Must have been a slow week as she offered me 100 BB service. I wanted a date so I took her up on it, until I noticed a slight stench and just couldn't get hard. She tried hard but just wasn't happening. Never got an ending except for walking out the door. Would not repeat not even for free.She has left me numerous voicemails today and texts on Friday threatening me and telling me how sorry I was for writing this review. She told me she has a Fiancé who is an Atty and he was going to find out who I am and etc etc. Called me every name in the book and asked me to remove the review as she would be in town for long and after mine and dewayne1966s review that she didn't have one client on Friday. She left some crazy voicemails threatening to beat my ass and then was sweet as honey. Wish we could share voice files here, you all would get a kick out of it.

Girls wise up, if you don't deliver; WE TALK!

05-21-13, 10:50
Wow it seems every time a new girl post an ad that old women with all the post go's crazy and try's to kill the other girl's business I looked at all the adds today and man I seen 23 that the older lady had up not very good kinda looks desperate to me but I can see why? Dose anyone ever go to her? I would rather close my eye's and let my papaw jerk me LOL! And she charges money wow? As long as she has been on there she should have a huge client list and no need to advertise not 20 add at least! People can see the rage in this elderly women when a new girl makes a post she will be hurting now with Victoria's back!

05-21-13, 17:58
Wow it seems every time a new girl post an ad that old women with all the post go's crazy and try's to kill the other girl's business I looked at all the adds today and man I seen 23 that the older lady had up not very good kinda looks desperate to me but I can see why? Dose anyone ever go to her? I would rather close my eye's and let my papaw jerk me LOL! And she charges money wow? As long as she has been on there she should have a huge client list and no need to advertise not 20 add at least! People can see the rage in this elderly women when a new girl makes a post she will be hurting now with Victoria's back!Thanks, Victoria for posting about Rene. We all already know about her ads but one thing you got to say about Rene, she doesn't use fake pictures. While she may look as bad as her pictures show, at least she doesn't steal them from someone else and claim they are hers.

We appreciate the previous posts about yourself, so it was nice of you to take the time to point out what we have already talked about a million times.

05-21-13, 18:35
Thanks, Victoria for posting about Rene. We all already know about her ads but one thing you got to say about Rene, she doesn't use fake pictures. While she may look as bad as her pictures show, at least she doesn't steal them from someone else and claim they are hers.

We appreciate the previous posts about yourself, so it was nice of you to take the time to point out what we have already talked about a million times.I laughed so hard reading this! IMHO- I don't think anyone cares AT ALL about the drama between those two. I think if EVERYONE used the ignore button (including myself) , maybe they could just talked to each other and their 50 other screen names and personalities!

Stay safe.


05-21-13, 21:44

It's been mentioned on here before, but some mongers need a reminder: know the Rules of Fight Club. If you are going to participate in an activity, at least know the basic rules of order. Rules #1 and #2 cannot be overemphasized.


Please familiarize yourself with the acronym YMMV. Why you may ask. Because your freaking mileage will likely vary. If a monger dreams that a girl will do this or that with him, you can't go to the same provider and expect the same treatment or favors. Believe it or not, providers reserve certain acts for particular customers and if you are denied a treat reportedly offered to another, that's the way it goes. If you're a Senior Member and you've done this recently, allegedly, you need to correct that behavior.


Don't go to a provider and say that "Monger X" said this on a forum or sent me a PM indicating such and such. Anything that is shared in a PM should be just that, shared in a PM. No need to give a provider a play-by-play or a transcription that you had with another member. If a monger shares a precious number with you, don't go to the provider on a referral and be a douche. That tarnishes the name of the monger who sent you.


You keep seeing reports about mongers getting into hot water with their significant others because of carelessness with the phone bills or leaving the phone laying around. Instead of dropping an extra 20 for excellent service, do the provider a favor and invest that 20 into a Ho Phone. Under no circumstances should a provider need to console your wife or significant other when it is discovered that your careless arse has been seeking the services of a professional. Don't let your significant other call the provider and interrogate her about the intimate details of your interactions. Unless your provider is also a licensed therapist, save that conversation for your therapy sessions in which you discuss your sexless marriage. Refer to Fight Club Rule #2 please.


If you have had a busy day and find it hard to freshen up before your session, be a gentleman and just cancel it. I'm tired of laughing at all of these supposedly professional mongers who show up for their appointment smelling like day's old arse funk. If you gag at the smell of your own body odor, chances are she will too. No excuses for being that inconsiderate.


Just wishing TwoPopPup would come out of retirement, just for a moment, to enlighten us with his much needed wisdom.

I'll be sure to add more items of etiquette and pet peeves as they come to mind and encourage you to do the same.

Happy Hunting, Milfman865

05-22-13, 00:55
Thanks, Victoria for posting about Rene. We all already know about her ads but one thing you got to say about Rene, she doesn't use fake pictures. While she may look as bad as her pictures show, at least she doesn't steal them from someone else and claim they are hers.

We appreciate the previous posts about yourself, so it was nice of you to take the time to point out what we have already talked about a

? Million times.SEE Monger I'm sure I am not the only one that feel's like this I'm just the only one with time to entertain you bs See there is a huge huge Difference in a massage therapist and a prostitute most go to Victoria cause they would rather have someone hot to massage them and carry a conversation, she has massaged me and my wife at least 20 time's cause we love the way she make's us feel see Knox monger she is a person a very highly Respected person not only for her looks but she never talks about other client's and that me and my wife loved! And yes we all know she has a man no secret there! I have seen them at mall and she introduced me to him really nice guy and trust me if she really put her real pic on BP the other girls will starve and besides the girl that massage's us is 10 time's hotter than her pic's it's 1 in a 1000 when they open the door and the girl is hotter than her pic's how many time's can you say that" 0" But maybe you can convince Renee to put fake picks up that will help other's when they look on that site! The way I see it is why are you so worried about her sounds to me and everyone els that this girl vic is taking all the client's and beside's I seen her client list and she don't even have to advertise! The ad that she post is not to get new client's its to tell her regular client's when she work's! So try and post more stuff to discredit her cause It just is not working in your favor!

05-22-13, 08:21
SEE Monger I'm sure I am not the only one that feel's like this I'm just the only one with time to entertain you bs See there is a huge huge Difference in a massage therapist and a prostitute most go to Victoria cause they would rather have someone hot to massage them and carry a conversation, she has massaged me and my wife at least 20 time's cause we love the way she make's us feel see Knox monger she is a person a very highly Respected person not only for her looks but she never talks about other client's and that me and my wife loved! And yes we all know she has a man no secret there! I have seen them at mall and she introduced me to him really nice guy and trust me if she really put her real pic on BP the other girls will starve and besides the girl that massage's us is 10 time's hotter than her pic's it's 1 in a 1000 when they open the door and the girl is hotter than her pic's how many time's can you say that" 0" But maybe you can convince Renee to put fake picks up that will help other's when they look on that site! The way I see it is why are you so worried about her sounds to me and everyone els that this girl vic is taking all the client's and beside's I seen her client list and she don't even have to advertise! The ad that she post is not to get new client's its to tell her regular client's when she work's! So try and post more stuff to discredit her cause It just is not working in your favor!So just to be clear, Victoria shows other clients her client list? Wow! Does this happen when she is showing her clients on hidden video?

Member #4430
05-22-13, 14:55
So just to be clear, Victoria shows other clients her client list? Wow! Does this happen when she is showing her clients on hidden video?I thought Victoria. I mean Tina was gone. Why can't her and Rene and Kenny all move in together and start the new Three's Company reality show.

05-22-13, 20:07
I thought Victoria. I mean Tina was gone. Why can't her and Rene and Kenny all move in together and start the new Three's Company reality show.If you don't want to book an appointment with Victoria or what ever her real or fake name is " DON'T " my god she don't start shit with no one. It's all be. S. Video tapes really. Be your own judge, if you like her go back if not then DON'T. DRAMA NEEDS TO STOP. She has a day job and massage on the side.

05-23-13, 01:52
Well we all know why someone would say video tape and busted and other thing's to try and scare people away mmmmmm who would do that mountain eagle' NOT A GUY THAT'S BEEN THERE' but a person that is really really jealous cause see a guy Don't carry on drama a women dose and the only one I know seems to have issue's with every girl on that site and the sec a new girl makes a add then she go's crazy again but this Victoria seems to take all her client's then she is raged! Mountain egal is 100% right she has 2 jobs massage's on side she has family so what is the issue? And be side's you have said 3 thing's wrong that tells everyone that you have not been there 1 she dose not live in a double wide 2 how would you even know you were taped? And 3 you also said you seen her and her husband buying batteries for a camcorder LOL I have 3 camcorders tell me 1 that takes batteries and most of all if you knew what she looked like then you would know that when she posted her real pic you calmed it was fake! Your just a little bit off on your post we would might believe it if we was retarded but this is the big but if you have been there you will know she dose not live on midway road! AM I right mountain eagle?

05-23-13, 02:22
See I use to use Mountain eagles advice being a Senior Member he use to be real respected but lately he has fallen short on alto of stuff like his judgment of women I went to 3 place's he has recommended and was really disappointed when I finally got to meet these lady's that I had went to one he swore that would do certain things and I was ask to leave but then all the stupid stuff that comes from his mouth that just told me that he was a fAKE with the advice that he gives it's all wrong it seems to me that none of the women on here wants to massage him for some odd reason or he just has no clue about it's or to try and make himself feel better but to try and throw someone under the bus that you have never met is just wrong but when you started on Victoria when me and my wife gos to her then that's when I knew you were full of shit and Lie's the first thing my wife said when you stated you seen her buying batteries for a camcorder was' that guy is full of shit what kind of camcorder takes batteries" LOL we got a kick out of that one as of matter of fact we still laugh about it today hahahahah that was funny tho but your image is GONE! THE EAGLE HAS FALLEN HARD!


05-23-13, 11:42
much like the octagon in cincy i'm suspending some of the regular forum rules for this thread. i will no longer be issuing argumentative infractions in this thread. not all the rules are suspended, if somebody pisses you off you can't threaten them physically, you can't reveal personally identifying information, you can't post links to arrests, or other review sites, and as always you can't post anything about **** people. what you can do is call each other names and flame away. i've never understood it but some people seem to come here to fight instead of chasing pussy so kick your shoes off and have at it.

if you're coming here to leave tips or tricks, that's still fine and those posts may not be attacked. if you report somebodies post because you don't like something they said i will research the reporters posts and if they ever said one single argumentative thing about the person being reported, i will change the id on the person reporting to "crybaby."

if somebody says something in another thread that you don't like use the multi quote function to respond to them here. if you start or engage in argumentative unproductive bullshit in another thread in knox i will change your id to "douchebag" and it will stay that way forever.


05-26-13, 22:32
Here's some BS that a new person to the AMPs might not realize; most of it I got bullshitting with providers after the session was over and some from my experience. When an AMP is busted, I was told they actually burst into locked rooms, and while the ruckus would give most time to get situated to a non compromising position; if a condom is found that's reason enough to charge the providers with prostitution. That's the reason many smart places bust out (no joke) saran wrap if they perform a BJ instead of a condom. Many places require you bring your own condom so they don't have a stash of them in the place. If a provider gets charged with prostitution, they'll sometimes get deported- that's why many are so skittish of new costumers, everybody could be an undercover cop. That's the reason many won't talk about money at all and expect a reasonable tip at the conclusion of the massage if they're smart. Some AMPs don't do anything extra; and some will do more and more depending on how much you frequent the place. When I first went to an AMP, I assumed that at the end of the massage the provider would just start stroking away, but for some places you have to directly say what you want without any hints of extras from her and sometimes actually place the provider's hand on your junk. This can lead to possible embarrasement if the joint or provider isn't into extras; but with all of these places you have to leave your dignity and humiliation at the door if you want to potentially blow your load. My own experience is that I've wasted some good opportunities with attractive providers that seemed legit but possibly would've at least given a happy ending, but I was too naive and chicken shit to be as forward as you sometimes need to be. That's the best thing about Asian cultures, however, the customer is king and you can say and do all kinds of shit to try and get xtras and most will just smile and ask you to come again (come not cum) even if they're as clean as a church with a table shower. I've also found for first time visiting, it's better to pay for the hour instead of 30. These places are expensive, too, as compared to the meth addled SW; most are $80 for an hour to the house and a tip of $40-$60 depending on the chick for a HE. Expect to pay approx $80-$100 for a BJ and $100-$120 for FS, depending on the therapist. Again, some AMPs or their workers don't do anything extra. Hope this helps somebody on their first trip wherever they go. Also, bigger cities have much better selections than here.

06-01-13, 18:12
Harley is in the Community Corrections Program here.Blue Ford, how would you know that? I looked back over all of your post. Most of your post on here have been about crashing other senior members and trying to get other members to join suit. The post that were crashing other members most of those have been repeats of other members post. And the ones that are left are something to do with a Leo and knowledge that a general monger would not have. It has been rumored back and forth between several members ever since you joined this site that you are an uncle and drive a Blue Ford with little lights hidden in the grill. You have posted way too many times about legal stuff involving some of these girls that know general person would be able to know. So I'm going to go ahead and say out loud what a lot of other members have said in PM's. I think you yourself are a Leo are closely related to the source. I am now putting you on my ignore list which I know a couple of other senior members have already done. I don't generally make posts like this but you have just gotten on my last nerve with your lack of tact.

Gotta Run
06-01-13, 21:13
Blue Ford, how would you know that? I looked back over all of your post. Most of your post on here have been about crashing other senior members and trying to get other members to join suit. The post that were crashing other members most of those have been repeats of other members post. And the ones that are left are something to do with a Leo and knowledge that a general monger would not have. It has been rumored back and forth between several members ever since you joined this site that you are an uncle and drive a Blue Ford with little lights hidden in the grill. You have posted way too many times about legal stuff involving some of these girls that know general person would be able to know. So I'm going to go ahead and say out loud what a lot of other members have said in PM's. I think you yourself are a Leo are closely related to the source. I am now putting you on my ignore list which I know a couple of other senior members have already done. I don't generally make posts like this but you have just gotten on my last nerve with your lack of tact.Not sure about LEO but the last nerve part happened long ago. I have been saying that for months now about general info. And such. Just so you know you are not alone.
BTW I checked and Harley is not on the Knox or Blount County inmate list. She may be vacationing else where.

06-02-13, 11:08
It's not a good idea to discuss your exploits (or alleged exploits) with one gal or provider with another. You already know that those gals are scandalous, catty, and cutthroat. I was patronizing a young lady at a gentleman's spot and she performed a roll call of all of women who were allegedly providing additional services outside the establishment. I wanted to ask her to slow down because she was saying the names too fast and it was hard for me to take a mental note for future reference. It turns out that dude's (I hope that they weren't members of this board) had come in bragging about it and commenting on the hygiene issues of a few and the no-boundaries offerings of others. I pulled one of the young ladies referenced as providing additional services for a private chat. I whispered that I wanted to confirm that she was the familiar face that I recognized from an ad (the tattoo pattern was also a dead giveaway). She cautiously acknowledged that she was indeed the girl and wanted me to make sure not to mention it to the other girls "because they don't know". Anyone who posts an ad anywhere is not under the radar, perhaps lower volume, but definitely not under the radar by any means. The ladies require discretion just as much as mongers do, so please respect that. Gals have had to yank ads because of careless discussions and that doesn't benefit any of us. It hurts their money and limits our options. Keep the numbers handy because those numbers are good for a while after the ad is gone. Happy Hunting, Milfman865

06-02-13, 14:31
Hi Hound,

You have made some statements that are opinions. Opinions are just like assholes. Everyone has one. Let's address some of your statements.


Most of your post on here have been about crashing other senior members and trying to get other members to join suit.


FALSE. I make a corrections to only FALSE statements. If someone is spreading misinformation about me, I will respond sometimes to correct their ignorance. My time is too precious to engage in pointless drama, such as you state that I have engaged. I have no need to make someone look bad to make myself look better. My posts speak for themselves.


You have posted way too many times about legal stuff involving some of these girls that know general person would be able to know.

I think you yourself are a Leo are closely related to the source.


TRUE. Yes, I am VERY closely related to the source. Can you say blood relation to federal officers? You do know that we have LEO here and some former leo, right? Law enforcement pays squat, so I am not interested.

Now to the first part of your post. Guys, talking with the sweeties will pay many, many dividends. Remember the value of perfect information. More information leads to being able to make better informed decisions, especially for the ones with SOs without prenups. Again, stay away from the narcotics and stay within the law. Most of the law is grey. Learn it.


Blue Ford, how would you know that?


Clearly, you are not in the Wed afternoon meeting group; otherwise, you would know the answer to this question. Thanks guys for the vouches. Guys, the Wed. Afternoon group is part of the McDADDY group here. Someone had asked what is a McDaddy. A McDaddy is someone, who has sweeties like Old Man Rockefeller had dimes back in the good old days. For you young bucks, Rockefeller would hand out dimes like candy. Guys, we have some HEAVY hitters here, and most have not been posting UTR information lately. I can understand why because I am wary of the heat too. Anyone, who has spoken to me by phone, knows that I am straight up. What you call lack of tact is me being direct. I want only the pertinent information (recall the value of perfect information) , and I can form my own opinion. Be Safe and Happy Plowing.


P. S. Bluford is actually a name.

Blue Ford, how would you know that? I looked back over all of your post. Most of your post on here have been about crashing other senior members and trying to get other members to join suit. The post that were crashing other members most of those have been repeats of other members post. And the ones that are left are something to do with a Leo and knowledge that a general monger would not have. It has been rumored back and forth between several members ever since you joined this site that you are an uncle and drive a Blue Ford with little lights hidden in the grill. You have posted way too many times about legal stuff involving some of these girls that know general person would be able to know. So I'm going to go ahead and say out loud what a lot of other members have said in PM's. I think you yourself are a Leo are closely related to the source. I am now putting you on my ignore list which I know a couple of other senior members have already done. I don't generally make posts like this but you have just gotten on my last nerve with your lack of tact.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 16:27
Hi Sghb1,

You can relax. Again, Got To Run is running his clapper unknowingly. If you saw Lexi after October 2010, you were engaging with an adult. Be Safe and Happy Plowing.

Bluford.Why don't you answer my PM and show me how wrong I am and I said slightly. I was only warning him that he could be owning up to more that he intended to even if he was unware of her age.

06-02-13, 16:37
I have talked about the law being mostly grey and very little black and white. Age is clearly a black and white condition. Either someone is a minor or not, and no "slightly" definition exists for age. If a sweetie is less than 18 or a minor, you could get 15. This part of the law is very well-defined with no grey areas. Be Safe and Happy Plowing.


Why don't you answer my PM and show me how wrong I am and I said slightly. I was only warning him that he could be owning up to more that he intended to even if he was unware of her age.

06-02-13, 16:44
"This message is hidden because*Bluford*is on your*ignore list.

View PostRemove user from ignore list"

This is how all his post show up on my screen now. I don't even have to read through all the bs nor can he send me messages. I forgot how cool this ignore feature is, its only the second time I have had to use it in all my years here.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 16:52
"This message is hidden because*Bluford*is on your*ignore list.

View PostRemove user from ignore list"

This is how all his post show up on my screen now. I don't even have to read through all the bs nor can he send me messages. I forgot how cool this ignore feature is, its only the second time I have had to use it in all my years here.I would use it but, I am still waiting for him to respond to my PM with some info that lets me know how legit and in the know he really is. I sent him a PM telling him who Harley was and that she is not on the inmate list he may have her confused with someone who has the last name and is in there. Well it may take him a couple of days to get soemone to tell him the info I asked for it not a secret to anyone in the "Know" here. All the MacDaddies should have the info. Oh well trolls have to eat too, I guess.

06-02-13, 17:06
Again, Got To Run is running more misinformation about me. Below is the full text of his message to me, except for the redacted part of Harley's last name. Read below for the contradiction in his post below. Same shit, different smell.

Let's see what I am looking at with Got To Run. First, He has shown that he cannot find Harley in Tn's database, and he probably does not know her middle name. Some of us know that she added a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight, while she was a visitor to KC. However, she still interests me. Second, he makes unsupported claims that he knows this and that without giving any real information. Third, he asks me for real information. Reminds me of a song by the Alan Parson Project,"The Games People Play". Oh well, Be Safe and Happy Plowing.



Jennifer redacted=Harley I know the originial SexiLexis name you claim to know so well also. Know her father too. Now show me how much you know. What is Lexi's real name? No need for some long bullshit response about how you are not giving out info. Until you check me out and all that crap either put up or shut the fuck up and go back under your rock.


I would use it but, I am still waiting for him to respond to my PM with some info that lets me know how legit and in the know he really is. I sent him a PM telling him who Harley was and that she is not on the inmate list he may have her confused with someone who has the last name and is in there. Well it may take him a couple of days to get soemone to tell him the info I asked for it not a secret to anyone in the "Know" here. All the MacDaddies should have the info. Oh well trolls have to eat too, I guess.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 17:08
I have talked about the law being mostly grey and very little black and white. Age is clearly a black and white condition. Either someone is a minor or not, and no "slightly" definition exists for age. If a sweetie is less than 18 or a minor, you could get 15. This part of the law is very well-defined with no grey areas. Be Safe and Happy Plowing.

Bluford.I think you really don't know anything about her except what little info others have shared with you. He said in 2010 and since was less than 18 for the better part of 10 months that year. Oh hell why should I give you a free statistics and probability lesson I had to pay for in collage. Also, slightly under is still less than the whole number of 18 so therefor still under. Now young grashopper if I am correct this is the second time I have had to school you on things. Try and seek help outside the classroom so as not to take up the time of others with remedial things. Class dismissed you may go now. No comment from you will be nessarry we all know how grateful you are for our time and attention.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 17:10
I think you really don't know anything about her except what little info others have shared with you. He said in 2010 and since was less than 18 for the better part of 10 months that year. Oh hell why should I give you a free statistics and probability lesson I had to pay for in collage. Also, slightly under is still less than the whole number of 18 so therefor still under. Now young grashopper if I am correct this is the second time I have had to school you on things. Try and seek help outside the classroom so as not to take up the time of others with remedial things. Class dismissed you may go now. No comment from you will be nessarry we all know how grateful you are for our time and attention.Oh BTW still waititng on the answer to that question?

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 17:44
Hi Hound,

You have made some statements that are opinions. Opinions are just like assholes. Everyone has one. Let's address some of your statements.


Most of your post on here have been about crashing other senior members and trying to get other members to join suit.


FALSE. I make a corrections to only FALSE statements. If someone is spreading misinformation about me, I will respond sometimes to correct their ignorance. My time is too precious to engage in pointless drama, such as you state that I have engaged. I have no need to make someone look bad to make myself look better. My posts speak for themselves.


You have posted way too many times about legal stuff involving some of these girls that know general person would be able to know.

I think you yourself are a Leo are closely related to the source.


TRUE. Yes, I am VERY closely related to the source. Can you say blood relation to federal officers? You do know that we have LEO here and some former leo, right? Law enforcement pays squat, so I am not interested.

Now to the first part of your post. Guys, talking with the sweeties will pay many, many dividends. Remember the value of perfect information. More information leads to being able to make better informed decisions, especially for the ones with SOs without prenups. Again, stay away from the narcotics and stay within the law. Most of the law is grey. Learn it.


Blue Ford, how would you know that?


Clearly, you are not in the Wed afternoon meeting group; otherwise, you would know the answer to this question. Thanks guys for the vouches. Guys, the Wed. Afternoon group is part of the McDADDY group here. Someone had asked what is a McDaddy. A McDaddy is someone, who has sweeties like Old Man Rockefeller had dimes back in the good old days. For you young bucks, Rockefeller would hand out dimes like candy. Guys, we have some HEAVY hitters here, and most have not been posting UTR information lately. I can understand why because I am wary of the heat too. Anyone, who has spoken to me by phone, knows that I am straight up. What you call lack of tact is me being direct. I want only the pertinent information (recall the value of perfect information) , and I can form my own opinion. Be Safe and Happy Plowing.


P. S. Bluford is actually a name.Could it be **** oh when you know the answers you can just shout them right out. Still waititng on that answer.

I edited this to remove the middle name as I don't think the open forum is the place for that unless the person uses it themself. Hence the reson I PMed it to you in the first place. But lets just say the first letter is in the middle of the alphabet, second is near the end and last two are the same.

06-02-13, 17:59
Clearly, Got To Run is experiencing foot in mouth disease progressing to foot in ass disease. First, I know Lexi's birth date, and I have a text message from her thanking me for remembering. Thus, I applied no probabilistic reasoning. You stated that Lexi was a minor for entire 2010 not me. Also, she was not a minor for the entire 10 months.

Now to address Got To Run's behavior. Guys, if you have to tell someone that you graduated from college, I recommend refraining. For Got To Run, you have told a sweetie that you went to "collage", instead of college. I see that you committed the same error here.


Oh hell why should I give you a free statistics and probability lesson I had to pay for in collage.


I highly recommend learning how to spell college. A collage is different than a college. If you feel the need to denigrate a sweetie here, I highly recommend looking in the mirror. Sweeties are meant for fun and making scream not denigrating.

Now I will apply probabilistic reasoning. Since you claim to have attended statistics classes in "collage", I claim with a confidence level of 99. 99% that you could not give me a probability lesson. I have taught probabilistic concepts at the graduate level at a technical school ranked in the number of fingers that you have. Wait, I am presuming that you have 10 fingers. That is a school in the Top 10 at the graduate level. You have yet to school me, Got To Run.

Anyways, attending college does not mean shit to me. My daddy went through only the 6th grade, and he had a six figure net worth by 25. My grandfather did not go to the 6th grade, and he was still laying pipe to 25 year old sweeties at age 60. He was teaching me when he was 60, and I was a teenager. I guess it helps to be hung like horses. LOL. Go Papaw. Got to Run, I hope that you recover from Foot in Ass disease. Guys, Be safe and Happy Plowing.


I think you really don't know anything about her except what little info others have shared with you. He said in 2010 and since was less than 18 for the better part of 10 months that year. Oh hell why should I give you a free statistics and probability lesson I had to pay for in collage. Also, slightly under is still less than the whole number of 18 so therefor still under. Now young grashopper if I am correct this is the second time I have had to school you on things. Try and seek help outside the classroom so as not to take up the time of others with remedial things. Class dismissed you may go now. No comment from you will be nessarry we all know how grateful you are for our time and attention.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 18:04
Again, Got To Run is running more misinformation about me. Below is the full text of his message to me, except for the redacted part of Harley's last name. Read below for the contradiction in his post below. Same shit, different smell.

Let's see what I am looking at with Got To Run. First, He has shown that he cannot find Harley in Tn's database, and he probably does not know her middle name. Some of us know that she added a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight, while she was a visitor to KC. However, she still interests me. Second, he makes unsupported claims that he knows this and that without giving any real information. Third, he asks me for real information. Reminds me of a song by the Alan Parson Project,"The Games People Play". Oh well, Be Safe and Happy Plowing.



Jennifer redacted=Harley I know the originial SexiLexis name you claim to know so well also. Know her father too. Now show me how much you know. What is Lexi's real name? No need for some long bullshit response about how you are not giving out info. Until you check me out and all that crap either put up or shut the fuck up and go back under your rock.

*I apologize to all as this has got out of hand and does not belong here. I will post all futher comments and communications with Bluford in the Arguments Bullshit and ext thread at the bottom of the page. Again sorry to all I let this get way out of hand. I know most would rather not have to sort through this.

Dr Holiday
06-02-13, 18:10
It's not a good idea to discuss your exploits (or alleged exploits) with one gal or provider with another. You already know that those gals are scandalous, catty, and cutthroat. I was patronizing a young lady at a gentleman's spot and she performed a roll call of all of women who were allegedly providing additional services outside the establishment. I wanted to ask her to slow down because she was saying the names too fast and it was hard for me to take a mental note for future reference. It turns out that dude's (I hope that they weren't members of this board) had come in bragging about it and commenting on the hygiene issues of a few and the no-boundaries offerings of others. I pulled one of the young ladies referenced as providing additional services for a private chat. I whispered that I wanted to confirm that she was the familiar face that I recognized from an ad (the tattoo pattern was also a dead giveaway). She cautiously acknowledged that she was indeed the girl and wanted me to make sure not to mention it to the other girls "because they don't know". Anyone who posts an ad anywhere is not under the radar, perhaps lower volume, but definitely not under the radar by any means. The ladies require discretion just as much as mongers do, so please respect that. Gals have had to yank ads because of careless discussions and that doesn't benefit any of us. It hurts their money and limits our options. Keep the numbers handy because those numbers are good for a while after the ad is gone. Happy Hunting, Milfman865However, the statement that the others "don't know". The heck they don't. With them down to making only$40 per night. They are pretty flagrant about advertising take out. Right in front of the others. As for bragging. They are just as bad about telling the others what they made and what they bought with it.

06-02-13, 18:14
More B. S. From Got To Run,


I edited this to remove the middle name as I don't think the open forum is the place for that unless the person uses it themself. Hence the reson I PMed it to you in the first place.



Another reprint of your PM.


J. C. =Harley I know the originial SexiLexis name you claim to know so well also. Know her father too. Now show me how much you know. What is Lexi's real name? No need for some long bullshit response about how you are not giving out info. Until you check me out and all that crap either put up or shut the fuck up and go back under your rock.

* *

The J and C words have been shortened by me; otherwise, this is your exact message to me. No middle name is included. Lying creates distrust. Guys, I have no need to say anything about Got To Run. His messages say it all. Guys, Be careful with whom you associate. Be Safe and Happy Plowing, Guys.


Could it be * oh when you know the answers you can just shout them right out. Still waititng on that answer.

I edited this to remove the middle name as I don't think the open forum is the place for that unless the person uses it themself. Hence the reson I PMed it to you in the first place. But lets just say the first letter is in the middle of the alphabet, second is near the end and last two are the same.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 18:24
Again, Got To Run is running more misinformation about me. Below is the full text of his message to me, except for the redacted part of Harley's last name. Read below for the contradiction in his post below. Same shit, different smell.

Let's see what I am looking at with Got To Run. First, He has shown that he cannot find Harley in Tn's database, and he probably does not know her middle name. Some of us know that she added a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight, while she was a visitor to KC. However, she still interests me. Second, he makes unsupported claims that he knows this and that without giving any real information. Third, he asks me for real information. Reminds me of a song by the Alan Parson Project,"The Games People Play". Oh well, Be Safe and Happy Plowing.



Jennifer redacted=Harley I know the originial SexiLexis name you claim to know so well also. Know her father too. Now show me how much you know. What is Lexi's real name? No need for some long bullshit response about how you are not giving out info. Until you check me out and all that crap either put up or shut the fuck up and go back under your rock.

*Well first off let me say I have been dying to post this since last year. Most already know that Bluford is an acronym for "Big Loud Ugly Foul Odored Repulsive Dickhead"

Second thing what part of "No need for some long bullshit response" did you not understand.

You have been palying these games since you showed up a year or so ago (go ahead and count the days hours and seconds I am off by just saying a year ago in general). I for one have never seen you post anything that is not general common knowlodge. I give you a chance to to prove to me you knew the simplest of information about a provider to prove you have just one ounce of credibility. You could not even do that with out some mindless rampling bunch of bullshit. I do know how to search the Tennessee convicted felons site but you implied she was still in jail not in a release program. I really think you are some little or could be big fat who knows geek who just sits in his basement or parents upstairs bonus room playing games on the computer and waisting everyones time providers included. I say once more either put up or shut the fuck up and crawl back under you rock.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 18:43
Again, Got To Run is running more misinformation about me. Below is the full text of his message to me, except for the redacted part of Harley's last name. Read below for the contradiction in his post below. Same shit, different smell.

Let's see what I am looking at with Got To Run. First, He has shown that he cannot find Harley in Tn's database, and he probably does not know her middle name. Some of us know that she added a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight, while she was a visitor to KC. However, she still interests me. Second, he makes unsupported claims that he knows this and that without giving any real information. Third, he asks me for real information. Reminds me of a song by the Alan Parson Project,"The Games People Play". Oh well, Be Safe and Happy Plowing.



Jennifer redacted=Harley I know the originial SexiLexis name you claim to know so well also. Know her father too. Now show me how much you know. What is Lexi's real name? No need for some long bullshit response about how you are not giving out info. Until you check me out and all that crap either put up or shut the fuck up and go back under your rock.

More B. S. From Got To Run,


I edited this to remove the middle name as I don't think the open forum is the place for that unless the person uses it themself. Hence the reson I PMed it to you in the first place.



Another reprint of your PM.


J. C. =Harley I know the originial SexiLexis name you claim to know so well also. Know her father too. Now show me how much you know. What is Lexi's real name? No need for some long bullshit response about how you are not giving out info. Until you check me out and all that crap either put up or shut the fuck up and go back under your rock.

* *

The J and C words have been shortened by me; otherwise, this is your exact message to me. No middle name is included. Lying creates distrust. Guys, I have no need to say anything about Got To Run. His messages say it all. Guys, Be careful with whom you associate. Be Safe and Happy Plowing, Guys.

Bluford.What kind of a mental malfunction do you have. You stated that I did not know her middle name I never said I put it in the PM. You don't know shit. Still waiting on that name?

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 18:45
Here is a link if you don't know where it is:


Gotta Run
06-02-13, 19:03
Clearly, Got To Run is experiencing foot in mouth disease progressing to foot in ass disease. First, I know Lexi's birth date, and I have a text message from her thanking me for remembering. Thus, I applied no probabilistic reasoning. You stated that Lexi was a minor for entire 2010 not me. Also, she was not a minor for the entire 10 months.

Now to address Got To Run's behavior. Guys, if you have to tell someone that you graduated from college, I recommend refraining. For Got To Run, you have told a sweetie that you went to "collage", instead of college. I see that you committed the same error here.


Oh hell why should I give you a free statistics and probability lesson I had to pay for in collage.


I highly recommend learning how to spell college. A collage is different than a college. If you feel the need to denigrate a sweetie here, I highly recommend looking in the mirror. Sweeties are meant for fun and making scream not denigrating.

Now I will apply probabilistic reasoning. Since you claim to have attended statistics classes in "collage", I claim with a confidence level of 99. 99% that you could not give me a probability lesson. I have taught probabilistic concepts at the graduate level at a technical school ranked in the number of fingers that you have. Wait, I am presuming that you have 10 fingers. That is a school in the Top 10 at the graduate level. You have yet to school me, Got To Run.

Anyways, attending college does not mean shit to me. My daddy went through only the 6th grade, and he had a six figure net worth by 25. My grandfather did not go to the 6th grade, and he was still laying pipe to 25 year old sweeties at age 60. He was teaching me when he was 60, and I was a teenager. I guess it helps to be hung like horses. LOL. Go Papaw. Got to Run, I hope that you recover from Foot in Ass disease. Guys, Be safe and Happy Plowing.

Bluford.I have not problem communicating with you. Just dicided to do it over here where A2 asked us to. Now I understand your mental malfunction you are a little rich geek kid who plays on the computer in his parents basement or upstairs whatever the case may be. The fact that you "taught at the graduate level" gives us more insight into you. We now know why you are on here you sir are a "sexual intellectual" or a FUCKING KNOW IT ALL. Everbody knows that teaching is where people with degrees go to hide when they can't make it in the real world. In other words was someone mean to the little fellow so he went back to school to hide. Awe sorry little fellow.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 19:39
Well guess we found out what bluford is all about. He just seem to want to fill the board up with usless bullshit that has nothing to do with the threads he post on but seems to not want to address anything down here. I even provided him a link as we know how lost he usaully is.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 19:47
However, the statement that the others "don't know". The heck they don't. With them down to making only$40 per night. They are pretty flagrant about advertising take out. Right in front of the others. As for bragging. They are just as bad about telling the others what they made and what they bought with it.They are pretty cut throat and competitive when it comes right down to it. I just don't like to invest the time in strip club takeout but if you ever get one to do it all the others who are willing will start a feeding frenzy. Man buck forty a night. I can remember back in the 90s some of the girls were making over a G a night on weekends feature acts sometimes made 2 or 3 large. I have seen guys give them a hundred just for a HJ. Hell they got. 20 just for smiling back then.

P Hunt 37
06-02-13, 19:49
Admin, please take out the trash. Bluford is cluttuering up every thread. Gotta Run, I think you are a good poster but please stop feeding the troll before you look as bad as he does. Sexhoundtn, clean out your inbox, I tried to send you some info.

Gotta Run
06-02-13, 20:15
Admin, please take out the trash. Bluford is cluttuering up every thread. Gotta Run, I think you are a good poster but please stop feeding the troll before you look as bad as he does. Sexhoundtn, clean out your inbox, I tried to send you some info.Please see may apology to the board in the escorts reports section as we did it there also.

Again sorry guys I know I let it get out of hand.

I have already sent A2 an apology also.

Dr Holiday
06-03-13, 09:26
They are pretty cut throat and competitive when it comes right down to it. I just don't like to invest the time in strip club takeout but if you ever get one to do it all the others who are willing will start a feeding frenzy. Man buck forty a night. I can remember back in the 90s some of the girls were making over a G a night on weekends feature acts sometimes made 2 or 3 large. I have seen guys give them a hundred just for a HJ. Hell they got. 20 just for smiling back then.I knew one that made $150k a year and didn't do anything but dance in the club. I helped with "tax" return. LOL. One could get take out but was much more difficult.

Now they often can't make bar fee. You go in they swarm you. Using get a take out offer before you sit down.

06-04-13, 11:08
I know we all try to keep this site on the down low. But this old woman has called out numerous members her on her ads and using usasg in her ads as well. Last night she called out a Senior Member and doesn't even have the story straight. http://knoxville.backpage.com/BodyRubs/p-hunt-well-39/7992753 The real truth is he said, he made up a story. NEVER ever provided.

This chick over posts and spams BP daily.

P Hunt 37
06-04-13, 13:07
It's not a good idea to discuss your exploits (or alleged exploits) with one gal or provider with another. You already know that those gals are scandalous, catty, and cutthroat. I was patronizing a young lady at a gentleman's spot and she performed a roll call of all of women who were allegedly providing additional services outside the establishment. I wanted to ask her to slow down because she was saying the names too fast and it was hard for me to take a mental note for future reference. It turns out that dude's (I hope that they weren't members of this board) had come in bragging about it and commenting on the hygiene issues of a few and the no-boundaries offerings of others. I pulled one of the young ladies referenced as providing additional services for a private chat. I whispered that I wanted to confirm that she was the familiar face that I recognized from an ad (the tattoo pattern was also a dead giveaway). She cautiously acknowledged that she was indeed the girl and wanted me to make sure not to mention it to the other girls "because they don't know". Anyone who posts an ad anywhere is not under the radar, perhaps lower volume, but definitely not under the radar by any means. The ladies require discretion just as much as mongers do, so please respect that. Gals have had to yank ads because of careless discussions and that doesn't benefit any of us. It hurts their money and limits our options. Keep the numbers handy because those numbers are good for a while after the ad is gone. Happy Hunting, Milfman865I recently had a provider start running down another provider that I really like. A couple on here have given the provider I like bad reviews but she has always given me excellent service. I had a great experience with the provider that was running the other down & would have repeated except for her mouthing off afterwards.

Also about your tips post, I agree 100% with both YMMV & keep your mouth shut about other providers. I used to get great service from Bella Shai even after TPP's bad experience. We used to argue bover e-mail over Amanda / Bella, Harley & Bella Shai. He had great svc with amnda & Harley and the fact both were involved in hold ups / shake downs didn't bother him & the fact that Bella Shai ripped him off while always being good to me didn't bother me. We both at least agreed on Victoria, the tall slim blonde that worked out of S. Knox, hate she disappeared. She always showered with me afterwards so my SO wouldn't smell sex on me. Those thought saw her might remember her by she always filled the condom with water afterwards to make sure there was no leaks. The hygiene thing you are also right about, we expect them to be smelling nice, not masked in perfume, so we should return the favor. I once canceled an appt with Barbie because it was very hot outside & I had spent a couple hours outside & had sweated quite a bit. She was like do not worry about it but I refused to see her smelling like a sweaty mongor.

P Hunt 37
06-04-13, 18:35
Since you are reading this then you need to be educated. 6=$60 not 6pp. Look in the abbreviation sections. Just like $.2 means $120. You see $ stands for $100. But without the $ & just a. Means whatever is after that is how much you paid. Listen Rene, I have never seen you or caused you a problem you misread my post. I've never given any pp to any provider. This will be last post concerning you. Even though I don't know you from anyone if you keep this crap up & want to start a war with someone that wasn't bothering you then you will regret it that much I promise you.

06-05-13, 13:32
Did SHE give you permission to post her PICS? If NOT I would delete these. As a matter of respect.

There's a reason she did not post them to begin with and it is my understanding she did not want pics online.

I wrote her as well. Here is what I got back.




Gotta Run
06-05-13, 21:00
Has anyone seen or heard form "Big Loud Ugly Foul Odored Repulsive Dickhead" lately. I just figured he was tied up with the MacDaddies having lunch yesterday. All one of him, why will he not post in this thread where he can. Guess he only wants to take up screen space on the other threads.

P Hunt 37
06-06-13, 12:22
Has anyone seen or heard form "Big Loud Ugly Foul Odored Repulsive Dickhead" lately. I just figured he was tied up with the MacDaddies having lunch yesterday. All one of him, why will he not post in this thread where he can. Guess he only wants to take up screen space on the other threads.He had to testify yesterday. Have to keep the Greybar Notel full.

Gotta Run
06-06-13, 15:34
He had to testify yesterday. Have to keep the Greybar Notel full.Oh, ok now I get what the MacDaddy Wenesday lunch is. LOL

06-06-13, 17:31
Has anyone seen or heard form "Big Loud Ugly Foul Odored Repulsive Dickhead" lately. I just figured he was tied up with the MacDaddies having lunch yesterday. All one of him, why will he not post in this thread where he can. Guess he only wants to take up screen space on the other threads.If we are talking about the same MacDaddy's Blueford will and has never be invited.

06-06-13, 20:49
She has a hard on for various members here. She has been posting about many of us and threatening to do more. Tonight she text me (much was incoherent but this is what she said;

Rene: I hav vm theat saved num ame asses real name on pills naming names pillhead pain piills crying on phone he was so scared your name too he told on everyone 8:40 PM

Rene: I talk to leo hav lots info and numbers to share 8:40 PM

Me: I am going to post that. You have lots of info and numbers to share, sounds like a threat? Thanks for update bltch! Good luck 8:43 PM

Take it for what its is worth and coming from CRAZY Rene

Gotta Run
06-09-13, 09:33
I had a session scheduled tonight with a really good provider.


And I had to cancel. Why you may ask, well I'll tell you. Because I had to go through EVERY FUCKING THREAD IN THIS FUCKING CITY AND PUT AN END TO THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT THAT'S WHY! And now gents I am well and truly pissed off. I moved all the stupid shit to.


And that is where it best be in the future.

I'm posting this in all the affected threads and let me tell you what will happen to the next person that starts this shit again. I won't ban them, I'm going to change their user title to douchebag and I'm going to edit every single fucking post that comes from their fucking account or any IP that has every been used on their account (good luck creating an alias) to say how much they enjoy sucking a trannies cock. All you will be able to say on this board until the end of fucking time or the internet, whichever comes first, will be how much you enjoy sucking cock, or taking it up the ass in the shower at prison.

Try me and see if I'm fucking around.

Now get back to the fucking pussy, there has been enough douchbaggery here that every fucking punanni in Knox should be clean as a fucking whistle.

I agree on this one get pussy instead of starting drama isn't this what the board is for? ! I see why all the great provider leave and never come back its more drama then any other city I been too. And its sad to see grown ass men Carry on like that. Report something postive sometimes its not hard! !She posted this in General Reports but I moved my response over here. This is too funny considering who it is comming from.

06-09-13, 10:04
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

06-09-13, 10:07
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

06-09-13, 11:27
She posted this in General Reports but I moved my response over here. This is too funny considering who it is comming from.No doubt. She is drama. All the good providers leave what a joke. We have some great providers in Knoxville that stay for some reason.

Gotta Run
06-09-13, 22:32
No doubt. She is drama. All the good providers leave what a joke. We have some great providers in Knoxville that stay for some reason.It's really bad when her post get deleted in the Bullshit thread for pointless drama. LOL

06-10-13, 09:46
It's really bad when her post get deleted in the Bullshit thread for pointless drama. LOLGot my point across did you? ? BTW its because I was cursin. Trust am threw on to the next. Am still getting money bills pay and car paid off so no complaints here. Still getting great reviews so I couldn't be too much drama.

06-10-13, 15:32
Got my point across did you? ? BTW its because I was cursin. Trust am threw on to the next. Am still getting money bills pay and car paid off so no complaints here. Still getting great reviews so I couldn't be too much drama.Would you be so kind as to post said reviews. I must have missed seeing them.

06-11-13, 02:44
I just have to say that while I have no doubt that Dr. H knows what he's talking about with UTR type girls, I could just never do that.

It's one thing with pro types or even with girls who are just doing to get money to buy some dope.

Hell, I've given them money, fucked them and then given them a ride to the dealer's house.

Their life and their choice.

But a girl who's spreading her legs just to get some money to buy her kids something for Christmas?

I'm not throwing stones, I'm just saying that's not something I could ever do.


I just wanted to add that I may run my mouth about off topic stuff a bit too much, I totally agree with the admins in that the purpose of this forum isn't for us to argue with each other.

Gotta Run
06-11-13, 07:14
Got my point across did you? ? BTW its because I was cursin. Trust am threw on to the next. Am still getting money bills pay and car paid off so no complaints here. Still getting great reviews so I couldn't be too much drama.English please or atleast somethng remotely coherent please.

Dr Holiday
06-11-13, 07:23
IMO wife / gf spreading her legs for us exactly the same. One pays no matter how you get it. Wife you met and married in church, You pay with fidelity, putting up with crazy ex bf, nasty mother in law, paying mortgage, car payment, braces for the kid. Or Christmas etc. Etc. Etc. With straight cash too. Try not paying any of those and see if you get laid. The idea that the wifey thinks it her duty to service you has gone out of the world (well you can get a Russian or Phillapina bride. She'll do it till she gets a green card).

No different for a UTR type or a SW we still paying. One way or another. But I'm old and cynical.

I have always said I'm amazed at you all. Driving around bad spots, risking being robbed and extreme risk from LEO etc. BP is a LEO taskforce minefield these days.

The risk of a UTR provider is way lower. Less std chance, no LEO risk. Usually aren't on drugs (usually) so less risk of things like Hep C. Less chance of them robbing you etc. More discretion. They like to stay quiet. More like a wife / gf that's always a sure thing.

Not to mention, they are in looks are usually a 50 on the 1 to 10 SW scale.

Calculate how much per pop you pay for a wife. Paying for kids Christmas well worth it. BP / SW etc. Will be very much more a value proposition if you don't factor in the risks. LOL.

06-11-13, 09:44
I just have to say that while I have no doubt that Dr. H knows what he's talking about with UTR type girls, I could just never do that.

It's one thing with pro types or even with girls who are just doing to get money to buy some dope.

Hell, I've given them money, fucked them and then given them a ride to the dealer's house.

Their life and their choice.

But a girl who's spreading her legs just to get some money to buy her kids something for Christmas?

I'm not throwing stones, I'm just saying that's not something I could ever do.


I just wanted to add that I may run my mouth about off topic stuff a bit too much, I totally agree with the admins in that the purpose of this forum isn't for us to argue with each other.I don't mean to argue, but I disagree with you on that. First off, I don't like dopers. I don't want to be around them, even if they are beautiful. Giving cash to a doper for any reason, is just helping them kill themselves in my opinion and I don't feel very good about that. On the other side of that coin, I have known several ladies that have worked their way through college as call girls. Those I am happy to help out and wish them well. They make intelligent decisions about the best way for them to get the resources they need to better their lives, whether it is school, a better home for them and their families, etc. That's also why it is legal in nearly every western country in the world today, while drugs are not. We have to separate one from the other.

06-11-13, 10:40
I don't mean to argue, but I disagree with you on that. First off, I don't like dopers. I don't want to be around them, even if they are beautiful. Giving cash to a doper for any reason, is just helping them kill themselves in my opinion and I don't feel very good about that. On the other side of that coin, I have known several ladies that have worked their way through college as call girls. Those I am happy to help out and wish them well. They make intelligent decisions about the best way for them to get the resources they need to better their lives, whether it is school, a better home for them and their families, etc. That's also why it is legal in nearly every western country in the world today, while drugs are not. We have to separate one from the other.I don't want to be around dopers either (even though some might slip through the cracks, and some are very good at hiding their addictions). If someone has chosen to offer up some sex to better themselves, pay bills or put food on their kids table, I feel much better about that than I do helping them kill themselves. I won't kid myself into saying I'm being "Charitable," but at least the money is going to something better than eventual death.

Dr Holiday
06-11-13, 12:20
I don't mean to argue, but I disagree with you on that. First off, I don't like dopers. I don't want to be around them, even if they are beautiful. Giving cash to a doper for any reason, is just helping them kill themselves in my opinion and I don't feel very good about that. On the other side of that coin, I have known several ladies that have worked their way through college as call girls. Those I am happy to help out and wish them well. They make intelligent decisions about the best way for them to get the resources they need to better their lives, whether it is school, a better home for them and their families, etc. That's also why it is legal in nearly every western country in the world today, while drugs are not. We have to separate one from the other.Or to a pimp either. Not very keen on ones that support looser BF or husband either. My cash going to those parasites irks me.

My second favorite peeve. Late night calls by girl to bail them out. LOL Damn if I haven't heard,"I need your lawyer" a bunch. LOL Usually DUI, kid custody or some sort of domestic brawling.

I know lots of UTR types have gone to college too. LOL There are quite a few went on my dimes. Know several above the radar types put themselves through college as providers. Several have doctor in front of their names. Went the distance.

I admire their resolve and work ethic. Made better future for their kids and themselves. Something to be proud of. Did what they had to and got out of the business.

So I'd much rather my $$$ go to kids Christmas, rent etc. Paying tuition fine by me. Just not to the local dealer. Yukkkk!

06-11-13, 13:30
I don't want to be around dopers either (even though some might slip through the cracks, and some are very good at hiding their addictions). If someone has chosen to offer up some sex to better themselves, pay bills or put food on their kids table, I feel much better about that than I do helping them kill themselves. I won't kid myself into saying I'm being "Charitable," but at least the money is going to something better than eventual death.I agree 100% that I would prefer my hobby dollars go to a lady who is trying to better her life or the life of her family, however, I long ago gave up the delusion that the vast majority of those dollars are not going almost directly to a drug dealer or a liquor store. I have seen a large number of girls and I am fairly confident that 90% have substance abuse problems. (my experience only, primarily BP types)

I have reconciled myself to the fact that I am enabling this behavior to a certain extent. The saddest part for me is that so many of these girls are trapped in their own delusion. They actually believe they are going to go back to school and become a nurse. (I personally have not known one to make it) That the agreeably noble end of a good education justifies the means, when if fact they are simply servicing old men to support a drug habit and too often a deadbeat significant other. They fool us many times, simply because they have first fooled themselves!

I am not sure exactly what Anksgf meant as he and I almost never agree but I will say that I have more respect for a girl prostituting herself because she is completely lost to addiction than I do for the girl who is prostituting herself for a newer car, a pair of Prada's or a piece of jewelry.


06-11-13, 14:46
I don't mean to argue, but I disagree with you on that. First off, I don't like dopers. I don't want to be around them, even if they are beautiful. Giving cash to a doper for any reason, is just helping them kill themselves in my opinion and I don't feel very good about that. On the other side of that coin, I have known several ladies that have worked their way through college as call girls. Those I am happy to help out and wish them well. They make intelligent decisions about the best way for them to get the resources they need to better their lives, whether it is school, a better home for them and their families, etc. That's also why it is legal in nearly every western country in the world today, while drugs are not. We have to separate one from the other.Yes, it needs to be legalized not 'decriminalized' (which is still prosecuted as a crime) and legalizing drugs this would eliminate organized crime which would eliminate 90% of drug addiction proven in nations that do this.

So you never vote for adulterous alcoholic drug-addicted presidents, judges or knox county sheriffs?










If these girls survive trying to kill themselves using the government's own illegal drugs, following the example of their criminal presidents, perhaps we helped a little bit towards their success instead of abandoning them like their parents?

How many of us were not young and dumb?

The government's police import and distribute the illegal narcotics, using their "confidential informant" gangmembers to sell the drugs on the street with immunity. Jamie Satterfield at the Sentinel wrote that one of the Christian Newsome slaying doper gangbangers was KPD family who was never prosecuted.

BTW normal prescription drugs kill over 200000 people a year in USA, not counting accidental overdoses, suicide or homicide. Going to a doctor is far more dangerous and addictive than shopping for dope on the street or a nightclub.

Treat the girls nice like you would any woman you date. Because lets face it thats what this is a date often with a long-term open relationship.

06-11-13, 19:00
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because the subject of the report was in direct violation of a posted Admin Restriction on the author, the thread, and/or the subject. This behavior will not be tolerated, and a 2nd violation will result in an automatic banning.

Gotta Run
06-12-13, 07:24
Would you be so kind as to post said reviews. I must have missed seeing them.
Got my point across did you? ? BTW its because I was cursin. Trust am threw on to the next. Am still getting money bills pay and car paid off so no complaints here. Still getting great reviews so I couldn't be too much drama.I too would like to see these so called reviews. Oh and not the ones you made yourself. LOL.

If you can manage to put a coherent sentence together in something that resembles english then please let me know what your point is. If you could just keep it simple and drama free honey then maybe I could understand what it is you are trying to say.

06-13-13, 04:02
Spotted something this morning thst I just had to share so figured I would put it here so I don't run the risk of having my tag changed to dou changed to douchebag.

Was traveling to meet a very understanding lady in a bind and decided to travel thru one of the walker strolls for the hell of it. Not a lot of traffic on the road I was behind a vehicle (won't name the make and model) stopped at a red light, now as we all know you drive like a judge while in these areasor leo will pick you up faster than you can say I swear she just needed a ride. But there this vehicle was stopped at a green light making head nods and signals to a male female couplebthst I thought CLEARLY wasn't working so I go around to get away from the possible drama and go on my merry way but a few seconds later mr persistant catches back up to me and starts to really follow closely and I look in my review mirror and he looks EXACTLY like that school admin that was busted off that sting.

Not entirely sure if its funny or sad I will let you all be the judge. Have a nice day out there all and stay safe

Dr Holiday
06-13-13, 06:50
I agree 100% that I would prefer my hobby dollars go to a lady who is trying to better her life or the life of her family, however, I long ago gave up the delusion that the vast majority of those dollars are not going almost directly to a drug dealer or a liquor store. I have seen a large number of girls and I am fairly confident that 90% have substance abuse problems. (my experience only, primarily BP types)

SennaYour experience and conclusions would match mine and lots of others I'm sure.

Not just the BP types. Even the UTR types more than one knows have drug issues. Lawyers, waitresses, student. Many of the UTR types supporting dead beat SO. However, one finds many supporting a child and a dead beat sperm donor that doesn't help. But all generalizations are flawed. One finds the combinations. Too often I have found what appears to be good student and single mom with the combined gorilla on back of dead beat boy friend she supports too or coke or both.

Too often its the underlying cause why they are UTR providers too besides being a lawyer etc.

06-13-13, 12:54
She is legit and no I haven't been a member that long the reason I join this board is because I got rip off by this other lady. That I was seeing for five months and I post what see did to me, but I deleted that post do to the fact she called me and told she wasn't going to be able to pay me back the $200 she owns because of my review which I think she is full of shit I won't never see my money so I set up a call with Rachel, and she had made me forget all about what's her face she is new to the business. And everything I post about her was true she isn't a LEO neither am I but I do understand cops do post in here trying to set people up, but Rachel and clean safe very professional she's not on pills you won't regret your visit with her. Like I said she is great. I saw two nights in a row I'm the type of guy when I find something that I like I stick with.Dude you blast onto the scene with this raving report of a chick that didn't even start posting until May 29th. Then this story of being ripped off but no review on that? You're are trying WAY too hard to convince us that she is legit and your not LEO.

Gotta Run
06-13-13, 20:40
Dude you blast onto the scene with this raving report of a chick that didn't even start posting until May 29th. Then this story of being ripped off but no review on that? You're are trying WAY too hard to convince us that she is legit and your not LEO.That screen name may be alias of Bluford or Miss Murno? You know they both seemed to quit posting about the same time. Hum could they be on vacation together somewhere.

06-14-13, 00:50
I don't mean to argue, but I disagree with you on that. First off, I don't like dopers. I don't want to be around them, even if they are beautiful. Giving cash to a doper for any reason, is just helping them kill themselves in my opinion and I don't feel very good about that. On the other side of that coin, I have known several ladies that have worked their way through college as call girls. Those I am happy to help out and wish them well. They make intelligent decisions about the best way for them to get the resources they need to better their lives, whether it is school, a better home for them and their families, etc. That's also why it is legal in nearly every western country in the world today, while drugs are not. We have to separate one from the other.I can both agree and disagree in that while I have given girls money for sex, knowing perfectly well they were going to go buy dope with it, I see it as being their business.

I used to be VERY much like you in that I said I wasn't ever going to pay a girl to have sex with me so she could go get her some dope.

And I still am not going to do it with them and I still don't want them doing it around me and of course they are killing themselves.

My step-dad is one step away from the grave because of cigarettes and I'm killing myself with both cigarettes and booze. My Grandfather killed over at 58 from a heart attack caused by smoking cigarettes all of his life.

I don't use them myself and I have no desire to but I fail to see how illegal drugs are any worse than the shit that's legal.

06-14-13, 01:06
I am new to this forum and Knoxville but have seen providers in other cities. I matched 2 mugshots from the 13 June arrest list to ads on BP. I imagine LEO answered their ads and got them at the meeting. Is there a way, or has anyone heard of, LEO making arrests when a legit provider meets with a legit customer at a private location or hotel?

06-16-13, 12:37
That screen name may be alias of Bluford or Miss Murno? You know they both seemed to quit posting about the same time. Hum could they be on vacation together somewhere.Quote Originally Posted by Sexhoundtn2 [View Original Post]

"Dude you blast onto the scene with this raving report of a chick that didn't even start posting until May 29th. Then this story of being ripped off but no review on that? You're are trying WAY too hard to convince us that she is legit and your not LEO."

And I would not like to have one, especially against two well established and respected senior members such as yourselves. Having said that, I did happen to read the posting of the girl he claimed to have ripped him off before he took it down. I don't want to cause him any more grief with her IF in fact he is a legitimate reviewer / member so if either of you would like her name, feel free to PM me. I will gladly respond.

The strange thing about this guy is that he will post and then afterwards delete his posting. There's no way, that I know of, to check his history on here.

06-21-13, 14:33
Quote Originally Posted by Sexhoundtn2 [View Original Post]

"Dude you blast onto the scene with this raving report of a chick that didn't even start posting until May 29th. Then this story of being ripped off but no review on that? You're are trying WAY too hard to convince us that she is legit and your not LEO."

And I would not like to have one, especially against two well established and respected senior members such as yourselves. Having said that, I did happen to read the posting of the girl he claimed to have ripped him off before he took it down. I don't want to cause him any more grief with her IF in fact he is a legitimate reviewer / member so if either of you would like her name, feel free to PM me. I will gladly respond.

The strange thing about this guy is that he will post and then afterwards delete his posting. There's no way, that I know of, to check his history on here.So idk if I'm doing this right or not but here goes I'm Rachel who your talking about. I don't post on BP very often due to my cautious ways I get scared of getting pinched because yes your absolutely right I've only been posting since the end of may an apparently there was a few bust that weekend or sum shit, but an apparently its really hot in Knoxville so thats the reason for that.

Now the reason I started posting when I did is bc my mom kicked me out an so I had to have somewhere to stay an I wasnt making enough money at club so I started doing this an so now I'm just surviving. One day at a time I'm not the fucking po po though but whatever, I'm actually very cool girl.

Thanks rachel

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it appeared to be a public effort to discourage members from posting information. If you have a concern about information posted by another member, then please contact them privately by PM. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

06-21-13, 15:24
Ok so I found the senior members name who has visited with me its jg3786. So you know I'm straight an my friend is cool to tyrannyofsouls even tho he doesn't post or wateva. Hope you get to kno me I'm new but I'm going to be here a while so. Like me or not. An for you that just want to give somebody a bad rep. Thats fine you must be broke or you would have something much better to do than just being petty an you kno who you are.

06-21-13, 20:16
Ok so I found the senior members name who has visited with me its jg3786. So you know I'm straight an my friend is cool to tyrannyofsouls even tho he doesn't post or wateva. Hope you get to kno me I'm new but I'm going to be here a while so. Like me or not. An for you that just want to give somebody a bad rep. Thats fine you must be broke or you would have something much better to do than just being petty an you kno who you are.You better post a pic. I don't know this screename.

06-23-13, 13:06
That screen name may be alias of Bluford or Miss Murno? You know they both seemed to quit posting about the same time. Hum could they be on vacation together somewhere.Yea right I don't talk to people here its pointless! Its always some shit especially with my name in it but nope don't know him and not on vacation for those that are so worried about me. Must be two pup pop or one of his puppies LOL am gone again.

Gotta Run
06-23-13, 17:21
Yea right I don't talk to people here its pointless! Its always some shit especially with my name in it but nope don't know him and not on vacation for those that are so worried about me. Must be two pup pop or one of his puppies LOL am gone again.Glad you are back. I must say that post is in English and appears to be composed while you were in a coherent state. I applaud your new posting style and it looks as if those summer English Conposition classes really paid off. Welcom back hun.

06-24-13, 09:31
Yea right I don't talk to people here its pointless! Its always some shit especially with my name in it but nope don't know him and not on vacation for those that are so worried about me. Must be two pup pop or one of his puppies LOL am gone again.Come on back to Orlando hun. The mongers here had nothing but good things to say about you here. Besides, I never got the chance to dream with you.

06-24-13, 13:28
Glad you are back. I must say that post is in English and appears to be composed while you were in a coherent state. I applaud your new posting style and it looks as if those summer English Conposition classes really paid off. Welcom back hun.What a the* Not even worth my time! Probaly couldn't even afford me LOL. O got to go going to handle real business.

06-24-13, 20:09
Come on back to Orlando hun. The mongers here had nothing but good things to say about you here. Besides, I never got the chance to dream with you.If she comes back keep her there.

Gotta Run
06-24-13, 21:08
What a the* Not even worth my time! Probaly couldn't even afford me LOL. O got to go going to handle real business.Sorry hun, I spoke too soon. I should have known it was too good to be true.

07-07-13, 20:37
Anyone know about putting money on someone's account at the Knox County jail? Girl I know is evidently going to be there a while & I want to give her some money, but don't want to have to give my name. Is this possible? Not much info on the jail website.

07-12-13, 19:36
Sorry hun, I spoke too soon. I should have known it was too good to be true.It's back.

07-13-13, 00:20
I don't know Knox countys guidelines but I have sent funds for friends in jail in the names of their children by mail. Figured it might give them something to think about at the same time. You might need some specific info like prisoner number etc to get it to the right place.

Gotta Run
07-13-13, 22:45
It's back.It appears that no one wants to do what is required to keep it but what I really would like to know how do you get rid of it?

07-14-13, 13:16
I have been waiting on this day GRANNY has been taken out by the new hot girls Kendra and Amy and what I have been told there is more on the way if you have not seen these girls yet you are in for a treat I seen Kendra fri and Amy on Sat The Kendra one has the bubble ass, with nice boobs, Amy has the little body with the farmer's daughter face, Like a young college girl look, WOW I don't know witch one to go back to and I can't wait to see the new girls coming? But I will say They have taken Granny out of the game for good!Victoria, we love the updates of your ladies. Funny your ad, stated Amy was off Saturday. Maybe try something a little different, post real pix of the ladies you're pimping. The lack of using correct english and your terrible spelling never ceases to amaze.

07-14-13, 22:18
I read on here every day someone is bashing someone but the sec they defend there self or the statement they get banded WOW what a 1way street Looks like to me that the others posting lie's on the girls need to go! So I feel if someone say untrue things about someone or say's something attacking another person its ok but the sec someone say's different and calls them out they get deleted or banned? And there is no way to say Sure there is because not only me but everyone will agree that this statement I just made is 100% true! Trust me there is other's at USA sex guide to address this issue to!Normally I would delete a post like this because sending messages to the administration should be done through email but it's a good question so I'll field it. I'm assuming you're asking why I banned Assman75. When somebody creates a new user for the purpose of attacking a member or provider I ban that user. You may wonder how I determine that, a guy could have been a lurker for a long time without posting and then had a bad experience with a provider that was so terrible it moved him to create a user name and write a negative review. But that's not what happened here, a provider who has been a constant source of problems created Assman75 to attack a different provider and create drama, so I banned the user.

Does that explanation satisfy your curiosity Kenny?


08-09-13, 18:50
It appears that no one wants to do what is required to keep it but what I really would like to know how do you get rid of it?Keep in mind I have clientele in Knonxville Tn. That's reliable.

Ardor Paramour
09-12-13, 21:14
Well, hello everyone. There seems to be a bit of bafflement and confusion, and I would like to take a bit of my time out to straighten it out. To clarify I am no "chick". I am a woman, a mature, reasonable and comprehending woman, and I go by "Chellla". That is Chellla. Yes, with three "L's". I have gone by Rachell. With two "L's. And I have never gone by the name of "Tony R", or felt any need, nor desire to repackage my image. I am perfectly content with it as it stands, and have only adapted it a bit since it's initial inception only a few short months ago. Perhaps there is a woman with a doctorate who is vegan, and I can assure everyone that I am not she. I am not, nor have I ever been vegan. I have never, nor would ever advise anyone to subject their self to a vegan diet. Human beings are not herbivores. We all need to consume animal fats, healthy animal fat. There are numerous essential vitamins and minerals which are fat soluble, such as A, D, E and K, and I do mean animal fat soluble. One can not expect to come to enjoy, nor maintain optimal health on a vegan diet.

Now, with that being said, there is another point of erroneous narrative linked to Chellla that I would like to refute. I do not chat on the phone, nor have I ever gone "ballistic" on a gentleman for monopolizing my time. If I were to allow a man to do so, and found myself displeased with the outcome, I would consider my self ultimately responsible for having given him the opportunity to do so. The confusion is understandable. Any gentleman with as many reports as his is likely to make an honest mistake in speculating about a woman's identity. I am inclined to point out that many of you gentlemen can be likened to a brood of cackling hens. (_*)

Yes, I do post on Craigslist. I prefer CL and have no desire to advertise on BP. Perhaps some of you have noticed or replied to my posts. Chellla is the "hot and hungry, HWP, alcohol, chemical, drug and disease free secretary" who asks for email RSVP. No numbers. I am not an escort, I do not sell my time, my massages, ask for donations, nor roses. I am a hostess who serves hot tea. And perhaps some sweet berries and fresh cake from time to time. This is not an advertisement, or I would have posted in the advertisers thread. I will not respond to any PM's stemming from this thread inquiring as to my email address, phone number or availability.

Warm regards and sweet dreams. (-_-) ZZzz.


09-17-13, 01:44
Warm regards and sweet dreams. (-_-) ZZzz.ChelllaFor a great exampLLLe of how NOT to drum up business, LLLook no further than Chellla's manifesto. Move on pLLLease to the pLLLethora of reLLLiable providers out there. Nothing eLLLse to be found here gentLLLemen unLLLess you desire a bit of drama in your LLLife.

Happy Hunting, MiLLLfMan (yeah, with the extra LLL's)

Ardor Paramour
09-28-13, 12:58
For a great exampLLLe of how NOT to drum up business, LLLook no further than Chellla's manifesto. Move on pLLLease to the pLLLethora of reLLLiable providers out there. Nothing eLLLse to be found here gentLLLemen unLLLess you desire a bit of drama in your LLLife.

Happy Hunting, MiLLLfMan (yeah, with the extra LLL's) Speaking of drama, what a lively production, MilfMan! With "Chell" being the last syllable of my first name and "La" being the first syllable of my last name, I can understand how this could seem dramatic for one who prefers a more standard or common handle. Jeesh! Perhaps "Chellla" is simply not your cup of tea, and you would prefer "Brandy","Roxanne", or perhaps "Layla". I do appreciate your recommendation, though. If I wanted to hang a red lantern off my porch, I would do so.

09-29-13, 17:46
Speaking of drama, what a lively production, MilfMan! With "Chell" being the last syllable of my first name and "La" being the first syllable of my last name, I can understand how this could seem dramatic for one who prefers a more standard or common handle. Jeesh! Perhaps "Chellla" is simply not your cup of tea, and you would prefer "Brandy","Roxanne", or perhaps "Layla". I do appreciate your recommendation, though. If I wanted to hang a red lantern off my porch, I would do so.I sincerely appreciate an explanation of the derivation of your handle. By the way, I do indeed enjoy hot tea provided by an erudite hostess. If dangling hot tea and stimulating dialogue among other forms of stimulation represent your flame, I suppose that I'm a mere moth drawn to it. If you have any recommendations concerning a hot tea serving hostess, just let me know. Keep up the excellence, in all due sincerity, dear Chellla. Happy Hunting, MilfMan

Ardor Paramour
10-06-13, 22:21
[Deleted by Admin]
Yeah this is the Tips, Tricks, Arguing, and Bullshit thread but I deleted this rant.

I'm not trying to be a dick I'm serious about this, you might want to consider changing jobs.


11-01-13, 20:38
I have a thought. What if some of us got together to protect each other's utr's. So her is how the rules would play.

1. We share our utr's with each other but only the original source of the utr can pass on that info.

2. We keep price at a fair trade so that no one is paying more then the other. Keeps a girls from playing favorites.

3. If a girl screws one of us over we all stick together and pull the money back until they make it right with who ever she screwed over. If they have a good thing going with some regulars they would be foolish to mess that up.

4 we trust each other more then we do the girls. These girls know how to play a guy to get what they want and when we start to take there side over trusted brothers then it all falls apart.

5. We never share with any provider info about each other. If they ask we just know they are a senior member on the board and that's it.

I know many times we find our selfs wanting to help these girls out. They may get in a bind and ask for some money or assistance and promise to meet latter to work it out. The problem is that many once they have the money never work it out. They think because they have others to meet that will pay they can just leave you hanging. So this would help us all from letting our generous hearts be taken advantage of.

Please share your thoughts and opinions.

If we will stick together and let these girls know we can introduce them to some trusted friends that can help them out. But if they mess up and cash and dash or ask for some help and make a promise to repay but never do then we all stick together and pull the money away till they make it right. This just helps keep these girls honest and us happy. If they know that they screw one of us over then they lose all if us till they make it right.

That's the kind if guys I am looking for. I have brought some great girls to the board and it would be nice to know you guys have my back.

MM.Rule 1. Other than the first few dates the Original Source can't control who the UTR see's. She has every right to give another client permission to share her info. You can't prevent that.

Rule 2. No single man or group of men has the right to dictate the rates of any provider or UTR. She can charge whatever to whoever she wants. You can give her what she wants, stop seeing her or try to negotiate without offending. Everyone has or will have a favorite. You can't prevent that.

Rule 3. There's a lot of room for he said / she said. The lady's reputation can be damaged by one disgruntled client because she refused some particular service or just didn't want to see him again. Also one single man or group of men can't dictate to others.

Rule 4. This rule just proves why Rule 3 will not work. "we trust each other more then we do the girls. When we start to take there side over trusted brothers then it all falls apart." According to Rule 4 she would have to see this man and do what he wants in order to keep the rest of her clients.

Rule 5. If the provider isn't asking a single question, doesn't know a single thing other being told that a person is Safe and she is being encouraged not to ask questions then she is setting herself up for future disaster. If she continues independently she will be more likely to be arrested or hurt then someone who is cautious.

Though I'm sure unintentional, these Rules seem to be aimed at controlling a UTR, in a slightly pimpish way.

Keeping a Provider honest is not the responsibility of the client. Its not your job to fix or train her.

11-04-13, 05:38
I hope the monger that rubbed my nose in what he was doing (excuse me who he was doing) all weekend is now broke so I can get a chance. LOL Just kidding you know who you are.

S E Monger
11-07-13, 16:22
I've been on this site over 10 months, and have seen 3 of the 'Top 5' in K-town by most accounts (one of them multiple times!) But I've got the itch to venture out and try some of your new finds. While variety is the spice of life, extreme caution is still the rule of the day. As someone reminded us recently, "the number 1 rule of fight club is to never mention fight club". I'm free most of Friday, and I've got money so if you can share a good find, PM me. I would certainly appreciate it!! Stay safe!!

11-12-13, 21:30
Be carefull of a guy who's screen name ends in 007 he says he is from out of town collects info sets up appointments with girls then cancels last minute. Pm me if you want the screen name.


11-20-13, 16:58
I've been on this site over 10 months, and have seen 3 of the 'Top 5' in K-town by most accounts (one of them multiple times!) But I've got the itch to venture out and try some of your new finds. While variety is the spice of life, extreme caution is still the rule of the day. As someone reminded us recently, "the number 1 rule of fight club is to never mention fight club". I'm free most of Friday, and I've got money so if you can share a good find, PM me. I would certainly appreciate it!! Stay safe!!Have you seen Ashlyn, or Megan. If not then you have missed two of the best. Now the other in the top 3 would be MountainMans UTR. Jenna and Kat are definitely in the running, but have stepped away for the most part, and I surely miss spending time with them. Not sure who your top 5 are but those would be mine.

12-01-13, 12:29
Ok guys- I am putting this here in case I piss someone off. If I do it is not in a thread that will cause admin to pm me, or so I hope.

I am glad everyone has green stuff to move through the economy, but some of us also like to keep what we work hard for, at least I do. Point being, I see a lot of people spending a LOT of faces for a he massage, when in fact it should cost about 50, at best. I say this because I have had some very nice gals come by and give me a massage and it cost 50 or less. Every time I have had a he. In many cases it was so happy that some of you spend about 200 for the same thing. Why? I don't get it. Not even sure I want to know the answer to my own question, really. Could be I just need to rant for a moment.

Perhaps this is why I don't have as much fun as some of the big dogs have, but when I do have fun I have a flipping blast.

12-01-13, 14:01
Ok guys- I am putting this here in case I piss someone off. If I do it is not in a thread that will cause admin to pm me, or so I hope.

I am glad everyone has green stuff to move through the economy, but some of us also like to keep what we work hard for, at least I do. Point being, I see a lot of people spending a LOT of faces for a he massage, when in fact it should cost about 50, at best. I say this because I have had some very nice gals come by and give me a massage and it cost 50 or less. Every time I have had a he. In many cases it was so happy that some of you spend about 200 for the same thing. Why? I don't get it. Not even sure I want to know the answer to my own question, really. Could be I just need to rant for a moment.

Perhaps this is why I don't have as much fun as some of the big dogs have, but when I do have fun I have a flipping blast.I am not quite sure what you are trying to say here. The providers will take whatever extra you give over their real price. I certainly agree that 2.0 is a lot for massage with he and I would feel ripped off at that price. Are you talking about individuals who do in or outcall or at an establishment?

12-01-13, 18:42
Ok guys- I am putting this here in case I piss someone off. If I do it is not in a thread that will cause admin to pm me, or so I hope.

I am glad everyone has green stuff to move through the economy, but some of us also like to keep what we work hard for, at least I do. Point being, I see a lot of people spending a LOT of faces for a he massage, when in fact it should cost about 50, at best. I say this because I have had some very nice gals come by and give me a massage and it cost 50 or less. Every time I have had a he. In many cases it was so happy that some of you spend about 200 for the same thing. Why? I don't get it. Not even sure I want to know the answer to my own question, really. Could be I just need to rant for a moment.

Perhaps this is why I don't have as much fun as some of the big dogs have, but when I do have fun I have a flipping blast.$200 should get you FS just about anywhere.

12-02-13, 00:46
I am talking about the in and out, but mainly the in. I see 100- 200 as very high for a rub with a he. A bill should always get you laid but there are those that are charging abuckandaquarter, abuckfifty. Heck for that I can get a lot. I am just saying that I am seeing a lot of it these days and I don't see why anyone is paying that. Kind of like watching porn and paying for it. If I am in it I will pay for it but I'm not going to sit back and be an observer. Just me though.

As I said, I just got frustrated with what I was seeing and needed to get it off my chest. What anyone does with there money is none of my biz and I should not have said anything but I was just irritated at the moment.

12-02-13, 01:31
I am talking about the in and out, but mainly the in. I see 100- 200 as very high for a rub with a he. A bill should always get you laid but there are those that are charging abuckandaquarter, abuckfifty. Heck for that I can get a lot. I am just saying that I am seeing a lot of it these days and I don't see why anyone is paying that. Kind of like watching porn and paying for it. If I am in it I will pay for it but I'm not going to sit back and be an observer. Just me though.

As I said, I just got frustrated with what I was seeing and needed to get it off my chest. What anyone does with there money is none of my biz and I should not have said anything but I was just irritated at the moment.I doubt it bothers anyone. I've been pleased with the way people speak their minds on this forum. I have only been to AMPs when it comes to massage. In those cases I can understand some overhead for keeping the place clean with shower and sauna. There's always some pressure to push up the price. One-on-one I like to give girls what they ask for, maybe we all need to haggle every once in a while. Thanks for your post.

12-05-13, 00:43
Reminded of this because of another post. Back when I was about 25 met a woman in a bar one night who was about 50 or 55, really hot, kinda freaked me out, but she came on to me in a pretty cool way, told me she's always had this mother / daughter fantasy.

Now at the time she was pretty ancient (age) to me, but I thought she's so tough, the daughter has just got to be totally amazing. This is going to be great, and with lots of expectation, I'm in.

So I went home with her. She opens the door, flips on the lights, and yells real loud: "HEY MOM, GUESS WHAT?

(this thread is also for bullshit).

12-05-13, 04:10
So EchoEcho tells me my inbox is full and I go to clear some of it out. I look and recall some of the names and conversations. However, some of the names seem to be missing and I just felt... Well, not really sure how I felt. Guess I wonder what happened to the good ol people I used to know.

BooHoo, crying in my beer all alone.

12-05-13, 11:37
Hey all...

I am about to get a burner phone. I am assuming that if you don't do anything beyond activate it, it would come up on caller I'd as "Unavailable" "Private" or "blocked", which would lead to a now answer from the provider. I assume that you register it under a P.S.eudonym. Is this hard to do without being awkward? (I.e. Is it something you need to do with the salesperson, or at home from your computer?


12-06-13, 01:49
Hey all... I am about to get a burner phone. I am assuming that if you don't do anything beyond activate it, it would come up on caller I'd as "Unavailable" "Private" or "blocked", which would lead to a now answer from the provider. I assume that you register it under a P.S.eudonym. Is this hard to do without being awkward? (I.e. Is it something you need to do with the salesperson, or at home from your computer? Thanks.Unless you just really want a 2nd phone for use only in the hobby, you may want to check into getting a google voice number (just google it). Sort of turns your regular phone into a monger phone with it's own private number. All it takes is a google email address which is easy to do anonymously. This 'alternate phone number' itself is hard to trace and completely FREE.

12-06-13, 09:37
Unless you just really want a 2nd phone for use only in the hobby, you may want to check into getting a google voice number (just google it). Sort of turns your regular phone into a monger phone with it's own private number. All it takes is a google email address which is easy to do anonymously. This 'alternate phone number' itself is hard to trace and completely FREE.Thanks Echo...

I think I want to do the burner phone route so there is no crossover with my day-to-day tech. I use gmail and such connected to my phone and don't want to bounce between my regular and phantom accounts (and risk leaving it logged into the wrong one). Burners have become so cheap that I figure I would suck up the $ to really maintain a wall between the two. I have an outbuilding / workshop where it would never be discovered.

But thanks a bunch for helping a noob monger stay in the clear.

12-07-13, 01:23
Unless you just really want a 2nd phone for use only in the hobby, you may want to check into getting a google voice number (just google it). Sort of turns your regular phone into a monger phone with it's own private number. All it takes is a google email address which is easy to do anonymously. This 'alternate phone number' itself is hard to trace and completely FREE.I use the google voice app, works great turn it on and off as needed. Calls and texts both with google voice without compromising your personal number.

12-07-13, 18:16
Thanks Echo... I think I want to do the burner phone route so there is no crossover with my day-to-day tech. . .Can't speak to how easy it may be to 'trace back to you' so to speak, but I use an elcheapo att Go-Phone with a plan that charges me $2 a day BUT only on the days I actually use it. Refill minimum is only $10 month, so built up quite a lot of minutes (you can do refills online with cc or buy a refill card at stores). Happy with it, + I use it in combo with an anonymous google voice number.

Best thing about using a google voice number is you can set it up online as to how it'll accept and screen calls, etc, even block all calls from a particular number, that may come in handy. The google voice system is certainly worth learning about.

12-10-13, 12:44
I use the google voice app, works great turn it on and off as needed. Calls and texts both with google voice without compromising your personal number.LOL I tryed to get the Google Voice but says no numbers available within my area code.

I live out in the country LOL.

12-11-13, 16:43
LOL I tryed to get the Google Voice but says no numbers available within my area code.

I live out in the country LOL.I live out in the sticks but my google number is for Knoxville.

12-12-13, 23:57
So EchoEcho tells me my inbox is full and I go to clear some of it out. I look and recall some of the names and conversations. However, some of the names seem to be missing and I just felt... Well, not really sure how I felt. Guess I wonder what happened to the good ol people I used to know.

BooHoo, crying in my beer all alone.Plus ca change, plus see'est la meme chose.

12-13-13, 18:58
Plus ca change, plus see'est la meme chose.WTF?

English site all posts must be in English, read it somewhere in the rules.

12-13-13, 19:59
I may be missing something, but I get tired of seeing UTR used by a provider who has an ad posted. I thought that by definition, UTR was someone who did not have an Internet or highly public presence trying to drum up business. UTR = The lady serving you drinks at the bar, a cashier at your favorite grocery / department store, a lady friend of a friend on this board, all who are providing a service for one reason or another. UTR not = someone with an ad posted anywhere, especially not someone with an ad posted on Backpage and this forum. Try low volume for now, few customers, just getting started, but stop misusing UTR. Even if the lady was once a provider and coming back on the scene, she can never be UTR again. If she can return to UTR status restored, she can have her virginity restored too. UTR, yeah right!

Happy Hunting,


Yello Tail
12-13-13, 20:35

English site all posts must be in English, read it somewhere in the rules.An epigram by Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr in the January 1849 issue of his journal Les Guêpes ("The Wasps" Literally "The more it changes, the more it's the same thing.

Or as most might say it today, The more things change, the more they stay the same.

12-17-13, 10:18
Let me start by saying this is a lengthy post, please read it entirely. As I write it I know there will be a few of you that will still think with the little head instead of understanding the situation.

I have debated on posting this and discussed it with a couple members before doing so, even ask the Admin how to handle it, and talked to another member yesterday that gave me the same info. You guys need to understand that these girls talk, a lot. So here it is.

There is a member on this forum that is a self proclaimed UTR god and claims to be our "brother" but really isn't. I have been told by three different girls, two other members on here have been told the same story about other girls. He is finding these girls usually off of Craigslist and bringing them to this board as UTRs. He is promising to give them good reviews here on the board in exchange for freebies, reduced rates, he has even gone so far as to coach them on their rates with the agreement that they give him a kickback off of what they make. If you remember there have been a few you to yours posted by him here lately that turned out to be cashed in dash or very poor service or worse. If the girls do not do what he says he will try to cut them off from the rest of the guys, try to get the guys quit seeing them, in order to hurt their pocket book. He tries to get the girls to move in with him to his little house in north knox so he can control who they see and when they see them. With a couple of these girls he is the one that is quoting the rates when he sent you a PM instead of letting you talk to the girls. I had one of these girls back several months ago that called me from the middle of the projects asking me to come and pick her up where he had sent her out on the side of the road during an argument. Another girl told me that he threatened her if she did not do what he said. She did not go into detail about the threat but I did use the word for it. I had another member tell me the girl told him that he had her at his house and was trying to leave and he would not let her leave. There was even a recent situation where he felt like to grow old him money so he contacted about your members via PM and ask the members not to see her anymore until she paid him. He preaches that we should all stick together and be brothers and take care of each other against these girls. While that is not a bad idea as a whole he does it for purposes of getting freebies reduced rates are making money. I have saw two of these girls previous to him bringing them to the board and the rates that I saw them for work we're about half of the rates that he quoted in the PM that it would take in order to see them. I do not think it is difficult for someone to promise to give the girls a good review in order to get a freebie and I definitely do not think it is right to give one of these new girls a glowing report when she is not what she is supposed to be in order to get a freebie. That cost all of us money that we should not be spending. If someone wants to be a p*mp then fine let them be a p*mp. But do not come on this board pretending that you're one of the guys one of our brothers here to try to help us out while making money for yourself or getting freebies at oir exspense. I have recently introduced a couple of UTRs to members of this board 3 pm But have instructed them not to share their info with this particular member. I have also told these girls that they need to ask for the board name of the gentleman that contact them and told them not to see this member. The last thing we need if someone coaching these girls on how to raise their rates so he can get a reduced price or make money.

So that's basically all I have to say on this subject. I do believe it would be beneficial to this board if we cut this member of and did not see his girls anymore where he was involved. If we have their numbers and want to see them without his involvement at a proper rate then that is fine. I myself have totally quit seen anyone that he has brought to this board and I told the girls why I had quit seeing them. There are way too many UTRs out there to be found without having to pay outrageous jacked up rates and without having to condone his top of activity. There are members like myself, Doc, Wheeler, Vegas, Letpse, BBtie and others that bring UTRs to the board honestly and without trying to get freebies. Ok I'm done with my rant. Most of you already know who I am talking about. If you don't then just PM me.

12-17-13, 11:04
Let me start by saying this is a lengthy post, please read it entirely. As I write it I know there will be a few of you that will still think with the little head instead of understanding the situation.

I have debated on posting this and discussed it with a couple members before doing so, even ask the Admin how to handle it, and talked to another member yesterday that gave me the same info. You guys need to understand that these girls talk, a lot. So here it is.

There is a member on this forum that is a self proclaimed UTR god and claims to be our "brother" but really isn't. I have been told by three different girls, two other members on here have been told the same story about other girls. He is finding these girls usually off of Craigslist and bringing them to this board as UTRs. He is promising to give them good reviews here on the board in exchange for freebies, reduced rates, he has even gone so far as to coach them on their rates with the agreement that they give him a kickback off of what they make. If you remember there have been a few you to yours posted by him here lately that turned out to be cashed in dash or very poor service or worse. If the girls do not do what he says he will try to cut them off from the rest of the guys, try to get the guys quit seeing them, in order to hurt their pocket book. He tries to get the girls to move in with him to his little house in north knox so he can control who they see and when they see them. With a couple of these girls he is the one that is quoting the rates when he sent you a PM instead of letting you talk to the girls. I had one of these girls back several months ago that called me from the middle of the projects asking me to come and pick her up where he had sent her out on the side of the road during an argument. Another girl told me that he threatened her if she did not do what he said. She did not go into detail about the threat but I did use the word for it. I had another member tell me the girl told him that he had her at his house and was trying to leave and he would not let her leave. There was even a recent situation where he felt like to grow old him money so he contacted about your members via PM and ask the members not to see her anymore until she paid him. He preaches that we should all stick together and be brothers and take care of each other against these girls. While that is not a bad idea as a whole he does it for purposes of getting freebies reduced rates are making money. I have saw two of these girls previous to him bringing them to the board and the rates that I saw them for work we're about half of the rates that he quoted in the PM that it would take in order to see them. I do not think it is difficult for someone to promise to give the girls a good review in order to get a freebie and I definitely do not think it is right to give one of these new girls a glowing report when she is not what she is supposed to be in order to get a freebie. That cost all of us money that we should not be spending. If someone wants to be a p*mp then fine let them be a p*mp. But do not come on this board pretending that you're one of the guys one of our brothers here to try to help us out while making money for yourself or getting freebies at oir exspense. I have recently introduced a couple of UTRs to members of this board 3 pm But have instructed them not to share their info with this particular member. I have also told these girls that they need to ask for the board name of the gentleman that contact them and told them not to see this member. The last thing we need if someone coaching these girls on how to raise their rates so he can get a reduced price or make money.

So that's basically all I have to say on this subject. I do believe it would be beneficial to this board if we cut this member of and did not see his girls anymore where he was involved. If we have their numbers and want to see them without his involvement at a proper rate then that is fine. I myself have totally quit seen anyone that he has brought to this board and I told the girls why I had quit seeing them. There are way too many UTRs out there to be found without having to pay outrageous jacked up rates and without having to condone his top of activity. There are members like myself, Doc, Wheeler, Vegas, Letpse, BBtie and others that bring UTRs to the board honestly and without trying to get freebies. Ok I'm done with my rant. Most of you already know who I am talking about. If you don't then just PM me.I agree 100% he has done same thing to me 160 for1/2 I thought that was outrageous so I never contacted him back.

Member #2668
12-17-13, 12:02
Let me start by saying this is a lengthy post, please read it entirely. As I write it I know there will be a few of you that will still think with the little head instead of understanding the situation.

I have debated on posting this and discussed it with a couple members before doing so, even ask the Admin how to handle it, and talked to another member yesterday that gave me the same info. You guys need to understand that these girls talk, a lot. So here it is.

There is a member on this forum that is a self proclaimed UTR god and claims to be our "brother" but really isn't. I have been told by three different girls, two other members on here have been told the same story about other girls. He is finding these girls usually off of Craigslist and bringing them to this board as UTRs. He is promising to give them good reviews here on the board in exchange for freebies, reduced rates, he has even gone so far as to coach them on their rates with the agreement that they give him a kickback off of what they make. If you remember there have been a few you to yours posted by him here lately that turned out to be cashed in dash or very poor service or worse. If the girls do not do what he says he will try to cut them off from the rest of the guys, try to get the guys quit seeing them, in order to hurt their pocket book. He tries to get the girls to move in with him to his little house in north knox so he can control who they see and when they see them. With a couple of these girls he is the one that is quoting the rates when he sent you a PM instead of letting you talk to the girls. I had one of these girls back several months ago that called me from the middle of the projects asking me to come and pick her up where he had sent her out on the side of the road during an argument. Another girl told me that he threatened her if she did not do what he said. She did not go into detail about the threat but I did use the word for it. I had another member tell me the girl told him that he had her at his house and was trying to leave and he would not let her leave. There was even a recent situation where he felt like to grow old him money so he contacted about your members via PM and ask the members not to see her anymore until she paid him. He preaches that we should all stick together and be brothers and take care of each other against these girls. While that is not a bad idea as a whole he does it for purposes of getting freebies reduced rates are making money. I have saw two of these girls previous to him bringing them to the board and the rates that I saw them for work we're about half of the rates that he quoted in the PM that it would take in order to see them. I do not think it is difficult for someone to promise to give the girls a good review in order to get a freebie and I definitely do not think it is right to give one of these new girls a glowing report when she is not what she is supposed to be in order to get a freebie. That cost all of us money that we should not be spending. If someone wants to be a p*mp then fine let them be a p*mp. But do not come on this board pretending that you're one of the guys one of our brothers here to try to help us out while making money for yourself or getting freebies at oir exspense. I have recently introduced a couple of UTRs to members of this board 3 pm But have instructed them not to share their info with this particular member. I have also told these girls that they need to ask for the board name of the gentleman that contact them and told them not to see this member. The last thing we need if someone coaching these girls on how to raise their rates so he can get a reduced price or make money.

So that's basically all I have to say on this subject. I do believe it would be beneficial to this board if we cut this member of and did not see his girls anymore where he was involved. If we have their numbers and want to see them without his involvement at a proper rate then that is fine. I myself have totally quit seen anyone that he has brought to this board and I told the girls why I had quit seeing them. There are way too many UTRs out there to be found without having to pay outrageous jacked up rates and without having to condone his top of activity. There are members like myself, Doc, Wheeler, Vegas, Letpse, BBtie and others that bring UTRs to the board honestly and without trying to get freebies. Ok I'm done with my rant. Most of you already know who I am talking about. If you don't then just PM me.Hey Hound I sent you a PM.

S E Monger
12-17-13, 14:58
It takes a big set of gonads to go public with a lashing, but as I've said before, I will just follow Hound around! I've also seen a couple of UTR's that were referred by said member, paid inflated prices and have then been told not to see these wonderful ladies. Let's remember what the purpose of this forum is. Find providers, fuck said providers, tell others that may enjoy providers whether the said provider was any good and whether we would repeat. Simple enough without additional 'rules'. I'm with you Hound.

12-17-13, 16:20
It takes a big set of gonads to go public with a lashing, but as I've said before, I will just follow Hound around! I've also seen a couple of UTR's that were referred by said member, paid inflated prices and have then been told not to see these wonderful ladies. Let's remember what the purpose of this forum is. Find providers, fuck said providers, tell others that may enjoy providers whether the said provider was any good and whether we would repeat. Simple enough without additional 'rules'. I'm with you Hound.I'm not sure about the big gonads, I'm a white boy so my are pretty much normal size. LOL.

What takes nads is to come on this forum preaching trust among the members and the brotherhood. The whole time screwing (no pun intended) the other guys so he can get his.

I think the part that bothers me more than the money issue is the treating these girls like sh*t. Most have fallen on hard times and need a little help. Maybe its not the most desirable profession but they are still human and deserve some degree of respect.

12-17-13, 16:36
Let me start by saying this is a lengthy post, please read it entirely. As I write it I know there will be a few of you that will still think with the little head instead of understanding the situation.

I have debated on posting this and discussed it with a couple members before doing so, even ask the Admin how to handle it, and talked to another member yesterday that gave me the same info. You guys need to understand that these girls talk, a lot. So here it is.

There is a member on this forum that is a self proclaimed UTR god and claims to be our "brother" but really isn't. I have been told by three different girls, two other members on here have been told the same story about other girls. He is finding these girls usually off of Craigslist and bringing them to this board as UTRs. He is promising to give them good reviews here on the board in exchange for freebies, reduced rates, he has even gone so far as to coach them on their rates with the agreement that they give him a kickback off of what they make. If you remember there have been a few you to yours posted by him here lately that turned out to be cashed in dash or very poor service or worse. If the girls do not do what he says he will try to cut them off from the rest of the guys, try to get the guys quit seeing them, in order to hurt their pocket book. He tries to get the girls to move in with him to his little house in north knox so he can control who they see and when they see them. With a couple of these girls he is the one that is quoting the rates when he sent you a PM instead of letting you talk to the girls. I had one of these girls back several months ago that called me from the middle of the projects asking me to come and pick her up where he had sent her out on the side of the road during an argument. Another girl told me that he threatened her if she did not do what he said. She did not go into detail about the threat but I did use the word for it. I had another member tell me the girl told him that he had her at his house and was trying to leave and he would not let her leave. There was even a recent situation where he felt like to grow old him money so he contacted about your members via PM and ask the members not to see her anymore until she paid him. He preaches that we should all stick together and be brothers and take care of each other against these girls. While that is not a bad idea as a whole he does it for purposes of getting freebies reduced rates are making money. I have saw two of these girls previous to him bringing them to the board and the rates that I saw them for work we're about half of the rates that he quoted in the PM that it would take in order to see them. I do not think it is difficult for someone to promise to give the girls a good review in order to get a freebie and I definitely do not think it is right to give one of these new girls a glowing report when she is not what she is supposed to be in order to get a freebie. That cost all of us money that we should not be spending. If someone wants to be a p*mp then fine let them be a p*mp. But do not come on this board pretending that you're one of the guys one of our brothers here to try to help us out while making money for yourself or getting freebies at oir exspense. I have recently introduced a couple of UTRs to members of this board 3 pm But have instructed them not to share their info with this particular member. I have also told these girls that they need to ask for the board name of the gentleman that contact them and told them not to see this member. The last thing we need if someone coaching these girls on how to raise their rates so he can get a reduced price or make money.

So that's basically all I have to say on this subject. I do believe it would be beneficial to this board if we cut this member of and did not see his girls anymore where he was involved. If we have their numbers and want to see them without his involvement at a proper rate then that is fine. I myself have totally quit seen anyone that he has brought to this board and I told the girls why I had quit seeing them. There are way too many UTRs out there to be found without having to pay outrageous jacked up rates and without having to condone his top of activity. There are members like myself, Doc, Wheeler, Vegas, Letpse, BBtie and others that bring UTRs to the board honestly and without trying to get freebies. Ok I'm done with my rant. Most of you already know who I am talking about. If you don't then just PM me.I have also wondered about that's same member and avoided. He's clearly a part time pimp and I don't think any one of us has any use for Pimps. They are parasites to the girls and to the mongers. Even in most nations, where prostitution is completely legal, and that includes most of the Western World today, pimps are criminals and deserve to be treated accordingly.

12-17-13, 17:17
I'm not sure about the big gonads, I'm a white boy so my are pretty much normal size. LOL.

What takes nads is to come on this forum preaching trust among the members and the brotherhood. The whole time screwing (no pun intended) the other guys so he can get his.

I think the part that bothers me more than the money issue is the treating these girls like sh*t. Most have fallen on hard times and need a little help. Maybe its not the most desirable profession but they are still human and deserve some degree of respect.Well, I guess I've got really small ones because I've tried to avoid this, but since its out there, I will add my two cents. I have been helped by the member who has been mentioned and I really appreciated that help, but I also think I have helped him. That is what this forum is about, nothing more. I have met girls he has introduced, but the last one, while I had a wonderful time with her I did not repeat because of his involvement. It just felt awkward to me. This was a big part of me stepping back. I agree this is not the most glamorous profession and most girls probably don't dream of doing this when they grow up, but they should be able to do what they choose. If you have a bad experience with one simply post the factual information for other members to see and they can then make an informed decision. Most will support you by not seeing the provider. I'm not saying thei guy is bad, it just feels a little manipulative to me, maybe I'm wrong. I know the guys in Chattanooga had a similar situation. A humerus character down there was on the scene asking for service in exchange for reviews. I have been offered preferential treatment by more than one provider for directing traffic their way, but I have never accepted because all I did was simply tell a friend what a good time I had with said provider. I'm already taking advantage of someone whos probably doing something they really don't want to do. It would feel lime salt in the wound if I tried to or accepted extras I didn't deserve.

I'll get off the soap box, thanks to hound for me finding my testicles now lets get back to the business that we are here for.

Member #2668
12-17-13, 17:31
I'm not sure about the big gonads, I'm a white boy so my are pretty much normal size. LOL.

What takes nads is to come on this forum preaching trust among the members and the brotherhood. The whole time screwing (no pun intended) the other guys so he can get his.

I think the part that bothers me more than the money issue is the treating these girls like sh*t. Most have fallen on hard times and need a little help. Maybe its not the most desirable profession but they are still human and deserve some degree of respect.Guys I'm a Chattanooga member but have friends on the Knoxville board and I have first hand information that the person in question is an absolute douchebag. One of our Chattanooga girls traveled to your area a few months back and had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting this guy. I'm not going to name names or get into specifics because she reads this board and I don't want her to relive bad memories or be embarrassed but he did things to her against her will that were absolutely disgusting.

She called me after he left...She was so upset she was crying. She said when he left the room she was crying and he laughed at her!

Like Hound said these girls have fallen on hard times and I can assure you they are not happy nor proud of what they have to do to get by. They're human and have feelings just like the rest of us and deserve to be treated with respect. It's absolutely uncalled for to mistreat and exploit these girls like this guy has been doing for a long time.

Ok enough ranting...I'll put my soap box away...LOL.

12-17-13, 18:17
Guys I'm a Chattanooga member but have friends on the Knoxville board and I have first hand information that the person in question is an absolute douchebag. One of our Chattanooga girls traveled to your area a few months back and had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting this guy. I'm not going to name names or get into specifics because she reads this board and I don't want her to relive bad memories or be embarrassed but he did things to her against her will that were absolutely disgusting.

She called me after he left...She was so upset she was crying. She said when he left the room she was crying and he laughed at her!

Like Hound said these girls have fallen on hard times and I can assure you they are not happy nor proud of what they have to do to get by. They're human and have feelings just like the rest of us and deserve to be treated with respect. It's absolutely uncalled for to mistreat and exploit these girls like this guy has been doing for a long time.

Ok enough ranting...I'll put my soap box away...LOL.Hey tried to pm you. Your box is full.

12-17-13, 18:33

If what member 2668 said is true that is really disturbing, not been here long enough to really know the member in question but I don't believe in treating people badly especially women.

12-17-13, 20:14
Guys I'm a Chattanooga member but have friends on the Knoxville board and I have first hand information that the person in question is an absolute douchebag. One of our Chattanooga girls traveled to your area a few months back and had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting this guy. I'm not going to name names or get into specifics because she reads this board and I don't want her to relive bad memories or be embarrassed but he did things to her against her will that were absolutely disgusting.

She called me after he left...She was so upset she was crying. She said when he left the room she was crying and he laughed at her!

Like Hound said these girls have fallen on hard times and I can assure you they are not happy nor proud of what they have to do to get by. They're human and have feelings just like the rest of us and deserve to be treated with respect. It's absolutely uncalled for to mistreat and exploit these girls like this guy has been doing for a long time.

Ok enough ranting...I'll put my soap box away...LOL.Everyone's in box is full. Will someone pm me dickhead's name, please? Oh, any one who would extort a free one from a lady ranks right up there with that LEO, that shot at Harly on Parkside Dr. In case I didn't make my self clear. Playing with the Ladies is one thing, fucking with the Ladies and you should get your ass kicked.

Enough said by a Southern Gentelman.

Member #4641
12-17-13, 22:00
Nice post Hound. I think many of us thought the same thing, but hesitated to post. Apparently many more than I thought.

I will echo the opinion of others, no need for a pimp. If you have a true UTR, that is one thing. But MANAGING their business for them is over the line.

Those of you that know me from this or other forums (or hell, even in real life), know that I am very hesitant to approach the UTR type due to my job and family situation. I do appreciate each person that has ever shared a UTR that needed help, and am glad when I can assist them.

I have seen several of the UTR's that the "FOUNDER OF the BAND OF BROTHERS" has represented. Hell, there was one a while a back that he was calling a UTR that had actually posted on BP for a long time. And wanted me to describe details of the girl, where I saw her, etc. In order to get her new number.

I'm glad this person got things worked out with the latest one that owed him money that he tried to get everyone to quit seeing...just because I don't like to see anyone taken advantage of. But it sounds like he is taking advantage of his girls too. I had one girl that I saw from him a while back. Near West Town Mall area, that asked me to not let him know we met. I didn't think much about it. But I guess she didn't want to pay him his cut, either in cash or freebies...

Everyone stay safe, have fun, and as always. If you have a UTR that might need some help. I am always looking to help!


12-18-13, 00:28
Sexhoundtn2 writes:
"Let me start by saying this is a lengthy post, please read it entirely. . ."

Crap, I feel like I 'contributed' to this by starting the UTR section in the first place. It may not help the current sticky situation, but keep in mind it's always best to conduct info exchange on UTR's in private (as in PM) and not displayed on the public thread. From the beginning, that was all that was ever intended. It sure wasn't supposed to turn into this.

12-18-13, 02:10
I never said I was the utr king many of you said those kind of things. I posted under utr because that's what it was set up for no rules or guidelines where ever shared so don't blame me. And many of the glowing reviews came from you guys and you liked the girls I brought to you. I think I just need to keep them all to my self from here on out. So what happens if I stop sharing we all lose. The girls lose because she does not get to meet many of you and has to fight the craigslist flaggers and we all lose because this type of crap will keep many of us from sharing. So grow some real balls next time and speak to the person you have a issue with or concern with first.

This site is set up so we all meet girls and have sex. That's what I have done is helped many meet girls and get fucked. What do I get in return fucked by many of you.

MM.I think these last few posts probably should go in tips, tricks, bullshit. IMHO.



12-18-13, 14:16
In response to sexhound, Knox dew, bbtie and others.

You all need to get your facts straight before you throw a senior member under the bus. If you have a problem with a member you should have the balls first to talk with them in private to hear there side of the story and then make your judgment. I really expected more from some of you specially bbtie because you and I have met and talked many times. So her are some facts that I did not want to put out here but you leave me no choice.

Fact I have introduced many of you to some great girls.

Fact I have tried to help a few girls by telling you guys about them.

Fact I have never ever taken money from a girl for helping her meet people. The only money I ever received was for helping the blond because she does not have a ride and I drove her to and appointment in dandridge and the guy gave extra money for gas and she gave that to me.

Fact the girl that Knox dew talks about that used to be on BP months ago came off of BP and went UTR because of all the busts. I did ask him questions so he could prove that he had seen her just trying to keep her safe. Fact she lived with me for a while and I helped her to get into a rehab program and we are still friends and we still talk.

Fact the blond utr stayed with me when we first met for about a week. Bbtie even posted about it because he was jealous that I was seeing her. Fact her boyfriend found out what she was doing and looked at her phone and he has all of our numbers. Fact he called me and her and threatened us that he would call her parents if she did not come back. Fact I told her that she had put all f us in jeopardy and he is a lose cannon. Fact I told her she needed to get that worked out or I would need to tell you guys that so you would play safe. Fact both the blond and her bf are drug users and on needles. Fact he was in the hospital recently because an old needle broke in his arm. Fact he threatens her so she will buy him drugs. Fact I told her I wanted to help her but not her asshole bf. Fact she called me up one day asking if I could come get her because her bf had hurt her and she was not safe. I was there to help her in 15 min. Fact the next day she was supposed to see her parents and go Christmas shopping and asked if I could loan her 150 and she would work it off the next day. Fact she has not responded to any of my texts or calls since. Fact I had many long talks with her about getting help and her bf who is bad news. Fact I did not want to say any of this but tried to work with her. I also told her she needed to get away from the bf because he could cause us all problems. Fact I sent PMs asking each of you to stop seeing her but did not give a reason because I did not want to hurt her. Fact next time you see her check her arms and look at and feel what looks like a scar and that is the signs of her needle use. Fact I also talked with her many times trying to help her. Fact I did talk with her about fees and her plan was at first to only see a few people and be more of an elite provider but that changed when the bf came into play and she had to start providing for two habits. Fact she saw me for the same price when I first meet her she did that because I helped her. Fact I gave her money often for hotels so you guys could have a room to see her at.

Fact Kendra is a sweet girl and made a bad mistake with me but has made it right. We are now seeing each other again and I posted like I said I would that she made it right and it was okay to see her again.

Fact I shared about another girl that lived close to west town mall but when she started blowing my phone up, and others I stamped seeing her and I apologized for bringing her to you.

Fact many of you have seen some great girls because I have shared. Fact some of you owe me an apology and others a big thank you. Fact I have a soft hart and many of these girls take advantage of that. Fact I am not a pimp I am just a guy who likes sex like all of you do. Fact you all know that drug users are liners and manipulators bbtie you should know that more then any yet you all chose to believe a drug user provider than a trusted senior. There are people on her that can speak to many of the things I am says and know they are true.


12-18-13, 20:21
[QUOTE=RChaser;1958412]I think these last few posts probably should go in tips, tricks, bullshit. IMHO.

Nice of you to make that recommendation RC, with your three months on the board and a grand total of 13 post.
Seniors love it when I newbie signs up and tries to run the show. Thumbs up to you.

12-19-13, 10:20
It's interesting that the man who claims to have big balls does not have big enough ones to talk with me. I have sent home a PM so he could get his facts straight but no reply. Grow your balls some and contact me if you want to have the complete story. If not shut the fuck up.


12-19-13, 11:00
[QUOTE=RChaser;1958412]I think these last few posts probably should go in tips, tricks, bullshit. IMHO.

Nice of you to make that recommendation RC, with your three months on the board and a grand total of 13 post.
Seniors love it when I newbie signs up and tries to run the show. Thumbs up to you.

RCs post just hit me wrong for some reason. I was contacted by another senior that told me RC was a cool guy. I sent a PM apology to him. Just thought I would do it publicly since my post was public. Welcome to the board RC.

Hound (just call me big balls.....hell i may request a name change.....lol)

12-19-13, 12:21
"Read the title of this tread. Do you see where it says No Reviews or Commentary? It doesn't say No Reviews or Commentary Except for JSwizzle.


Now THAT is funny.

Safe Mongering Gents.

12-19-13, 20:13
It's interesting that the man who claims to have big balls does not have big enough ones to talk with me. I have sent home a PM so he could get his facts straight but no reply. Grow your balls some and contact me if you want to have the complete story. If not shut the fuck up.

MM.Hound wasnt the only member on this site who had things to say about the Utr girls that you brought to this site.

I for one passed some pm, s with you requesting info about one of your utr girls and for the most part your pm, s had a pimpish tone to them and in the end I told you just to keep the number.

If someone is going to volunteer a number of a girl on this site then do it and leave the details between the monger and the provider and if you can, t do that then keep the number for yourself.

I have been on this site for a couple of years and that's how its always been done between me and other members, pass the number along to seniors or whoever and be done with it.

This site is for mongers to trade info / numbers on providers, keep everyone safe from LEO and to get everyone laid for the least amount.

This has turned into way to much drama and hound is to good a member for anyone to be trashing him, so if you don,t like my comments put me on your ignore list and don't ever trade information with me, am good with that.

Now that's my two cents.

12-19-13, 22:39
Hound wasnt the only member on this site who had things to say about the Utr girls that you brought to this site.

I for one passed some pm, s with you requesting info about one of your utr girls and for the most part your pm, s had a pimpish tone to them and in the end I told you just to keep the number.

If someone is going to volunteer a number of a girl on this site then do it and leave the details between the monger and the provider and if you can, t do that then keep the number for yourself.

I have been on this site for a couple of years and that's how its always been done between me and other members, pass the number along to seniors or whoever and be done with it.

This site is for mongers to trade info / numbers on providers, keep everyone safe from LEO and to get everyone laid for the least amount.

This has turned into way to much drama and hound is to good a member for anyone to be trashing him, so if you don,t like my comments put me on your ignore list and don't ever trade information with me, am good with that.

Now that's my two cents.Thanks SK. Much appreciated my friend.

S E Monger
12-20-13, 00:50
It's interesting that the man who claims to have big balls does not have big enough ones to talk with me. I have sent home a PM so he could get his facts straight but no reply. Grow your balls some and contact me if you want to have the complete story. If not shut the fuck up.

MM.SexHound never claimed to have big balls (although I'm sure they're more than adequate!) I'm the one that said he had a big set of gonads for calling out your 'escort' service in public. Having seen both of your UTR's multiple times while you had them on the 'banned' list I think you should be ashamed. Both of the girls in question deserve to be seen by whoever wants to see them, not just those who take YOUR 'Band of Brothers' pledge. I fell for your shit at first, but quietly went about my business of hooking up with your 'taboo' UTR's and sharing my hard-earned money with them for their time. Hell, one of them told me that she's been doing this since she was 16! UTR my ass. She's as seasoned a pro as I've ever seen. In my opinion, you've lost all credibility on this site and should change your name, start over, and play nice. That's my 'rookie' hobby opinion! Waiting on your limp-ass bashing reply with bated breath.


12-20-13, 02:32
Wow. I thought the drama between Renee and Victoria was bad. The only UTR of MM that I knew he was protective of. And I for one am extremely glad for his protecting and helping her. She is now clean and doing extremely well in her program and I could not be more proud of her. Her friend that she got into this buissiness with and was a drug partner is not doing so well and has many warrants out for her. MM questioned me before she and I got to speak again and I was OK with it. And I was not even trying to see her as a UTR, she was a friend of mine that I lost contact with. Some of these girls may have posted on BP or other sites before then quit and decided to go UTR. Some may be asking for help to weed out possible undercover or threats. I agree that some of this may seem a bit egotistical for a member to do, but how do you really judge that person without knowing the entire story of what happened, what the girl has asked for and not. If the guys here are to trust one and another and work together for safer outcomes then fighting with each other will get us nowhere. If there is a question, concern or problem then the issue should first be brought to that person and tried to be worked out. We should not be one anothers enemy. Any one of us trying to help out one of these beautiful young ladies may feel protective of her or the need to be sure she is safe. All need to remember that she decided to get into this work and we can only help when asked. Just don't let it go too far. Blessings to you all and I pray I can see a wonderful REAL GFE UTR soon. The goddess of horny guys knows I really need it. It has been too long.


12-20-13, 13:23
SexHound never claimed to have big balls (although I'm sure they're more than adequate!) I'm the one that said he had a big set of gonads for calling out your 'escort' service in public. Having seen both of your UTR's multiple times while you had them on the 'banned' list I think you should be ashamed. Both of the girls in question deserve to be seen by whoever wants to see them, not just those who take YOUR 'Band of Brothers' pledge. I fell for your shit at first, but quietly went about my business of hooking up with your 'taboo' UTR's and sharing my hard-earned money with them for their time. Hell, one of them told me that she's been doing this since she was 16! UTR my ass. She's as seasoned a pro as I've ever seen. In my opinion, you've lost all credibility on this site and should change your name, start over, and play nice. That's my 'rookie' hobby opinion! Waiting on your limp-ass bashing reply with bated breath.

KnoxVegasMonger.Fuck you! None of you have had the balls to share any concerns with me in private but all of you have benefited from girls I have shared. So all of you need to grow some balls.


Vol Man6203
12-21-13, 01:18
Fuck you! None of you have had the balls to share any concerns with me in private but all of you have benefited from girls I have shared. So all of you need to grow some balls.

MM.MM they aren't worth it. Sexhound is a bully with an overinflated sense of self worth because he is a senior member. Just see his recent post berating a regular member for daring to speak out. I too have had to put up with him and his high and mighty attitude. And when he saw that he couldn't win with a logical explanation he then accused me of being a cop. You know how you have helped others and they don't. And when these guys start believing what these girls tell them over what we say then let them go. Who do you want to trust, what these girls say or what we tell each other? They think they know everything so let them think that.

12-21-13, 04:32
MM they aren't worth it. Sexhound is a bully with an overinflated sense of self worth because he is a senior member. Just see his recent post berating a regular member for daring to speak out. I too have had to put up with him and his high and mighty attitude. And when he saw that he couldn't win with a logical explanation he then accused me of being a cop. You know how you have helped others and they don't. And when these guys start believing what these girls tell them over what we say then let them go. Who do you want to trust, what these girls say or what we tell each other? They think they know everything so let them think that.I didn't consider it bullying. He also apologized both privately and publicly. I do not consider senior membership or the fact that we may provide help to a young lady give any of us the right to treat them in any manner we see fit.

12-21-13, 10:36
We know that Mongering Season is year round and thank goodness for that. In the spirit of the Holiday Season 2013, I wanted to provide this excerpt from the Forum FAQ:

* What is the purpose of this Forum? *.

The purpose of this Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women.

All of the other stuff that gets in the way is superficial and tangential BS. If all of us weren't so passionate about what we do, we'd never argue at all and we could answer a backpage or other ad sight unseen. No questions asked. We know that's not possible, so we have to keep the purpose of forum in mind. You get yours, He gets his, and we all get ours. No need to throw F-you's around here, just think about the purpose of this forum and keep getting yours.

Your Friendly Neighborhood, MilfMan.

12-21-13, 12:07
We know that Mongering Season is year round and thank goodness for that. In the spirit of the Holiday Season 2013, I wanted to provide this excerpt from the Forum FAQ:

* What is the purpose of this Forum? *.

The purpose of this Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women.

All of the other stuff that gets in the way is superficial and tangential BS. If all of us weren't so passionate about what we do, we'd never argue at all and we could answer a backpage or other ad sight unseen. No questions asked. We know that's not possible, so we have to keep the purpose of forum in mind. You get yours, He gets his, and we all get ours. No need to throw F-you's around here, just think about the purpose of this forum and keep getting yours.

Your Friendly Neighborhood, MilfMan.I concur.

Lets all step back and take a breath. The free exchange of information is what makes this board work. For example, If I send a member a PM, or post in the open contact info for a lady, I don't demand a quid pro que. A thanks is nice, but not required. If said member acts on the info, and isn't thrilled by his date, again it is not my fault. The information was provided, free and with out ill intent.

We are all big boys, so cowboy-up. I will provide a few tips that work for me, to contribute to a successful encounter. 1. Consenting adults means everyone is ok with what's going on."No one is forced or intimidated." 2. Put you money in an envelope so no one is embarrassed. " if you count the donation out like your at Walmart, you probably deserve a Walmart kind of gal. 3. Be clean and smell nice. If you have BO imagine what dick smells like. 4. Provide the proper materials, condemns, ect. Just in case, and size matters. 5. Be respectful of the lady's feelings, you are there to bye time with her most prized possession, her very self. 6. Take a few moments to get to know each other, that will give you both time to relax.

I don't post a lot anymore, because the women I see are, generally well known in the community, but if I find a Gem, I'll share.

To all of the Ladies, " Thanks for all of the joy this year." To you guy's, "Have fun and Merry Christmas.


S E Monger
12-24-13, 00:14
Fuck you! None of you have had the balls to share any concerns with me in private but all of you have benefited from girls I have shared. So all of you need to grow some balls.

MM.MM, I deserve that, and I apologize here in public. You're right, I did in fact benefit (over and over) from two of the girls you have shared. I'm sorry, and I will now lay back down. Out of a sense of repentance, I swear off fucking young, beautiful, tight, big-titted strangers for money for the remainder of 2013.

Peace, love and black light posters. Here's to a successful, safe, 2014.


12-24-13, 14:17
i concur.

Lets all step back and take a breath. The free exchange of information is what makes this board work. For example, if i send a member a pm, or post in the open contact info for a lady, i don't demand a quid pro que. A thanks is nice, but not required. If said member acts on the info, and isn't thrilled by his date, again it is not my fault. The information was provided, free and with out ill intent.

We are all big boys, so cowboy-up. I will provide a few tips that work for me, to contribute to a successful encounter. 1. Consenting adults means everyone is ok with what's going on."no one is forced or intimidated." 2. Put you money in an envelope so no one is embarrassed. " if you count the donation out like your at walmart, you probably deserve a walmart kind of gal. 3. Be clean and smell nice. If you have bo imagine what dick smells like. 4. Provide the proper materials, condemns, ect. Just in case, and size matters. 5. Be respectful of the lady's feelings, you are there to bye time with her most prized possession, her very self. 6. Take a few moments to get to know each other, that will give you both time to relax.

I don't post a lot anymore, because the women i see are, generally well known in the community, but if i find a gem, i'll share.

To all of the ladies, " thanks for all of the joy this year." to you guy's, "have fun and merry christmas.

Nick.well said!

12-30-13, 00:00
Can't speak to how easy it may be to 'trace back to you' so to speak, but I use an elcheapo att Go-Phone with a plan that charges me $2 a day BUT only on the days I actually use it. Refill minimum is only $10 month, so built up quite a lot of minutes (you can do refills online with cc or buy a refill card at stores). Happy with it, + I use it in combo with an anonymous google voice number.

Best thing about using a google voice number is you can set it up online as to how it'll accept and screen calls, etc, even block all calls from a particular number, that may come in handy. The google voice system is certainly worth learning about.I decided to go with a TracFone from WallyWorld.


It cost me $20 for the phone and $20 for a 60 minute card (doubled to 120 minutes). You need to reload it every 3 months, (better than some burners which require every month). You have to register it with a valid email, but not any particular name. I used it for both my Victoria and Star visits, and they never questioned the lack of a name on the caller I'the. So I am thinking that it is going to work just fine going forward.

I know that Google Voice is free, but I hear it sucks on iPhone and I didn't want a question about why I downloaded the Voice app when I already use Skype for international calls and some long distance calls.

Hope this helps my fellow mongers remain discrete. Not all of the providers are as good as StaysHorny about covering for your sorry butt. I wonder how much the ring for his wife set that guy back. Cheaper than half of your stuff but I am sure it wasn't cheap.

(for those of you not getting the reference, look in the Escort Classified Discussion section post #294 to understand).

At any rate, I am pleased with how it is working and thought I would share.

Safe Mongering Gents,


12-30-13, 08:41
* What is the purpose of this Forum? *.
The purpose of this Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women.I have been thinking of how to respond to the discussion about UTRs, involving MM60, Hound, and others. What I am about to say has eventually, with some missteps taken along the way I admit, become the best approach for me to handle personal info in this hobby. It may be different for you.

UTR is one acronym that seems open for debate. It does not even appear in this site's abbreviations thread. Whether someone used to advertise and no longer does, or has never done so, does not matter so much for me. Who knows what safety and security issues there may be? I only need to focus on the main goal. Read on. Some UTR's have told me they know and trust the guy who is promoting them, and they want to have them screen for them. It is best that what they may do in return for this not be my concern. Unless this arrangement is done as a major way to make a living, it does not matter so much to me, as long as the girls I am being introduced to are safe, clean, and deliver as advertised.

Several times I have received unsolicited more personal info both good as well as bad, on a hobbyist or another provider from a young provider. Some of these ladies talk a lot and with each other about each other and us hobbyists. Most often I have just let it go in one ear and out the other, not forming a judgment on whether it is true or not. I have learned the hard way that I should not pass it on, as I have no way of knowing if it is true, and even if I did, it could jeopardize the safety and anonymity of some members here.

I have found neither can I always trust some of these ladies nor some hobbyists to be truthful, but when push comes to shove, the hobbyist is the one that I can usually trust the most. Early on in this hobby, I received some advice from a trusted senior provider in the area, which has long proved to be excellent advice. She said, "Trust no one, stay out of participating in negatives, keep the peace and be friends with everyone". Later she told me to try to never, ever get too close to any one on either side of the hobby. A few times I have, and it led to problems. Without being judgmental, and her not saying, "I told you so", she was proven to be correct.

MM60, Hound and a several others here have provided good info to me on more than one provider, some UTRs, and there were neither any signs of safety nor anonymity risks with any of them, other than what comes with the hobby in general. And I have referred some to them. What their relationships, dealings, and arrangements with other providers or the hobbyists were like, were best not my concern, rather only the ultimate goal. All of theirs have been as advertised, were safe, and mission accomplished.

Once, after getting the same negative info on a hobbyist from two providers, one which was second hand, I overreacted and sent this info to another young lady that was seeing him. I did not directly contact the hobbyist, nor did I publicize it on the forum. But she passed it on to him, and then found the info to be untrustworthy, and the two of them hooked up for a session and more. I was wrong. The other hobbyist that I appear to have misjudged, also provided me with 3-4 great GFE spinners, and I provided him with one. Mission accomplished and then some with him. My relationship with that person may be beyond repair. I have apologized, and I will not go down that road to judgment again.

These are only my own opinions, and anyone is free in this great country of ours, and on this great free site in this relatively new section, to agree or disagree, and even vehemently so. Regardless, I hope we all have a happy, safe, 2014 hobbying year.

12-31-13, 18:42
I have been thinking of how to respond to the discussion about UTRs, involving MM60, Hound, and others. What I am about to say has eventually, with some missteps taken along the way I admit, become the best approach for me to handle personal info in this hobby. It may be different for you.

UTR is one acronym that seems open for debate. It does not even appear in this site's abbreviations thread. Whether someone used to advertise and no longer does, or has never done so, does not matter so much for me. Who knows what safety and security issues there may be? I only need to focus on the main goal. Read on. Some UTR's have told me they know and trust the guy who is promoting them, and they want to have them screen for them. It is best that what they may do in return for this not be my concern. Unless this arrangement is done as a major way to make a living, it does not matter so much to me, as long as the girls I am being introduced to are safe, clean, and deliver as advertised.

Several times I have received unsolicited more personal info both good as well as bad, on a hobbyist or another provider from a young provider. Some of these ladies talk a lot and with each other about each other and us hobbyists. Most often I have just let it go in one ear and out the other, not forming a judgment on whether it is true or not. I have learned the hard way that I should not pass it on, as I have no way of knowing if it is true, and even if I did, it could jeopardize the safety and anonymity of some members here.

I have found neither can I always trust some of these ladies nor some hobbyists to be truthful, but when push comes to shove, the hobbyist is the one that I can usually trust the most. Early on in this hobby, I received some advice from a trusted senior provider in the area, which has long proved to be excellent advice. She said, "Trust no one, stay out of participating in negatives, keep the peace and be friends with everyone". Later she told me to try to never, ever get too close to any one on either side of the hobby. A few times I have, and it led to problems. Without being judgmental, and her not saying, "I told you so", she was proven to be correct.

MM60, Hound and a several others here have provided good info to me on more than one provider, some UTRs, and there were neither any signs of safety nor anonymity risks with any of them, other than what comes with the hobby in general. And I have referred some to them. What their relationships, dealings, and arrangements with other providers or the hobbyists were like, were best not my concern, rather only the ultimate goal. All of theirs have been as advertised, were safe, and mission accomplished.

Once, after getting the same negative info on a hobbyist from two providers, one which was second hand, I overreacted and sent this info to another young lady that was seeing him. I did not directly contact the hobbyist, nor did I publicize it on the forum. But she passed it on to him, and then found the info to be untrustworthy, and the two of them hooked up for a session and more. I was wrong. The other hobbyist that I appear to have misjudged, also provided me with 3-4 great GFE spinners, and I provided him with one. Mission accomplished and then some with him. My relationship with that person may be beyond repair. I have apologized, and I will not go down that road to judgment again.

These are only my own opinions, and anyone is free in this great country of ours, and on this great free site in this relatively new section, to agree or disagree, and even vehemently so. Regardless, I hope we all have a happy, safe, 2014 hobbying year.I think the most important part of this post is "What their relationships, dealings, and arrangements with other providers or the hobbyists were like, were best not my concern, rather only the ultimate goal.".

I hope everyone has a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

01-12-14, 04:58
SO I get a pm and here it is:
[Deleted by Admin]

Don't EVER publish PM's they are PRIVATE messages.

- - - - - - - - -
Now, because I am a human with an opinion I am rude. It is a hand job and a massage. I don't think it goes in the escort area. That is my point and my only point. Anything over 50 for that is too high in my opinion. That is my opinion and I have a right to my opinion. Some guy says something in the wrong place and people call him on it. That is all. Get over it. I am not here to upset you or JM. I could care less with what either of you do but put it where it belongs. I for one would love to see you and experience the bliss. But not for the money you are asking for. I have a right to make that decision in the same way JM and anyone else has their right to pay what you ask. Hell, I just dropped a hund to cum in my pants. How smart is that? But I wrote the review where I believe it belongs. I feel strongly about people being overcharged at the store, gas station, when buying a car too. All I can do is say my peace and move on. I am many things, but I don't believe rude is one of them. Honest to a fault is. Telling it like I see it is, but with me you know where you stand. And just because I am making it clear that there is nothing beyond what it really is, does not make me a woman.

BTW, what you offer is different. not an escort and more then a massage so that leaves some things open to interpretation. I can see a review of you under general reports or under massage as everyone says you are good at massage. I can also see you having your own little link, perhaps it can be called the "in between". Just an idea

01-14-14, 22:24
Qho70? Have not heard anything from her or Kho. Anybody know if they are ok?

01-14-14, 22:36
Qho70? Have not heard anything from her or Kho. Anybody know if they are ok?They are ok. Just not active.

01-16-14, 07:47
Providers who get on here and respond to mongers need to reconsider that practice; a grown man doesn't need a gold star from you. After putting up a review, I don't want a provider to confirm, acknowledge, or elaborate on the dream. That's why it's a dream. Send the monger a PM since the rest of us don't need to see that exchange. Most recent example: http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?4160-Escort-Reviews&p=1982893&viewfull=1#post1982893. I can see many opportunities for collusion with that kinda stuff. The "Thank You Sweetie" with additional details needs to stop. Keep it discrete.

Stay Safe,


01-17-14, 16:09
Providers who get on here and respond to mongers need to reconsider that practice; a grown man doesn't need a gold star from you. After putting up a review, I don't want a provider to confirm, acknowledge, or elaborate on the dream. That's why it's a dream. Send the monger a PM since the rest of us don't need to see that exchange. Most recent example: http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?4160-Escort-Reviews&p=1982893&viewfull=1#post1982893. I can see many opportunities for collusion with that kinda stuff. The "Thank You Sweetie" with additional details needs to stop. Keep it discrete.

Stay Safe,

MilfMan.Seeing as I am 1/2 of the equation you used as an example I felt the need to respond for a couple of reasons. First and foremost I agree with you 100%, discretion alone is more than enough reason to keep what happens between P and M out of the general forum view. In addition to that YMMV is thrown around alot but people are people, if one person sees someone post a review for $ an hour then you answer that review saying there was an extra 4 hours thrown in, then everyone else is expecting the same. Definitely not a smart business practice.

On another note (call it a tip but I just consider it common sense). Gentlemen, if you go out looking for a GFE then you might want to bring the bfe attitude along with it. These ladies are not vending machines or mindless, feelingless beings put here for your pleasure just to be used and cast aside after you've unloaded. They are people with wants, needs, personalities, and wonderful senses of humor that can be a pleasure to get to know. If its a quickie you need then let them know and they will be more than happy to accommodate but don't show up acting like an asshat and expect her to act like the girlfriend that's been in love with you for 2 or 3 years. Give a little to get a little. Just my opinion and I'm sure some will agree and some won't but there it is.

Stay safe everyone and have a good day.

01-17-14, 19:09
Providers who get on here and respond to mongers need to reconsider that practice; a grown man doesn't need a gold star from you. After putting up a review, I don't want a provider to confirm, acknowledge, or elaborate on the dream. That's why it's a dream. Send the monger a PM since the rest of us don't need to see that exchange. Most recent example: http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?4160-Escort-Reviews&p=1982893&viewfull=1#post1982893. I can see many opportunities for collusion with that kinda stuff. The "Thank You Sweetie" with additional details needs to stop. Keep it discreet.

Stay Safe,

MilfMan.Another example: http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?6510-Escort-Classified-Ads-Member-Discussions&p=1984239&viewfull=1#post1984239.

Keep it classy.


JohnDoe Jr
01-17-14, 23:26
Providers who get on here and respond to mongers need to reconsider that practice; a grown man doesn't need a gold star from you. After putting up a review, I don't want a provider to confirm, acknowledge, or elaborate on the dream. That's why it's a dream. Send the monger a PM since the rest of us don't need to see that exchange. Most recent example: http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?4160-Escort-Reviews&p=1982893&viewfull=1#post1982893. I can see many opportunities for collusion with that kinda stuff. The "Thank You Sweetie" with additional details needs to stop. Keep it discrete.

Stay Safe,

MilfMan.I'm certainly not trying to argue with you, just suggesting another view to consider.

If we post a review of a dream of a previously reviewed provider / forum advertiser and she makes such posts in response, I consider it to somewhat verify a legit monger. We all know that there are quite a few uncles on here, even some with senior status from what I've been told. If a legit provider confirms a dream with a member I would be more inclined to trust that member's info; both posts and PMs if applicable.

Also, I have yet to see a member use his real name for a screen name on here so I don't see how one's ambiguity is really affected by a provider's response. If we post reviews on here, I suppose some discretion is lost but sharing information is the main purpose of the forum.

Just food for thought, absolutely no argumentative intentions.

01-18-14, 01:15
I found an alternative to having to keep a separate burner phone today. There is a smartphone app called Burner that works great! It's free to download, costs between $2 to $20 per month depending on use & number changes. Definitely easier than having to keep up with (& possibly have to explain) a separate phone.

01-18-14, 20:43
I'm certainly not trying to argue with you, just suggesting another view to consider.

If we post a review of a dream of a previously reviewed provider / forum advertiser and she makes such posts in response, I consider it to somewhat verify a legit monger. We all know that there are quite a few uncles on here, even some with senior status from what I've been told. If a legit provider confirms a dream with a member I would be more inclined to trust that member's info; both posts and PMs if applicable.

Also, I have yet to see a member use his real name for a screen name on here so I don't see how one's ambiguity is really affected by a provider's response. If we post reviews on here, I suppose some discretion is lost but sharing information is the main purpose of the forum.

Just food for thought, absolutely no argumentative intentions.Point understood. I don't need a provider's affirmation of anything or her validation to vet a member's info; that process has ways of working itself out without their input. Nothing was implied about a member's anonymity, discretion in terms of her time with the client is at issue. I don't need to hear anything from her point of view really. The old joke goes, "Do you know how to tell when "she" is lying; her lips are moving". Stay Safe, MilfMan.

01-18-14, 22:41
Wow, glad to see she is back and needing money but damn. A 240 price tag with 60 off? Thanks for the favor. I always wanted to go into that dream but I don't drop that on gals I like, even if it is to make them go away and keep their mouths shut. You boys have more money than I. I am happy to have sense.

01-19-14, 06:47
Wow, glad to see she is back and needing money but damn. A 240 price tag with 60 off? Thanks for the favor. I always wanted to go into that dream but I don't drop that on gals I like, even if it is to make them go away and keep their mouths shut. You boys have more money than I. I am happy to have sense.Do mind to tell who is back? Thanks.

01-19-14, 10:55
Do mind to tell who is back? Thanks.He's referring to Alexis, who posted in the escort classified ads area. Maybe I'm just cheap, but I'm not paying $240 to a provider unless that was over the course of 2 visits.

01-19-14, 19:42
He's referring to Alexis, who posted in the escort classified ads area. Maybe I'm just cheap, but I'm not paying $240 to a provider unless that was over the course of 2 visits.I agree with you...hell I work for a living. I can get doubles and then some for that geez.


01-19-14, 21:24
I guess somebody has to keep Frankenstein, Paula, Krissy, Red headed Anna and others of their caliber in business. You get what you pay for in this hobby and Alexis is the rare gem that few get the opportunity to enjoy. So if you're only looking for a cheap deal...you'll never know what could have been.


01-20-14, 01:29
I guess somebody has to keep Frankenstein, Paula, Krissy, Red headed Anna and others of their caliber in business. You get what you pay for in this hobby and Alexis is the rare gem that few get the opportunity to enjoy. So if you're only looking for a cheap deal...you'll never know what could have been.

Joe.Eh, to each his own. I'm just a simple man, I'm cheap but I'm not desperate. I enjoy helping the down-on-their-luck girls, they certainly earn every penny and are very appreciative. I'll draw the line once I learn that my hard earned money may go into a providers last good vein. I'm sure I'm missing out on the rare gems, but I've got other hobbies to support.

As for the junkies you listed, I doubt (or at least hope) that no one on the board are keeping them in business.

01-20-14, 04:18
I guess somebody has to keep Frankenstein, Paula, Krissy, Red headed Anna and others of their caliber in business. You get what you pay for in this hobby and Alexis is the rare gem that few get the opportunity to enjoy. So if you're only looking for a cheap deal...you'll never know what could have been.

Joe.One can find some very nice play way cheaper if they just look. I don't mean the train wrecks you have put up here. Over the years I've spent time with the higher charging ladies even your gem Alexis. I also thought you get what you pay for boy was I wrong. I've had numerous encounters way cheaper, and what do you know way better. In the end it's that person's choice on who they want to see and spend.

01-20-14, 09:41
One can find some very nice play way cheaper if they just look. I don't mean the train wrecks you have put up here. Over the years I've spent time with the higher charging ladies even your gem Alexis. I also thought you get what you pay for boy was I wrong. I've had numerous encounters way cheaper, and what do you know way better. In the end it's that person's choice on who they want to see and spend.Not all providers who decide to keep their donations in perspective with the current economy are NOT trainwrecks as mentioned in an earlier post! Just because I have decided to keep my donation to a reasonable price does not mean that I provide substandard service! And, I will not feel shamed or pressured to increase my donation just to keep up with what the rest of the ladies are asking for! Guys, it's your money! You do what you want with it! But, like Jg3786 said, if you just look you can find some very nice playmates at a way better price! I maybe reasonable in my donation but, as a provider, I am never cheap!

Just my two cents worth!

01-20-14, 14:24
Not all providers who decide to keep their donations in perspective with the current economy are NOT trainwrecks as mentioned in an earlier post! Just because I have decided to keep my donation to a reasonable price does not mean that I provide substandard service! And, I will not feel shamed or pressured to increase my donation just to keep up with what the rest of the ladies are asking for! Guys, it's your money! You do what you want with it! But, like Jg3786 said, if you just look you can find some very nice playmates at a way better price! I maybe reasonable in my donation but, as a provider, I am never cheap!

Just my two cents worth!The explanation from a provider was honest and transparent to help put the market economy in perspective. I won't mention any names, but you see quite a few traveling performers who not only bring their talents, but their inflated prices with them. I can understand providers coming to the Knoxville neck of the woods from Miami, LA, and New York, but their prices aren't adjusted accordingly. I see some local providers requesting double the market rate for their services (some posted in Escort Classifieds on this forum), but if a monger wants to spend his money thinking that the service will be superior, there is nothing wrong with that. If this were truly a supply and demand situation, honest hard working providers who may be temporarily down on their luck (or those who just like making dreams come true) would not be ridiculed for keeping their prices reasonable. Just as a provider should not be admonished for keeping prices reasonable, greedy or disillusioned providers should not celebrated for falsely inflating their prices. This stuff always sorts itself out: when you see discounts that bring prices down to where they are still above market rate, you can look in the mirror to figure out whom the joke is on if booking that appointment.

Happy Hunting,


01-20-14, 16:28
The definition of reasonable and Market price varies from person to person. From a person on a tight budget to one who is not and I've met both. Regardless of services offered, if a providers rates are to high for you, just don't see her. Instead some of you are so upset that a provider is out of your reach that you ridicule her rates. Even going as far as down playing another's experience because you can't afford to see her. Rates are what they are. My rates / specials, for example, are set to meet my needs and the pockets of Some not All, while keeping my appointments to a minimum. If someones rates are well and above your idea of "market price" then move on to the next opportunity. To come on here and blast someone rates, especially someone you've never met is ridiculous and telling. http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?6172-Escort-Classified-Ads-Posted-by-Escorts-No-Reviews-or-Commentary.

01-21-14, 02:07
I guess somebody has to keep Frankenstein, Paula, Krissy, Red headed Anna and others of their caliber in business. You get what you pay for in this hobby and Alexis is the rare gem that few get the opportunity to enjoy. So if you're only looking for a cheap deal...you'll never know what could have been.

Joe.Ahh Alexis was one of my Atf, I have done dozens of OVN with her over the years and she was always great. Usually always had at least 3 dreams sometimes 4 if I was lucky all for 5 $ and tried to do a couple visits every month, If I was not staying over in town I did 2 - 3 hour extended visits for 2.5 and always thought it was well worth the price of admission. Last time she replied to a txt was Christmas and told me how she has been struggling which is surprising considering the amount of people claiming to see her but the good news is that she will do .80 - $ quickies sometimes and lines them up back to back when in need of quick cash so rates very and are negotiable.

I do disagree with one thing though if you trust and try to help her when she ask you may be surprised and you DO NOT always get what you pay for! She seems to have a short memory or something but that is a another story for a different thread.

01-21-14, 11:29
Ahh Alexis was one of my Atf.....Why did you choose to quote me to post your ridiculous rant? I think it's revealing something that many already know. You haven't seen her in over a year because of your own bad behavior. Yet you continue to harass her, calling and texting relentlessly even changing your number so that you can get through after she blocks you. You just found an opportunity to try and make her look bad because you can't see her anymore.


01-21-14, 14:24
I guess somebody has to keep Frankenstein, Paula, Krissy, Red headed Anna and others of their caliber in business. You get what you pay for in this hobby and Alexis is the rare gem that few get the opportunity to enjoy. So if you're only looking for a cheap deal...you'll never know what could have been.

Joe.With the discount that is what I have always paid. Maybe I was grandfathered in. LOL I never paid that much with a trip to the isle included.

01-21-14, 18:48
The definition of reasonable and Market price varies from person to person. From a person on a tight budget to one who is not and I've met both. Regardless of services offered, if a providers rates are to high for you, just don't see her. Instead some of you are so upset that a provider is out of your reach that you ridicule her rates. Even going as far as down playing another's experience because you can't afford to see her. Rates are what they are. My rates / specials, for example, are set to meet my needs and the pockets of Some not All, while keeping my appointments to a minimum. If someones rates are well and above your idea of "market price" then move on to the next opportunity. To come on here and blast someone rates, especially someone you've never met is ridiculous and telling. http://www.usasexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?6172-Escort-Classified-Ads-Posted-by-Escorts-No-Reviews-or-Commentary.I can easily afford her, that isn't the problem. High priced people are fun at times, or at least they used to be when I had more money and less sense. Now I have both and I will not drop that dime. I would love to see her but not for the price and the discout. Be reasonable and add a discount to it and I will show up. So will many more. If one needs money and sells things for the most top dollar requested, one keep what they have. Drop the price and more buyers show up. At the same time this is all like art. I am not paying a million for a boss ross either.

01-21-14, 18:51
With the discount that is what I have always paid. Maybe I was grandfathered in. LOL I never paid that much with a trip to the isle included.This was my point. I have seen the rates for a good while and to jack the price up and offer a discount was hard for me to chew on.

01-22-14, 04:49
Why did you choose to quote me to post your ridiculous rant? I think it's revealing something that many already know. You haven't seen her in over a year because of your own bad behavior. Yet you continue to harass her, calling and texting relentlessly even changing your number so that you can get through after she blocks you. You just found an opportunity to try and make her look bad because you can't see her anymore.

Joe.I think someone has been pulling your leg also, I saw her thru the summer and have tried to give her time to do the right thing after asking me for help because somebody was blackmailing her and was going to send stuff to her parents then the next week she couldn't pay her room I sent her more eventhou she already had a running tab. So yes I was stupid for trusting her but I had hoped we could have gotten together over the holidays and didn't want to ruin them for her. But the reason she quit seeing me I let her run up such a tab it was easier to stab me in the back than keep her word and work off her debt after promising & promising she would make it up because we all know how sweet she can be.

But everything I said was the truth about my visits & rates with her and you really have no idea what has gone on between us over the years but I do no alota of things that most are unaware of and I am not the only persons trust she has betrayed and will be glad to elaborate, maybe one small example for you is after you bought her a new computer and just had to come by one night before we went to Chesapekes and asked her where it was she said it was in the car when actually she had it in my room, hell I even waived at you when you left while I was outside walking my dog. I know she told you she wasn't seeing me and that's why I never wrote reviews after my visits plus she didn't want everybody wanting OVN with her.

The cash was never the big issue cause it's just like Vegas if you can't afford to loose the money don't play the game. I just think that all the girls should be held to the same standards and not pick on certain ones that cash an dash, or other guys trust that they help and get burned or none of them should be held responsible, just because she's Alexis she shouldn't get a free pass. All I ever asked of her was to be honest because their was no reason she ever had to lie about anything and she even told me that if she ever betrayed me again that I could tell all, I've still got the txt saved about things she would rather stay secret. She was completely aware of what loyality meant to me and the consequences if she didn't keep her word because in the end that's how we are all judged. As many times I helped her out when she was in trouble just a simple apology would have been nice and saved alota of grief but I guess we are past that now! When someone you trust purposely deceives you that you think of as a friend yea it pisses you off! So before you call me out as a liar ask her what all she has told me and I will write my final review.

Dr Holiday
01-22-14, 07:22
.. All I ever asked of her was to be honest because their was no reason she ever had to lie about anything and she even told me that if she ever betrayed me again that I could tell all, I've still got the txt saved about things she would rather stay secret. She was completely aware of what loyality meant to me and the consequences if she didn't keep her word because in the end that's how we are all judged. As many times I helped her out when she was in trouble just a simple apology would have been nice and saved alota of grief but I guess we are past that now! When someone you trust purposely deceives you that you think of as a friend yea it pisses you off!.I got no dog in this hunt. Don't know the provider BUT...don't have to either. Wouldn't think you were being untruthful in any way.

Obviously a classic example of a "JOHN" (sorry about that word but its meant for emphasis on what you forgot) getting in too deep with a provider IMO. Loyalty? Honesty? Betrayed? Friend? Trust? Loaned them money and expected it back???. Expected apologies? Come on? From a provider?

Use of those words tell me you went WAY WAY to far down the worm hole. Walking her dog dude???. While she's boinking another JOHN???? .LOL. Think about what they do.They sell what? To who (anybody basically)?? And you are "betrayed" expected "loyalty" "trust". Not to mention, you forgot that there is something wrong which drove them into this job. I'm still amazed at how often the deep UTR types turn out to have a real secret drug habit.even nurses, docs, lawyers, business types etc. Etc. Below that there is a list of other screwed up stuff, dysfunctional families, etc. Etc.

Really sorry you got burned. Feel for you... But its all on you for thinking all this from a PROVIDER dude. . You forgot what we all are to these women... You crossed an unsafe line. I did it a few decades ago with my first UTR provider. Never done it again. But even then I didn't get all crazy, call her, bad reviews etc. I just quietly realized my error and walked away.

My advice (want it or not) walk away. Quit posting about her. Stop with the reviews. Stop seeing her, stop calling...tell no secrets.

Get up and shake the punch off. Walk away. Will work out better for you... Trust me on this one.

01-22-14, 11:26
3/4. Of what theese girls do is acting. That's what we pay for. The better the actress, the more money she makes. If she acts like she's really into you, she knows you will come back (if the other1/4 is good), and bring her more money. That is the business plan, and it is a business, and the act is repeated over and over. All she needs is a handfull of guys to call w a sob story every day, and she doesn't even have to fuck for her fix. You feel special because she called you for help, and you give her money, but She still has 5 more tricks to call. That's how motel rooms and the recreational activities that these girls participate in get paid for. Somebody has to pay for gold teeth, and escalades. LOL.

If you let a ho know how much you like her, she will clean you out. The difference between a ho, and a **** is hos get paid, and getting paid is all that matters. Money is evil, and that's why hos don't act right. All they really care about is making money.

Bigredvan 420.

01-22-14, 13:20
I think someone has been pulling your leg......Well, I guess you've proved that I'm a jackass then.

Member #4628
01-22-14, 14:55
3/4. Of what theese girls do is acting. That's what we pay for. The better the actress, the more money she makes. If she acts like she's really into you, she knows you will come back (if the other1/4 is good), and bring her more money. That is the business plan, and it is a business, and the act is repeated over and over. All she needs is a handfull of guys to call w a sob story every day, and she doesn't even have to fuck for her fix. You feel special because she called you for help, and you give her money, but She still has 5 more tricks to call. That's how motel rooms and the recreational activities that these girls participate in get paid for. Somebody has to pay for gold teeth, and escalades. LOL.

If you let a ho know how much you like her, she will clean you out. The difference between a ho, and a **** is hos get paid, and getting paid is all that matters. Money is evil, and that's why hos don't act right. All they really care about is making money.

Bigredvan 420.Don't group us all together. What you say may be true about a few providers but it's probably not most of us. Most of us are good people just trying to make a little extra money to make ends meet. I have a real 8-5 job, don't do drugs, don't have gold teeth or drive an Escalade (I drive a big red van, LOL) Although I don't like being in a position to have to be paid for it I do like what I am doing and was doing it long before money came into the equation. I have never and will never try to take advantage of anyone. I see one person regularly and he has offered to catch up my house payments to save it from foreclosure and let me pay him back later and I have refused. If you view providers so badly, why are you mongering?

01-22-14, 15:57
There's a reason why this thread is titled Arguing and BS, because I can thing of nothing more useless and unproductive as somebody lecturing other members on the "correct way" to leave with a smile on their face. Why devote your energy to lecturing those that see escorts while going on about the merits of the UTR's. How where all fools to see a somebody that gives a massage and HE or the donations we may pay to dream with a provider. As I wasn't aware I needed your GOOD HOUSE KEEPING SEAL OF APPROVAL to participate in this hobby.

I remember how a couple of years ago a SR member (since retired) felt the need to lecture the Johns that saw SW's and then they would argue back about the escorts. Again it was a fruitless endeavor in the same way a dog goes in circles chasing their tail.

The last thing we all need is somebody lauding over everybody else thumping their chest with a moral superiority complex all because you hauled your ashes "correct way". It just makes that individual come across as a prick.

Just save your two cents when it comes to what people want to donate and how they want to dream and you may have enough change and energy to devote to the sport of fucking.

01-23-14, 02:22
Thanks Doc sound advice as usual, guess people can learn for themselves. Plenty of fish in the sea and I do enjoy fishing, just the first Barracuda I ever hooked. Always been a pretty good judge of character and not easily fooled but their is a 1st for everything I guess. Played the game for a long time and actually helped a few get thru school that were really students and another kick a bad habit and never had any hard feelings. My problem is I've got a soft spot for those less fortunate which is not a good attribute to have when hobbying, but you can't help those that don't want to be helped. Stupid to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes and someday be as wise as urself. Thanks again, happy hunting or fishin.

01-23-14, 02:38
Don't group us all together. What you say may be true about a few providers but it's probably not most of us. Most of us are good people just trying to make a little extra money to make ends meet. I have a real 8-5 job, don't do drugs, don't have gold teeth or drive an Escalade (I drive a big red van, LOL) Although I don't like being in a position to have to be paid for it I do like what I am doing and was doing it long before money came into the equation. I have never and will never try to take advantage of anyone. I see one person regularly and he has offered to catch up my house payments to save it from foreclosure and let me pay him back later and I have refused. If you view providers so badly, why are you mongering?Having had a traveling job, where I stayed in a different city almost every night for two years, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of girls. While it is nice to call up your ATF when you are rolling into town for the night. It does cost time and extra $. I have had my share of ATF action, but there are so many fish in the Knoxville sea, that I would rather pick up 3 SW'ers that I can dream about all night, than spend the same amount of money on a familiar piece of snatch for an hour + 3 hrs of waiting for her to fuck her new clients first. LOL. New providers have something to prove. A new provider is almost always going to work harder for her $ than a provider that is overly comfortable with you. I am a fan of variety. Its the spice of life. LOL. I love women. I love providers. I don't love phone calls to tell me that a provider is going to get kicked out of her room if I don't send her money, or "come pick me up from jail", or "I don't even have money to buy cigs". That's what you get with atfutr's 99.9999% of the time. I'm never mean about it. I just refuse to send money to a provider without services rendered, which brings me back to the business thing. You should have taken buddies money. You never leave money on the table. Some people have more money than intelligence. If he were a first time client, I guarantee he would have never known that your house was in risk of foreclosure. He would get nothin but pure pussy pleasure. LOL. If I pay a provider it's for a dream. When I wake up, I expect that dream to be over. I don't get calls from fucking Walmart to tell me that wonderbread is going to loose it's home on the shelf if I don't send money. I fuckin love me some sammiches, but I think I'd still tell Wallyworld to fuck off.

I think we met at a hotel one night. Is your Bigredvan a station wagon with a broken window?

01-23-14, 02:53
Don't group us all together. What you say may be true about a few providers but it's probably not most of us. Most of us are good people just trying to make a little extra money to make ends meet. I have a real 8-5 job, don't do drugs, don't have gold teeth or drive an Escalade (I drive a big red van, LOL) Although I don't like being in a position to have to be paid for it I do like what I am doing and was doing it long before money came into the equation. I have never and will never try to take advantage of anyone. I see one person regularly and he has offered to catch up my house payments to save it from foreclosure and let me pay him back later and I have refused. If you view providers so badly, why are you mongering?I am going to go out on a limb and say that I know way more "providers" than you. Most providers aren't sweet little pretty things that just need a couple extra bucks to get buy. They need lots of extra bucks to get high, and providers don't get to have gold teeth, or drive the escalade. Those priveliges are reserved for management. In your case taking payment for services rendered, is not taking advantage. It's doing business, and goddamn I hate to say it, because I'm anti management. " a ho without instruction is on a path to destruction".

Dr Holiday
01-23-14, 04:06
Thanks Doc sound advice as usual, guess people can learn for themselves. Plenty of fish in the sea and I do enjoy fishing, just the first Barracuda I ever hooked. Always been a pretty good judge of character and not easily fooled but their is a 1st for everything I guess. Played the game for a long time and actually helped a few get thru school that were really students and another kick a bad habit and never had any hard feelings. My problem is I've got a soft spot for those less fortunate which is not a good attribute to have when hobbying, but you can't help those that don't want to be helped. Stupid to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Hopefully we learn from our mistakes and someday be as wise as urself. Thanks again, happy hunting or fishin.Helped a few real students too. I got the same bad habit and soft spot for less fortunate... Just like you. Never quite know when it turns out to be the wolf in sheep's clothing. Like I said in most cases their is something wrong with them that got them providing (with exceptions of course. Rachel on the board here sound like her head is screwed on straight). I go for the deep deep UTR types. Docs, nurses, lawyers etc. Amazing still to me when the lawyer down on her luck. Turns out has the very hidden nose candy habit from hell... I like the well hidden abusive boyfriend / pimp too. So many times there is a loser / user male they are supporting and sucking them down. Amazing the number that daddy / uncle molested them as kids and screwed them up. Probably for life. Many you can't help, cause they don't want to help themselves. Relapses back to candy and back to user guy. More often than not. So they didn't really mean to trash you.their demons just got hold of them again.

However, there are exceptions. I have fished a number out of the cesspool. Picked them up, washed them off (LOL washed them a lot in some cases) and they are doing fine. Ton of work, dollars and sweat equity. But one remains wary and disappointment is more often than yeehaa success.

One learns through experience cut the line quick when it shows barracuda teeth though. Fish elsewhere. Lots of fish in the sea. Sad when you have to toss one back to drowned and die.

I salute you for the attempt. I judge you a well meaning good dude. Cut the barracuda lose guietly. Lets go fish in a new pond. Best of luck.

01-23-14, 17:07
I am going to go out on a limb and say that I know way more "providers" than you. Most providers aren't sweet little pretty things that just need a couple extra bucks to get buy. They need lots of extra bucks to get high, and providers don't get to have gold teeth, or drive the escalade. Those priveliges are reserved for management. In your case taking payment for services rendered, is not taking advantage. It's doing business, and goddamn I hate to say it, because I'm anti management. " a ho without instruction is on a path to destruction".Listen man, while your long winded rants were enjoyable at first, you're really starting to rub a few members and advertisers the wrong way, while barely contributing anything. Hell, with a few more posts and a little time you'll be a senior, which should be held in higher regard. This board is for helping mongers and reviewing providers. Share your perspective on providers on a case by case basis rather than as a whole, especially since we have a few lovely girls advertising on here. Speaking of, while I only know a few of our advertisers, I'm willing to bet that those few are clean.

I've had to do a double and triple take on your "ho"comment and still don't know what the hell you meant, but it will most certainly be taken negatively. Be a little more reserved when throwing words like that around.

Just my two cents.


01-23-14, 21:46
That's what you get with atfutr's 99.9999% of the time. I'm never mean about it. I just refuse to send money to a provider without services rendered, which brings me back to the business thing. You should have taken buddies money. You never leave money on the table. Some people have more money than intelligence. If he were a first time client, I guarantee he would have never known that your house was in risk of foreclosure. That's just a bunch of bullshit. What else would we expect to read here?

Oh wait, one exception. I think the good Doc has posted in the wrong place.

Richard Steve
01-23-14, 22:58
I'm trying to fall into the tips and tricks category. Here it goes.

The providers' individual price is a control mechanism for demand. Having said that, providers still sell services to each of us at slightly different rate. Why not get $240 from someone willing and $180 from someone who won't? It's no different than when a store has a sale; its to sell to people who ordinarily wouldn't buy at that price. Plus, it's not like you can resell what they gave you to make $60 LOL.

For travelers, I suspect it would be difficult to keep a rate in one place and not have it affect the rate somewhere else, so it stays the same inflated or not for that region. I'd be curious to have a traveling provider weigh in on this. Still, the same rules apply. If you want to opt in to a lower price, just ask. Based on my experiences compared to other reviews, this hasn't affected the quality of the service I've received.

There was a lot of talk about the character of providers, but our ability to fool ourselves is what we should be worried about. Consider this before 'helping': The person who cuts your hair's car breaks down before your appointment. Do you a) give them a ride to the appointment or b) pay for the car repair and get free haircuts later? If you said 'b', you are probably paying to fool yourself. If you really want to help, keep your hair short if you know what I mean.

01-24-14, 10:07
I'm honored to be compared to Matt foley. Farley was a personal hero of mine. He probably fucked more providers than all of us combined. I am rolling doobies down by the river, but I'm way down yonder on the Chattahoochie.

01-24-14, 16:46
Well, I guess you've proved that I'm a jackass then.Sorry man, ahh don't feel bad! She's as cuning as anyone I've ever crossed paths with, I just believe that the person we meet yrs ago became consumed by the lifestyle she's chosen for herself because we know that she's no dummy. I NEVER said that it WAS NOT a great dream but as I learned you got to take the be. S. With a grain of salt, anyhow enjoy, have fun and good luck. We're all in this together!

01-24-14, 16:55
Helped a few real students too. I got the same bad habit and soft spot for less fortunate... Just like you. Never quite know when it turns out to be the wolf in sheep's clothing. Like I said in most cases their is something wrong with them that got them providing (with exceptions of course. Rachel on the board here sound like her head is screwed on straight). I go for the deep deep UTR types. Docs, nurses, lawyers etc. Amazing still to me when the lawyer down on her luck. Turns out has the very hidden nose candy habit from hell... I like the well hidden abusive boyfriend / pimp too. So many times there is a loser / user male they are supporting and sucking them down. Amazing the number that daddy / uncle molested them as kids and screwed them up. Probably for life. Many you can't help, cause they don't want to help themselves. Relapses back to candy and back to user guy. More often than not. So they didn't really mean to trash you.their demons just got hold of them again.

However, there are exceptions. I have fished a number out of the cesspool. Picked them up, washed them off (LOL washed them a lot in some cases) and they are doing fine. Ton of work, dollars and sweat equity. But one remains wary and disappointment is more often than yeehaa success.

One learns through experience cut the line quick when it shows barracuda teeth though. Fish elsewhere. Lots of fish in the sea. Sad when you have to toss one back to drowned and die.

I salute you for the attempt. I judge you a well meaning good dude. Cut the barracuda lose guietly. Lets go fish in a new pond. Best of luck.Amazing how many nails you can hit on the head of people you don't even know, you defiantly scratched the surface! Maybe they should start a super senior category for some of you guys us amateur's can confide in, like dear Abby or Dr Ruth (LOL). Thanks for the kind words, take care!

01-26-14, 18:38
..... Hell, with a few more posts and a little time you'll be a senior, which should be held in higher regard. This board is for helping mongers and reviewing providers. ............. Be a little more reserved when throwing words like that around.

Just my two cents.

Throttle.This was the only post after reading all this that I wanted to comment on and agree. Maybe going from Regular Status to Senior Status should be reviewed more carefully based on information posted and personality. Quality of post and sharing of information should out weigh X amount of Post and Time on the forum. Ho is such a dirty word. I like the old fashion word Lady of the Evening. Kinda has more class to it.

01-31-14, 19:55
Rene has been busy on CL. Since being banned here, she screams to the people of CL. But there was an interesting post made about Body Rubs Whitney yesterday. It seemed to well written to be a Rene post. Now I see a post in Massage parlor reports advising TripJ to contact this new member for important info. I see a shit storm coming.

02-03-14, 03:25
I am so tired of putting up with this B. S. From some of these insecure, drug using providers on here. Some ladies I will say are professional and mature and offer a wonder service, but then you have the others who make this hobby a freakin circus. Since I have become a body rub provider I have been having to constantly defend myself. Its always something. But, to stoop so low as to put false info on the internet about me having aids, really. That is an all time low. For one people are dying from this illness and it isn't something anyone should joke about. Second, I'm a very healthy individual that has yrly tests so I believe if I was infected it would be public record. Third a person has to be infected with hiv for 10 years before it becomes the aids virus. So, you stupid uneducated girls that want to continue to play the games in your playground go ahead. I'm going to continue providing excellent service and doing what I do. Anyone can bully and put whatever they want on the internet, doesn't mean it is true. I will be booking all week and you gentleman are more than welcome to contact my email, which by the way, hasnt changed WDWF199434@yahoo.com. Thank you xoxo Whitney.

02-03-14, 06:27
Well, well, another provider and admin being attacked on CL. Now do you guys believe everything you read. This person is going to try to smear or shut down any girl that makes them threatened. Whos going to be next.

02-03-14, 12:46
Well, well, another provider and admin being attacked on CL. Now do you guys believe everything you read. This person is going to try to smear or shut down any girl that makes them threatened. Whos going to be next.http://knoxville.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/superbowl-weekend-td-specials-mon-34/9674094 rene is making the posts about admin here, providers, myself and other mongers.

The post about you Whitney is no doubt your ex assistant Hollie. I messaged them and have every reason to believe it was Hollie who made that post on CL about you and the forum post here. Stay safe and classy. Don't let those haters bring you down.

02-03-14, 16:37
Well, well, another provider and admin being attacked on CL. Now do you guys believe everything you read. This person is going to try to smear or shut down any girl that makes them threatened. Whos going to be next.And another post from the same trouble-maker bashing a fellow member personally. She's certainly staying busy. I won't bother linking because the best way to get the trolls to go away is to ignore them.

02-16-14, 13:23
Rene has been busy on CL. Since being banned here, she screams to the people of CL. But there was an interesting post made about Body Rubs Whitney yesterday. It seemed to well written to be a Rene post. Now I see a post in Massage parlor reports advising TripJ to contact this new member for important info. I see a shit storm coming.I had some spare time, so I got caught up on all of the CL Rants and Raves info. I must admit that as I browsed the information, the discourse started off quite humorous, like playing the dozens, but the conversations turned sinister really quickly. That is a precarious game since a lot of personal info is put out in the CL public forum. The precarious nature of that game could become dangerous and may force some folks to give up the hobby altogether (or boycott the providers allegedly involved). I get a sense that tempers have flared beyond repair and hope that I don't see anything in the local paper about this manifesting itself in a physical sense. Each of those providers are valued by their supporters, so there is no need to alienate any aspect of this hobby. Clients have been blasted on CL as well so that puts another wrinkle to the tit-for-tat. I just hope that cooler heads prevail with all parties involved and soon.

Stay Safe,


02-16-14, 14:31
I had some spare time, so I got caught up on all of the CL Rants and Raves info. I must admit that as I browsed the information, the discourse started off quite humorous, like playing the dozens, but the conversations turned sinister really quickly. That is a precarious game since a lot of personal info is put out in the CL public forum. The precarious nature of that game could become dangerous and may force some folks to give up the hobby altogether (or boycott the providers allegedly involved). I get a sense that tempers have flared beyond repair and hope that I don't see anything in the local paper about this manifesting itself in a physical sense. Each of those providers are valued by their supporters, so there is no need to alienate any aspect of this hobby. Clients have been blasted on CL as well so that puts another wrinkle to the tit-for-tat. I just hope that cooler heads prevail with all parties involved and soon.

Stay Safe,

MilfMan.I 100% agree. The whole rants & raves drama is senseless. To any provider being attacked on there, you are better off not acknowledging it at all, just flag repeatedly. You reply on there, and you will stir up a hornets nest for yourself. Let your reviews speak for themselves because no one in there right mind will take CL's rants and raves seriously.

02-17-14, 01:26
I 100% agree. The whole rants & raves drama is senseless. To any provider being attacked on there, you are better off not acknowledging it at all, just flag repeatedly. You reply on there, and you will stir up a hornets nest for yourself. Let your reviews speak for themselves because no one in there right mind will take CL's rants and raves seriously.I generally have never looked at it because it all seemed like nonsense. I will say that there are several going a little too far with the personal info that is being published.

02-25-14, 13:18
I want this to be just a generalization about overall experiences and not to be a critique of one in particular, because it is not. When I meet someone I have the fantasy of meeting for a GFE or a PSE experience. That's what I search for. Based on reviews and recommendations, I take the plunge. We all know what that means to us. My overall experience, and whether I will return, is based on value not price. The closer it is to GFE or PSE I will return. I imagine a GFE like two teenage loves and the boyfriend is just coming home from a long trip. She is hot, horny and insatiable for lust. PSE is exactly that, just without the camera's and crew around.

I understand a lot of these girls and ladies have issues, and need someone to talk to. But when have to hear about what is going wrong in their life, it erodes that fantasy that we came there for. The walls start to come down and you look at them differently. I know this is going to sound callas, but the less talking the better. Small talk is fine, but hearing about all the things that are bad, going bad, how bad its been...and then for them to say, "ok, lets get undressed." It kinda kills the mood.

Maybe I am too good of a listener. They seem to just want to open up to me. They are not even asking for help. Usually, they just want me to listen. They don't ask for extra $ or anything. I know women, are more emotional and many times they just need someone to talk to. And sometimes, we are the only ones they can talk to. I get it. Maybe getting to know them personally could eventually lead to even better experiences, or great experiences. But I am not looking to build long term relationships. I am just wanting to keep it a dream. A fantasy.

I just wanted to share an observation and I'd love to hear what the board says.

02-28-14, 00:17
But I am not looking to build long term relationships. I am just wanting to keep it a dream. A fantasy. I just wanted to share an observation and I'd love to hear what the board says.I held a similar view during my earlier days of mongering: Commence dream sequence, find new provider, hit-it-and-quit-it, end dream sequence. At that point, it was a series of fembots to serve those needs. It didn't matter if it were a CL or Backpage girl, Strip Club, or Massage girl. The easiest way to keep everything fantasy based was to stay in search of the hottie of the week. When I began to diverge from my policy of never seeing a provider more than once, my hobbyist dream met the provider's reality. I started to learn more about how they got into becoming providers, learn about their families, witness their struggles, celebrate their triumphs, and just share in the vicissitudes of life. It was also at that time that I began to reap the benefits of becoming a regular. The encounters actually got better as they learned more about my needs and took the time to introduce me to many new experiences. Provider's continue to be real people, with real feelings, and thrive off of real human interaction like the rest of us. Looking back it's odd that some of the most fruitful relationships that I have cultivated were a result of the hobby. In essence, it's transitional for me like most things in life: early on it's about variety (TOFFT on a regular basis, full beast mode) and later on it's about sticking with what you know (the thought of TOFFT conjures up wuss mode).

Just my two pennies.


02-28-14, 00:44
I held a similar view during my earlier days of mongering: Commence dream sequence, find new provider, hit-it-and-quit-it, end dream sequence. At that point, it was a series of fembots to serve those needs. It didn't matter if it were a CL or Backpage girl, Strip Club, or Massage girl. The easiest way to keep everything fantasy based was to stay in search of the hottie of the week. When I began to diverge from my policy of never seeing a provider more than once, my hobbyist dream met the provider's reality. I started to learn more about how they got into becoming providers, learn about their families, witness their struggles, celebrate their triumphs, and just share in the vicissitudes of life. It was also at that time that I began to reap the benefits of becoming a regular. The encounters actually got better as they learned more about my needs and took the time to introduce me to many new experiences. Provider's continue to be real people, with real feelings, and thrive off of real human interaction like the rest of us. Looking back it's odd that some of the most fruitful relationships that I have cultivated were a result of the hobby. In essence, it's transitional for me like most things in life: early on it's about variety (TOFFT on a regular basis, full beast mode) and later on it's about sticking with what you know (the thought of TOFFT conjures up wuss mode).

Just my two pennies.

Milfman.I'm the same way. I don't take the chances like before and can spot the BS a lot faster.

03-04-14, 16:42
I held a similar view during my earlier days of mongering: Commence dream sequence, find new provider, hit-it-and-quit-it, end dream sequence. At that point, it was a series of fembots to serve those needs. It didn't matter if it were a CL or Backpage girl, Strip Club, or Massage girl. The easiest way to keep everything fantasy based was to stay in search of the hottie of the week. When I began to diverge from my policy of never seeing a provider more than once, my hobbyist dream met the provider's reality. I started to learn more about how they got into becoming providers, learn about their families, witness their struggles, celebrate their triumphs, and just share in the vicissitudes of life. It was also at that time that I began to reap the benefits of becoming a regular. The encounters actually got better as they learned more about my needs and took the time to introduce me to many new experiences. Provider's continue to be real people, with real feelings, and thrive off of real human interaction like the rest of us. Looking back it's odd that some of the most fruitful relationships that I have cultivated were a result of the hobby. In essence, it's transitional for me like most things in life: early on it's about variety (TOFFT on a regular basis, full beast mode) and later on it's about sticking with what you know (the thought of TOFFT conjures up wuss mode).

Just my two pennies.

Milfman.Roger that, but beware...

Speed don't kill, its the sudden stop that gets you.

These are very interesting ladies, very much ALIVE, unlike most girls.

03-04-14, 16:46
I want this to be just a generalization about overall experiences and not to be a critique of one in particular, because it is not. When I meet someone I have the fantasy of meeting for a GFE or a PSE experience. That's what I search for. Based on reviews and recommendations, I take the plunge. We all know what that means to us. My overall experience, and whether I will return, is based on value not price. The closer it is to GFE or PSE I will return. I imagine a GFE like two teenage loves and the boyfriend is just coming home from a long trip. She is hot, horny and insatiable for lust. PSE is exactly that, just without the camera's and crew around.

I understand a lot of these girls and ladies have issues, and need someone to talk to. But when have to hear about what is going wrong in their life, it erodes that fantasy that we came there for. The walls start to come down and you look at them differently. I know this is going to sound callas, but the less talking the better. Small talk is fine, but hearing about all the things that are bad, going bad, how bad its been...and then for them to say, "ok, lets get undressed." It kinda kills the mood.

Maybe I am too good of a listener. They seem to just want to open up to me. They are not even asking for help. Usually, they just want me to listen. They don't ask for extra $ or anything. I know women, are more emotional and many times they just need someone to talk to. And sometimes, we are the only ones they can talk to. I get it. Maybe getting to know them personally could eventually lead to even better experiences, or great experiences. But I am not looking to build long term relationships. I am just wanting to keep it a dream. A fantasy.

I just wanted to share an observation and I'd love to hear what the board says.Even when doing 20 guys a week, they are lonely like everyone else. Thats why they end up with crappy BFs just to have someone warm at night who might talk to them every now and then.

Several providers talked my ears off during the deed, and that just makes it more GFE. I try to make sure I do less than 50% of the talking, and I appreciate them listening, even if they forget every word of it. That's what I miss most at AMPs, unless you speak korean or Chinese. Then I get a table shower with HE and all is well.

03-05-14, 15:34
Gave her the money to get the room park out frort at the days I on ashville hwy she went in and ran out the back door just thought everyone should know this so it doesn't happen to anyone else. I try to post this in the ripoff but the administrator is being a dick.

Since this is in Tips, Tricks, Arguing, and Bullshit I didn't take it down, but I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

A2But insulting the moderator of this FREE site, is probably not the best way for a new user to ingratiate themselves. Looking at your few previous pasts, is does seem that you have more than your share of problems with this hobby.

03-11-14, 17:27
I was perusing a popular social networking site and looked at the profile of a local massage provider who has received bad reviews. Upon further inspection, I noticed that she has posted pictures of one of her massage clients as he lay face down on her table. The gentleman, who spent his hard earned money for her services, had underwear with holes in them. The caption reads "In the massage world its not all hot bodies and glamour... LOL. Not even close". Two comments included were "<name redacted Whoa! If he can afford a massage he should buy some new drawers (February 22,2014 at 11:16 am)" and "<massage provider Yes, yes he should. LOL (February 22,2014 at 1:55 pm)".

I can provide the direct link via PM if interested, I but didn't want to include the pic since it was a classless act that the pic was taken in the first place.

Stay Safe,


03-18-14, 18:57
So, I hope this is the correct thread for this, if not I apologize. I am new to this and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice for the Knoxville area. I obviously want to be careful, and not do anything to screw myself or a provider (I think that's the right term) over royally or anything along those lines.

03-18-14, 22:18
90% of this site is advice. Just read!

So, I hope this is the correct thread for this, if not I apologize. I am new to this and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice for the Knoxville area. I obviously want to be careful, and not do anything to screw myself or a provider (I think that's the right term) over royally or anything along those lines.

Member #4475
03-26-14, 14:57
Ok, I called a provider today to see about getting together. When she answered, I gave my name and and asked for hers, which she gave me. Now, I am a pretty cut to the chase person so I asked simply this after indicating I saw her post on here:

"I was calling to check your availability and rates" and got hung up on promptly.

So, what do I need to do when calling these providers on the phone when I am wanting to know the rates? I have called others in the past, like Tuesday this week, asked the same question and I got a response to my question without any hassle. I even had one of them tell me what they did / did not do because I indicated that there would be a couple of things I wanted and if they were not going to happen after we met and discussed, I was out. So she told me so not to waste our time if she did not do those.

So then, am I wrong for asking how much a provider is trying to charge if it's not posted? If I am, please help me understand the proper phone etiquette to use.

Thanks and stay safe.

BTW, I tried to find the head doc today with no luck, anybody out there who can help me setting up something with her?

03-26-14, 18:34
Ok, I called a provider today to see about getting together. When she answered, I gave my name and and asked for hers, which she gave me. Now, I am a pretty cut to the chase person so I asked simply this after indicating I saw her post on here:

"I was calling to check your availability and rates" and got hung up on promptly.

So, what do I need to do when calling these providers on the phone when I am wanting to know the rates? I have called others in the past, like Tuesday this week, asked the same question and I got a response to my question without any hassle. I even had one of them tell me what they did / did not do because I indicated that there would be a couple of things I wanted and if they were not going to happen after we met and discussed, I was out. So she told me so not to waste our time if she did not do those.

So then, am I wrong for asking how much a provider is trying to charge if it's not posted? If I am, please help me understand the proper phone etiquette to use.

Thanks and stay safe.

BTW, I tried to find the head doc today with no luck, anybody out there who can help me setting up something with her?Be more discrete. I usually ask "I was wondering if you had an appointment available?

Don't ask about rates. She will either mention it, or if she doesn't, ask her "how much is the donation for her time".

Monger Safely.

Member #4475
03-26-14, 20:23
Be more discrete. I usually ask "I was wondering if you had an appointment available?

Don't ask about rates. She will either mention it, or if she doesn't, ask her "how much is the donation for her time".

Monger Safely.Sounds like solid advice. Thanks.

04-03-14, 20:06
Had something set up with Dara today and we all know that story.

BP looks lame today.

I am not such a jackass that I think I have earned the right to ask for numbers or to be vouched for.

Looks like I might have to resort to the uncanny charm sure to come from a night at the bar.

And that is the laughability of plan be.

04-04-14, 08:30
Had something set up with Dara today and we all know that story.

BP looks lame today.

I am not such a jackass that I think I have earned the right to ask for numbers or to be vouched for.

Looks like I might have to resort to the uncanny charm sure to come from a night at the bar.

And that is the laughability of plan be.Dude, there are lots more places to look than BP. I don't understand why people on this site just focus on BP? I guess its a price point thing. There are several great girls that advertise on BP and many great girls that advertise on other sites but you're not going to get the good ones at street walker rates and if you do they end up going bad sooner than later.

04-05-14, 21:05
First off, I want to apologize to Admin for my apparent crossing of the line with post 5983 in BP reviews. It is your sandbox, and hence you get to set the rules. Thank you for your work in providing this indispensable resource for the mongers.

I know I was walking into a grey area, but I didn't think I had crossed the line. I was obviously mistaken.

I did not post an arrest report or mugshot. The uncle visit of the provider in question (and her doubles partner) had already been discussed in previous posts. The reason I felt compelled to post about seeing her ad back on BP was that it had only been a couple of weeks, obviously before the case worked its way through the system. Added to the previously discussed issues with this provider (I won't go into them lest I run afoul again), the fact that she was posting again so soon demonstrated a level of recklessness that I believed warranted mention in an effort to protect my fellow mongers.

Where exactly is the line? I am due to make senior soon, and I really would like to get off of moderation when I hit my 6 months. Out of my 36 posts, this is my first and only infraction and I would like to keep it that way.

So how do we discuss the Uncle issues without crossing the line?

Thank you for any input on this matter. I believe that it would help us help you continue to keep this the best site of its nature out there.

I stand duly chastised and will endeavor to avoid being flagged in the future.


Read the redact text on the post, it's very specific.

This report was deleted because it was a report regarding an individual who was arrested / charged / awaiting trial / convicted / awaiting sentencing / incarcerated / released / on probation for engaging in commercial sex activities or any other non-violent crime.


I want to say this carefully so no one gets the wrong idea: Posting the names, mugshots, case status, incarceration status and/or the release dates of people who have been arrested for engaging in commercial sex activities is somewhat heartless and really just helping the police in their efforts to embarrass these people.

Since this website is all about assisting people in obtaining commercial sex services, we don't want to add to the problems of the unfortunate people who have been arrested by publishing their names, mugshots, case status, incarceration status, or release dates.


04-12-14, 19:32
When I was working I would get little scratches and scrapes on my hands. Being a somewhat intelligent monger, I realized that open cuts on my hands were no bueno. Wearing bandaids sucked worse than wearing condoms. They always got in the way, and I never had that much confidence in their cooty stopping abilities.

I bought a bottle of new skin liquid bandage. It is an antiseptic so it kills bacteria when you put it on, then it dries, and fills in the cut to protect against future cooty encounters. Better safe than sorry.

Bigredvan 420.

04-13-14, 10:01
I'm seeing numerous reports from a select few members about getting cashed and dashed, not once, but multiple times. I'm perplexed since I have trouble understanding how you could possibly put yourself in a position to be cashed and dashed. I understand some guys striving to be Captain Save-A-H*, but if visiting a sketchy or unfamiliar provider and waiting until the deed is done, she won't have the cash in hand to make the dash. I suppose that reputable providers who have received donations up front before can turn on a monger by dashing later, but that seems more like the exceptions than the norms. We've all seen variations of the show "World's Dumbest Criminals", but if dudes keep getting cashed and dashed, a spinoff of the show for this hobby may be in order.

Stay Safe,


04-13-14, 10:44
I'm seeing numerous reports from a select few members about getting cashed and dashed, not once, but multiple times. I'm perplexed since I have trouble understanding how you could possibly put yourself in a position to be cashed and dashed. I understand some guys striving to be Captain Save-A-H*, but if visiting a sketchy or unfamiliar provider and waiting until the deed is done, she won't have the cash in hand to make the dash. I suppose that reputable providers who have received donations up front before can turn on a monger by dashing later, but that seems more like the exceptions than the norms. We've all seen variations of the show "World's Dumbest Criminals", but if dudes keep getting cashed and dashed, a spinoff of the show for this hobby may be in order.

Stay Safe,

MilfMan.Why pay for something before you get it. It's not being shipped in from another location. She has it with her. Partake, pay, and plan the next meeting.

04-14-14, 22:41
Why pay for something before you get it. It's not being shipped in from another location. She has it with her. Partake, pay, and plan the next meeting.To insure proper service. Call me old fashion but when I go on a date I always pay her way and when I hire a provider I always pay up front. I give her the chance to provide and its not good I don't hire her anymore and if one day I get (cashed and dashed) I will post it on here so all forum readers will know who to look out for. Required.

04-15-14, 19:50
To insure proper service. Call me old fashion but when I go on a date I always pay her way and when I hire a provider I always pay up front. I give her the chance to provide and its not good I don't hire her anymore and if one day I get (cashed and dashed) I will post it on here so all forum readers will know who to look out for. Required.Do you pay her way before you go on the date? I have trouble equating dispensing the donation beforehand with being old fashioned. Paying ahead of time is fine with reputable or established providers, but that is ill-advised with the fly-by-night or sketchy providers. A big part of that involves the company you keep, so the chances that you'll experience a cash-and-dash may be quite low.

04-15-14, 20:28
[QU=MilfMan865;2065091]Do you pay her way before you go on the date? I have trouble equating dispensing the donation beforehand with being old fashioned. Paying ahead of time is fine with reputable or established providers, but that is ill-advised with the fly-by-night or sketchy providers. A big part of that involves the company you keep, so the chances that you'll experience a cash-and-dash may be quite low.[ / QUOTE].

It definitely depends upon the company one keeps. I still prefer paying for services after they're rendered. I'm in construction and have heard to many stories of people getting ripped off by paying first. The concept just blows my mind.

First Dude1968
05-20-14, 06:52
Am I missing something? Is this not the point of the ENTIRE board?

And for the love of Moses please none of you dudes start posting pics of your junk.

05-24-14, 22:52
Just noticed I made Senior. Wow how time flies. Thank you to the members and providers who have made this a crazy and exciting 6 months.

I hope to monger and report again soon.

Monger safely gents.


06-01-14, 17:24
To insure proper service. Call me old fashion but when I go on a date I always pay her way and when I hire a provider I always pay up front. I give her the chance to provide and its not good I don't hire her anymore and if one day I get (cashed and dashed) I will post it on here so all forum readers will know who to look out for. Required. I usually carry the donation in an unmarked envelop in my pocket, no counting, and everyone is happy at the end of the date. If she ask for it up front I'll hand it over, if I fell at ease, otherwise it's time to walk away.

Member #5090
08-07-14, 13:42
Can anyone recommend a good pay as you go phone? Spring I can put minutes on as I go. Appreciate the help. If this is in the wrong section, please move as necessary. I want sure where to put it.

Member #2668
08-07-14, 20:20
Can anyone recommend a good pay as you go phone? Spring I can put minutes on as I go. Appreciate the help. If this is in the wrong section, please move as necessary. I want sure where to put it.I bought a TracPhone at Walmart. I paid cash for the phone and card so no tracking it back and you can buy whatever number of minutes you need on a card. I bought their Motorola phone, if you read on the phone some will give you double the minutes on the card just for buying a specific phone, that's why I bought the Moto. The minutes last for a year so you don't have to worry about them expiring every month. My phone also has texting and a camera so you can receive pics, and take and send pics if you desire.

Member #5090
08-12-14, 07:35
I bought a TracPhone at Walmart. I paid cash for the phone and card so no tracking it back and you can buy whatever number of minutes you need on a card. I bought their Motorola phone, if you read on the phone some will give you double the minutes on the card just for buying a specific phone, that's why I bought the Moto. The minutes last for a year so you don't have to worry about them expiring every month. My phone also has texting and a camera so you can receive pics, and take and send pics if you desire.Thanks much for the tip! I'll be looking for one.

08-12-14, 22:59
Won't mention her name but I'm sure many of you will figure out who I'm talking about text her last night after she retired from the hobby went on a rant blaming me and load2 for her lack of business lately which I post a retraction and said she returned my money. Which isn't true I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and accept that even the best of us screw up at times. I didn't want to ruin her business so that's the reason I done it. I have stepped away from the hobby for the moment. But I will never see her again and the reason for that is after she got ripped off by another well-known provider so she says unfortunately she always tells half truth and not all the facts. It wasn't $200 stolen from her it was a hundred forty dollars worth of H which in return she said the other provider was going to pay for this by having her thug dealers go after her and even hurt her kids which had nothing to do with this you don't threaten somebody's kids with physical harm just because you're stupid enough to trust a drug addict I believe these are her true colors she got a sweet nice girl we all thought she was but she's Harbin animosity towards me even though I'm the one who introduced her to most of you go figure.JM, you have pm'd me before with some good info and have been a contributing member on the board and thanks for both.

Now your saying you lied about your former UTR not being a rip-off and paying you back? We count on reports from seniors to let us know when this stuff happens. It is one thing for someone to get bad service and not report it or only report it in PM's, but when clients get ripped off we need to know. You told us, but then you lied about her making it right? I wonder how many mongers went to see her because you said she made it right and how many of those got ripped off in the process? I have never seen SC and a lot of that was based on the rip-off reports. For me they don't get second chances, because that is when this hobby gets dangerous. There are too many good providers with solid reviews from trusted members. I believe you have been back and forth with this provider several times and each time you get back here and say all is well now and say everything is fine. I am sorry to come down on you because so many on here come to blast there favorite only when they finally quit picking up the phone even though the demons have been with their favorite a long time and they knew other mongers were being ripped off. We need to get back to honest and full reviews for the pursuit and capture of the booty.

JMTC pm for details.


08-13-14, 00:02
JM, you have pm'd me before with some good info and have been a contributing member on the board and thanks for both.

Now your saying you lied about your former UTR not being a rip-off and paying you back? We count on reports from seniors to let us know when this stuff happens. It is one thing for someone to get bad service and not report it or only report it in PM's, but when clients get ripped off we need to know. You told us, but then you lied about her making it right? I wonder how many mongers went to see her because you said she made it right and how many of those got ripped off in the process? I have never seen SC and a lot of that was based on the rip-off reports. For me they don't get second chances, because that is when this hobby gets dangerous. There are too many good providers with solid reviews from trusted members. I believe you have been back and forth with this provider several times and each time you get back here and say all is well now and say everything is fine. I am sorry to come down on you because so many on here come to blast there favorite only when they finally quit picking up the phone even though the demons have been with their favorite a long time and they knew other mongers were being ripped off. We need to get back to honest and full reviews for the pursuit and capture of the booty.

JMTC pm for details.

Skraps.I never. Said that ripped me off in a sense it's not like she's a cash and dash Services was never rendered I'll explain detail so you get better idea bought her a phone card for $50 a few days later we agree me to do the dream I offer her 40 more she talked me into giving her a hundred and she will pay me 60 back because she had a date the next day what's the date cancelled did she ask for 30 which I give it to her and I said let's just try towards our next date which was supposed to be the next night starting at the runaround from her this went on for two weeks eventually I told her she was playing games I was done she finally replied to my text messages which she says she was done yes it is true she never paid me back but I felt my situation was different from other monglers like I said I thought she get back on track and no one else had the same issue as I did with her and for what I understand nobody else have seen her sense of that happened so I don't believe I put anybody else at risk I'll being ripped off by her I became impatient after two weeks waiting for the dream perhaps I didn't handle it right neither did she it's more of a lack of communication on her part which all this could be avoided it should be more on top of things like I was saying the different situation from everybody else's.

08-14-14, 22:39
2 on Beau Keith WSW Tasha and another. About a 5/10 on the scare scale. We know the routine on them. Revolving door of the Knoxville Detention Center.

Saw Brandy and Sabrina and a very emaciated girl brownish red hair slightly messed up teeth but sweet and humble. All on Central from KL to top near 5th. Saw a heavy set gal walking forever saw her all over central and Beau. I think she goes by Mandy.

Drove down Mag and saw Lacey AKA the Easter Bunny. Run Forest Run. Worst provider with the prettiest face around. Mean pressure. With the best "Hurry Up Offense" anywhere in East Knoxville. Like hurry up and get it done in 2 minutes or less.

Kristin was out and so was Nikki. More interesting a girl near the Brix across the street sitting on the brick wall in front of the Hotel. Looked good. Waiting for someone with her handler / boyfriend. Kept looking over at me be everone always thinks I am LEO from the Military hair cut. So she did not get in but I sure wanted her to. Swung back around and picked up Kristin. She and I just talked and got some food. Told her I wanted her for myself but she likes to share. Offered her a deal to get serious and join a swingers club if I could not satisfy her. Still no. SOL I guess.

Saw about 5-6 BSW of a variety of styles shapes and tones.

Also why I was out I noticed a Suburban and 5 patrol cars stop behind one of the roll up stores where they all sit on the wall. LEO was everywhere last night as well but today they were moving people. Making them disperse and even arresting a few. So when Kristin and I were rolling she made the comment. Oh snap no one will be making any money today. We went and found Nikki and she hoped out and got in another car with her and a dude that kept putting a Chinese Restaurant Menu (or so it looked) in front of his face. He did not want me to see him.

Unusual amount of LEO around me last night. Did not pull me over but sure did take a few looks. I think if I had had someone riding with me. It would have been a certainty. Stay safe.Wasn't Kristen with you? How do you afford the fuel for your vehicle? This post does not pass the smell test.

08-15-14, 10:38
Have any of you guys posting on this thread had any success? PM replies if you prefer. Thanks.Not a bit on this end.

08-16-14, 00:50
Normally I would take this straight to PM for you but Dude out of respect for the board. Are you kidding me. ? This post does not pass the smell test. Who The Fxxx Are You. You sound like you are pissed that I put such a long comment in and yours are so short. My car gets 43 miles to the gallon number one. I make a really good living 100+ per hour not that you could relate. That is not from working in a law office. I play on all aspects of the board from the high end girls to the low end. From NY to TX and even a few Porn Stars from out of CA and NV. So I would not expect you to understand this game. I have been a member of TheEroticReview.com for ten years. Premium member. I cross verify so that members on this board get the benefit and security of knowing the girl is good to go from that site too. Not that you would understand. I was the second guy to review Alexis of Knoxville. So what do you know about passing the smell test. I do like your short evals of girls but I have not figured out your assessment of the light user heavy user stuff. They are all users so how can you be so sure of the volume of usage. Light or heavy. Some of these girls have track marks in their vagina dude. They have high functioning addicts and low functioning addicts. They would not be out there if they were not users their Einstein. Maybe 2% are out there for kids and money for food. Honestly you do not pass the smell test to me. Sounds like you could be LEO. And princess, I do not make stuff up. Pass the smell test. I have way too many Senior friends on this board for you to be making comments like that. They know what my word smells like. It smells like a recently screwed honeypot.

Wasn't Kristen with you? How do you afford the fuel for your vehicle? This post does not pass the smell test.

08-21-14, 13:25
So to do my part in contributing to this community I figured I would start a new series posted in the tips and tricks section titled "Cover Your Ass". I've seen so many posts about getting caught for this or that, or how to get away with this, etc. So I figured I could begin to address some of these issues so that in the future they might be referenced and prove of some use.

There are a variety of topics to cover but I'll try to stick to one general theme with each post. Today I think I'll tackle the web. Basically, how to browse for what you want and avoid getting caught. I know many of you have potentially something to lose in this hobby and we as men have been struggling with how to cover our tracks online since the introduction of free porn on the interwebs.

Before I begin let me start by saying the following and I'm sure some of you will take exception to this. That's ok I'm not really trying to be your buddy I'm just trying to help another guy out.

1. Don't be lazy, forgetful or too trusting. If anyone of those things occurs and you forget to do following one of the steps I'm going to outline the chances of you getting caught just went up. If you forget and leave a browser window up you just increased the chances of getting caught. Finally, if you trust your significant other so much to think that she would never go snooping then your too damn trusting and your chances of getting caught just went up.

2. By partaking in the "Hobby" you are participating in criminal activity. Let me make this clear you are technically a criminal. Alright, don't gasp and grab your pitchforks. I'm a criminal too and the sooner you begin to think in those terms the better off you're going to be at covering your ass. I was an unlicensed pharmaceutical sales rep in a previous life and believe me not getting caught was at the top of my priority list. So embrace it and let it sink in so that you can begin to make wise decisions when practicing your hobby.

On with the show.

If you're on this site, or any other site similar in nature to this one. You're leaving the door open to someone finding out what you're doing. It could be a wife or girlfriend or even law enforcement. So in order to protect yourself when online there are a few tips I'd like to share.

First, if you are using Google Chrome to do your web surfing stop right now. I know it's a great browser and it is fast and it integrates with your email and has all these other great features. And that's the fucking problem. Google's Big Brother and they track every thing you do. If you have a GMail account and your logged into it while browsing in your Chrome browser on your Android phone it's tracking all of that. Every place you go, everything you search, every email you send, all of your actions. So stop, stop right now. I'll explain exactly how Google is tracking everything you do in another series because it's just too damn long.

Well how do I browse the web then? Just like you might have a burn phone you need a burn browser. You need to make sure that it's the one you use for nothing more than exploring and researching your hobby. Let me make a few suggestions for your phone. Download an app called InBrowswer and use it exclusively. It's much like Google's Incognito mode, but it doesn't store anything. If you're browsing from your home computer you can use Firefox just set it to Private Mode every time you get online. At the most basic of levels this may keep the misses from finding something. It doesn't truly stop everything thing from being tracked though. You're still going to have DNS entries, etc. That are stored for each site you access. Those are somewhat cryptic though and unless your significant other talks in one and zeros you're probably going to be ok.

So that protects you at home, but not in the real world. As you browse the web you're assigned an IP address. It's really your unique identifier almost like your own SS# on the web. If I had to guess this site right now is tracking your IP address and has it stored. So if you get out of line and they need to block you that's probably where they will start. IP addresses are tracked everywhere and it's the first place law enforcement will attempt to start in tracking people online for illegal activity.

There are however ways of masking your identity and I'll share a few with you. Surfing the web from a VPN is a solid solution. A lot of people will tunnel into a another machine and make their internet connection from there. This is a little more advanced and I'm not going to get into the ins and outs of this. If you want to know more just search it. If you can connect to the web through your neighbors Wi-Fi that's probably a great solution too, but it's still a little too close to home. Let's look at a couple of real world solutions.

1. TOR Project - (www.torproject.org) Did you ever hear of Silk Road? Well eventually they got busted but it was all ran through the TOR project. TOR has a browser that I would recommend you download and use. It provides for anonymity while online. In other words as you're browsing around it's hiding your ass from the real world. There are some draw backs with the TOR system. It does tend to be a little slow at times.

2. Use a Proxy service. Basically a proxy service will allow you to browse through their system anonymously. You connect to a website and from their you browse to where ever you want to go. To anyone looking at your browser history you hit one site and from their they have no clue where you went. For any site looking at incoming traffic you may look like your in Iceland somewhere. (Iceland by the way has really good free speech laws) A good one is www.hidemyass.com although there is a monthly fee so if you really want anonymity then avoid the paper trail and try a free one. They come and go so check out a few different ones. Presently I'm using Guardster.com and it seems to work well. If you want to find others visit www.similarsites.com and type in hidemyass.com and it will show you similar services. As stated above some are free, some charge.

Dude you're freaking paranoid! Remember when I told you that you are a criminal? You are participating in illegal activity. Well I prefer to dream my dream and not allow Jethro in lockup to live his dream on my ass. Still not a believer? Let me give you a really fucked up scenario, but a plausible one just the same. Say you have a dream with this hot little provider you've been trying to hookup with for a few days. Someone you've never seen but you've wanted to. Your appointments at 12:00. You get there and handle business and you're on your way. Let's say that same hot little provider is involved in one of the most gruesome crimes this town has ever seen later that night. If you haven't covered your ass guess who will eventually be knocking on your door with some questions. So hopefully that will help you realize that caution is king in this hobby.

I'll hopefully have another installment soon. Feel free to PM me with any questions. I'll help anyway I can.

The Chairman, NBOBH.

08-22-14, 10:08
Cover Your Ass (The Series).

Guck Foogle.

So as we all know Google is the largest and most widely used search engine in the world. When you couple that with YouTube (which they own) the reach is far and wide. Google as a search engine isn't entirely bad, but the products it offers for "free" definitely have a price when it comes to your privacy.

The first thing you need to take into consideration is that Google's #1 client is the USA Government. This post isn't all conspiracy theory so don't think I'm heading their, but based on my previous posts there are two things you need to remember and #2 is you're a criminal or at least acting like one. Therefore, you and law enforcement shouldn't be seeing eye to eye.

Google's search engine in most cases will provide you with exactly the information you're looking for. I know a lot of mongers who use the image search feature religiously when looking for validity of a provider. Keep this in mind, Google is keeping track of all of your search information and they use it to provide advertisers with demographic information. Not such as big deal most companies do. But since they have so much information and they track not only what you search, but who you are that is a bit scary. Google loads a unique cookie on your machine that makes you easier to track. Your search habits, interests, etc. They have your IP address which also makes it easier to track you. So the fact that over the past week you searched for escorts, looked at photos of naked women, looked at purchasing sex toys, and on and on, you see that it could be easy to make a case that you are a sexual deviant. That's probably not the case you're just looking to have a good time.

I'll circle back around to all of this at the end. Let's move on to Gmail. I know a lot of you use Gmail as your primary email solution and many of you probably have a secondary account the misses doesn't know about for "safe mongering". Well let's think about that for a moment. The Google Email system scans and stores every email you send and receive. They even copy the emails you haven't sent that are simply drafts and even though you've deleted them Google hasn't. Ok, so you don't use Gmail well that's great but the email that you sent to someone who does is still stored on a Google server somewhere. Let's go back to how smart you were when you setup that secondary email account. Did you provide Google with a secondary backup email account as it requested? Did you have to validate your cell phone number as Google requested? Did you use the same internet connection to login to your "safe" email account as you did your regular everyday email account? The chances of you being completely anonymous in this situation are pretty much nil even though you did use that clever name of Mike Hunt instead of your own. (The last sentence is in no way referencing any particular person or in reference to any user of this board, simply a generalization). The problem is the Google system is setup in a manner to track you and your behavior and they are going to do everything they can go insure they get some type of truly identifiable information so that they can do that. Ok, again I'll tie all this together at the end.

If you use Google + in any way from a computer or account that could possibly be tied to your Gmail account you are giving up the house. They know your name, your wife's name, your kids, your address, birthday, who your friends are, what your favorite food is, etc. Etc. It's just giving any sense of anonymity. I'm not saying social media is bad or that you shouldn't use it. You just need to understand how to cover your ass and separate your personal life from your criminal activity.

On to Google Chrome, which as skyrocketed to fame as the best and most popular browser on the market. It integrates so seamlessly into everyday Internet browsing how could we ever do with out it. And of course you're safe because you use that nifty little "incognito" mode and no one can see what you're doing. You're invisible and able to do your stealthy deeds. Well sir I'm sorry but you're not invisible. You're now even more visible than ever. So earlier when the misses was around you were shopping for Golf Clubs and the two of your were planning your summer vacation. Now that she's not around you've decided to hit the incognito switch and you're off to dream land making plans for the following day. The reason Chrome is so fascinating is because Google figured out a way to track your online movements outside of their search engine. Now it doesn't matter that you didn't use the Google search bar because your direct inquiries are all still trackable and yes just like your email stored on a server.

Do you use an Android smart phone? The chances are 50/50 that you do. Again, Google now is even more integrated into what you do. Not only are they tracking your emails and internet inquiries they are now tracking your movements. Having a hard time believing that? Checkout this link. https://maps.google.com/locationhistory. There's a lot more I could go into with Android or any smart phone really but we will cover all of that in a later series.

Let's finally talk about Google Voice the "pseudo" burn phone for many mongers. If you will notice when you setup a Google Voice number it asks you for a legitimate cell phone number. There's no spoofing this because it forwards any calls or texts from Google Voice to your phone and there's a verification process just to insure it is your phone. On top of that just like GMail all of your calls and texts are recorded and stored whether you want them to be or not.

So, I'm sure now you're all like WTF do I do then? Well it's not easy to just jump ship with Google products, but if you're aware of all the Google products you use in a day and exactly how you use them it's a little easier to browse wisely. In your day-to-day life Google is completely ok, but if you're going undercover take a few steps to protect yourself. For browsing the web I'd use the TOR browser. This eliminates your IP address from being connected to any particular site directly. There are some draw backs to TOR. It's a little slow and many sites will just block your connection altogether. If you want something a little more advanced try a Virtual Private Network. Some of these will charge you a fee which leads to the whole paper trail but there are some free ones out there. Essentially what this does is connect you to another computer to do your browsing. Check out mybestvpn.com/ vpn-howto for a free VPN and it will step you through how to set it up depending on your operating system. Again, possibly a little slower than your normal connection due to the additional hop, but not entirely unbearable. In some cases it could allow for safe browsing at work even. Need an email address other than Gmail. Check out Spam Gourmet, My Trash Mail, Melt Mail or many others. You can search for anonymous email services and find a long list. If you need a phone, which you will in this hobby then I would recommend visiting your local Walmart and purchasing a pre-paid phone "WITH CASH". There are really limited options for a service comparable to Google Voice and certainly no free ones, but check out mightycall.com or maybe do a search for Google Voice replacement.

Why does any of this matter to you? Well it may not, but I'm only attempting to show that no matter how anonymous you may think you are, you're not. If you're wise you always want to stay three steps ahead and protect yourself every possible place you can.

If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.

NBOBH, The Chairman.

08-23-14, 17:19
Cover Your Ass (The Series).

Guck Foogle.

If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.

NBOBH, The Chairman.Excellent tips and I share your sentiments concerning Google. Many believe that a sound offensive approach is the best way to achieve effective defensive security. I refuse to do anything nefarious on a smart phone, Android or otherwise, although I do use Orbot on an Android phone simply because it would be irresponsible not to use something. I would recommend using the Tor Browser for all mongers to get started in the torification space. As far as for personal use, I tend to take the 'trust no one' approach to the greatest extend possible. After finding registrars that take Bitcoins and money orders, I decided to maintain a private cloud (within reason). I generally use a virtual machine with Kali Linux, stored on an IronKey, for day-to-day use and employ the basic near-anonymous browsing strategies within that VM. Whenever the VM (or IronKey) is dismounted, no state is stored, so it's a fresh start every time, while anonymizing networking activities. No method is bulletproof, but my method gives me that little piece of mind that I need to perform the reconnaissance that I need to dream in this hobby (since 127.0. 0. 1 is not as much fun).

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Stay Safe,


08-26-14, 17:31
I was on p411 looking for a date for Chicago and thought I'd take a look at the talent in Knoxville for the Labor Day weekend. It had Alexis, yes Knoxville Alexis as recently noted as going off the deepend her in Knoxville, as being logged in on Aug 24th. So she is still active in the hobby or her secretary, RegularJoe (member here) who she told me answered her emails and also did some of her screening is logging into her acct. Or it could even be her boyfriend checking in on her. Regardless, I would be careful what I send in email or pm to her as its definitely not being viewed exclusively by her.

08-29-14, 00:40

Knoxville lost a true gem when Alexis retired. She was about the only girl I saw for the past four years. She's the main reason I come back to Knoxville as my work lets me travel every three weeks of so.

Any info on a spinner type looking for a semiregular thing would be appreciated. BP is really not much anymore. Any pointers on where to look would also be appreciated. As my luck goes, not only did the airlines loose my luggage, but when I got here last Friday, Alexis was gone too. I'm having a run of bad luck. Share some info on some local talent. I didn't need to look around when Alexis was always around, why would I??

08-29-14, 08:23

Knoxville lost a true gem when Alexis retired. She was about the only girl I saw for the past four years. She's the main reason I come back to Knoxville as my work lets me travel every three weeks of so.

Any info on a spinner type looking for a semiregular thing would be appreciated. BP is really not much anymore. Any pointers on where to look would also be appreciated. As my luck goes, not only did the airlines loose my luggage, but when I got here last Friday, Alexis was gone too. I'm having a run of bad luck. Share some info on some local talent. I didn't need to look around when Alexis was always around, why would I??And how, that!

With the (zillion) others also mourning her absence, we should form a support group: "The Alexis Lonely Hearts Club". Activities can include waiting in our cars for an hour.

I've been forced to actively participate here and elsewhere to try to sate my personal loss.

I'm all for building a statue to honor her. I'd vote for her for mayor or Queen. "Every sword needs a scabbard" would make a great motto for her campaign. Aaargh.

08-29-14, 19:09
And how, that!

With the (zillion) others also mourning her absence, we should form a support group: "The Alexis Lonely Hearts Club". Activities can include waiting in our cars for an hour.

I've been forced to actively participate here and elsewhere to try to sate my personal loss.

I'm all for building a statue to honor her. I'd vote for her for mayor or Queen. "Every sword needs a scabbard" would make a great motto for her campaign. Aaargh.Yea, me too!!

08-30-14, 00:54
When does trying to rip off everyone that has ever trusted you constitute Retiring? Alexis was a nice provider and very sexy, but to act like she retired and left like a saint is ridiculous. There have been many fine providers retire from the Knoxville scene and go out with class but Alexis is not that provider.

I hear all the bs stories about how clients waited on her for hours and hours and I want to scream at you and say that ya'll are the problem with these girls. If we (and I mean you because I don't do it) didn't put up with their shit then they would learn very quickly that they couldn't make the money they want.

Quit putting up with any bullshit and remember the things you have heard your whole life 1. THE GOLDEN RULE. He who has the gold makes the rules 2. The customer is always right 3. A fool and his money are soon parted.

When I hear everyone (and I mean a lot of you) saying how special of a relationship yall have or had with Alexis it makes me wonder what the hell you are thinking. I like to live in the fantasy world too, but sometimes you have face the facts and remember if you didn't have the money they wouldn't be interested.

The Load2
08-30-14, 02:03
When does trying to rip off everyone that has ever trusted you constitute Retiring? Alexis was a nice provider and very sexy, but to act like she retired and left like a saint is ridiculous. There have been many fine providers retire from the Knoxville scene and go out with class but Alexis is not that provider.

I hear all the bs stories about how clients waited on her for hours and hours and I want to scream at you and say that ya'll are the problem with these girls. If we (and I mean you because I don't do it) didn't put up with their shit then they would learn very quickly that they couldn't make the money they want.

Quit putting up with any bullshit and remember the things you have heard your whole life 1. THE GOLDEN RULE. He who has the gold makes the rules 2. The customer is always right 3. A fool and his money are soon parted.

When I hear everyone (and I mean a lot of you) saying how special of a relationship yall have or had with Alexis it makes me wonder what the hell you are thinking. I like to live in the fantasy world too, but sometimes you have face the facts and remember if you didn't have the money they wouldn't be interested.I'm not sure this was the right place for your post but I'm with you. All the crying over her is a little redic. If the relationship was so special why haven't I read about her giving any freebies. Just saying.

08-30-14, 10:07
When does trying to rip off everyone that has ever trusted you constitute Retiring? Alexis was a nice provider and very sexy, but to act like she retired and left like a saint is ridiculous. There have been many fine providers retire from the Knoxville scene and go out with class but Alexis is not that provider.

I hear all the bs stories about how clients waited on her for hours and hours and I want to scream at you and say that ya'll are the problem with these girls. If we (and I mean you because I don't do it) didn't put up with their shit then they would learn very quickly that they couldn't make the money they want.

Quit putting up with any bullshit and remember the things you have heard your whole life 1. THE GOLDEN RULE. He who has the gold makes the rules 2. The customer is always right 3. A fool and his money are soon parted.

When I hear everyone (and I mean a lot of you) saying how special of a relationship yall have or had with Alexis it makes me wonder what the hell you are thinking. I like to live in the fantasy world too, but sometimes you have face the facts and remember if you didn't have the money they wouldn't be interested.I don't really want to comment on Alexis, rather I would just like to say amen to the process you laid out. As a somewhat newer person to this hobby, I myself have went through many learning curves and one for me is getting too close to the provider. These providers wouldn't want anything to do with us if it wasn't for the offerings. It has been very difficult at times for me to turn a cheek to one particular provider because you see her getting beat up by her boyfriend, kicked out of her apartment, have no place to go and money and really isn't deep in the business with many clients so I know she is down and out but I have to tell myself to still remain strong and not give in too much because my first reaction is to listen to the drama and feel sorry for her and then the next thing you know I'm hooked again. I just think your points are very valid and should be something everyone goes over from time to time to keep themselves focused on the reality of the hobby and to not get caught up in the drama. I'm sure this Alexis was a great girl and from the photos looked very hot but. For some reason she still hasn't made herself available to her regulars and no matter what anyone has done for her, it didn't appear to be enough as she has decided to go a different direction. It is a business for these girls and that is it. Business and personal never work no matter what scenario.

08-30-14, 13:11
When does trying to rip off everyone that has ever trusted you constitute Retiring? Alexis was a nice provider and very sexy, but to act like she retired and left like a saint is ridiculous. There have been many fine providers retire from the Knoxville scene and go out with class but Alexis is not that provider.

I hear all the bs stories about how clients waited on her for hours and hours and I want to scream at you and say that ya'll are the problem with these girls. If we (and I mean you because I don't do it) didn't put up with their shit then they would learn very quickly that they couldn't make the money they want.

Quit putting up with any bullshit and remember the things you have heard your whole life 1. THE GOLDEN RULE. He who has the gold makes the rules 2. The customer is always right 3. A fool and his money are soon parted.

When I hear everyone (and I mean a lot of you) saying how special of a relationship yall have or had with Alexis it makes me wonder what the hell you are thinking. I like to live in the fantasy world too, but sometimes you have face the facts and remember if you didn't have the money they wouldn't be interested.Spot on I agree 100%.

08-30-14, 18:44

Quit putting up with any bullshit and remember the things you have heard your whole life 1. THE GOLDEN RULE. He who has the gold makes the rules 2. The customer is always right 3. A fool and his money are soon parted.
...Yes, I understand the difference between the reality and the dream. I hope you pick up that I'm making fun of myself in my posts.

As far as putting up with bullshit, unfortunately that's all too often part of this hobby. It's whether it's all worth it that matters.

If there was something better, I'd be on it, but I've been with dozens in this area over the years and just haven't found a reliable, regular, consistent provider.

Perhaps when I make El Señor next month I'll have enough creed to graduate to these better providers you allude to. But for now, ugh!

08-30-14, 19:06
I don't really want to comment on Alexis, rather I would just like to say amen to the process you laid out. As a somewhat newer person to this hobby, I myself have went through many learning curves and one for me is getting too close to the provider. These providers wouldn't want anything to do with us if it wasn't for the offerings. It has been very difficult at times for me to turn a cheek to one particular provider because you see her getting beat up by her boyfriend, kicked out of her apartment, have no place to go and money and really isn't deep in the business with many clients so I know she is down and out but I have to tell myself to still remain strong and not give in too much because my first reaction is to listen to the drama and feel sorry for her and then the next thing you know I'm hooked again. I just think your points are very valid and should be something everyone goes over from time to time to keep themselves focused on the reality of the hobby and to not get caught up in the drama. I'm sure this Alexis was a great girl and from the photos looked very hot but. For some reason she still hasn't made herself available to her regulars and no matter what anyone has done for her, it didn't appear to be enough as she has decided to go a different direction. It is a business for these girls and that is it. Business and personal never work no matter what scenario.If you listen to all the things they say and feel sorry for them they'll use you. I've heard my kid has no food to my dad needs cigarettes, LOL. They end up wanting you to pay for everything.

08-31-14, 14:49
If a provider asks someone to get necessary protection, I don't think the provider should complain about the cost of the protection being taken out of the donation. Just the cost of doing business.

08-31-14, 14:54
If you listen to all the things they say and feel sorry for them they'll use you. I've heard my kid has no food to my dad needs cigarettes, LOL. They end up wanting you to pay for everything.Are you sure you're not describing marriage?

08-31-14, 15:15
If a provider asks someone to get necessary protection, I don't think the provider should complain about the cost of the protection being taken out of the donation. Just the cost of doing business.I would never ask. As far I am concerned not only is having it (in multiple sizes) my job. Part of my work bag, but also the removal of both the item and the packaging. Many of my more discreet clients couldn't even risk the torn corner being found in a bathroom waste basket.

Now, if you have some desire for black light sensitive pink and purple pokie dotted protection that whistles while you work. Well, that would be on you.

Member #4573
09-01-14, 22:03
If you listen to all the things they say and feel sorry for them they'll use you. I've heard my kid has no food to my dad needs cigarettes, LOL. They end up wanting you to pay for everything.Chuck,

You provide a succinct, accurate and truthful assessment. I wish that I had read it about a year ago. Oh well, live and learn and earn more money to replace the money foolishly given away.

09-02-14, 07:38
Is this the members looking or tips, trick, and bullshit?

I'm confused.

Pizza Man
09-02-14, 12:09
When does trying to rip off everyone that has ever trusted you constitute Retiring? Alexis was a nice provider and very sexy, but to act like she retired and left like a saint is ridiculous. There have been many fine providers retire from the Knoxville scene and go out with class but Alexis is not that provider.

I hear all the bs stories about how clients waited on her for hours and hours and I want to scream at you and say that ya'll are the problem with these girls. If we (and I mean you because I don't do it) didn't put up with their shit then they would learn very quickly that they couldn't make the money they want.

Quit putting up with any bullshit and remember the things you have heard your whole life 1. THE GOLDEN RULE. He who has the gold makes the rules 2. The customer is always right 3. A fool and his money are soon parted.

When I hear everyone (and I mean a lot of you) saying how special of a relationship yall have or had with Alexis it makes me wonder what the hell you are thinking. I like to live in the fantasy world too, but sometimes you have face the facts and remember if you didn't have the money they wouldn't be interested.I agree also. She was one of the first I saw a few years ago. I liked her looks but it got to be too much of a hassle to see her. Always late, frequently acted distracted. Aftervafew times I moved on and I am glad I did. Found providers who looked just as good and knew how to tell time. Might have been a case ofYMMV but I never had the same opinion of her that others did.